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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

A global agenda for change in sync with nature and its rhythms

The chaotic responses to the pandemic in many countries have alerted us to the limitations of our governments’ ability to solve problems.

Today our Ministry of Health announced a new vaccine pass system requiring boosters and extended its potential use to encompass other vaccines. Yet simultaneously, as each day goes by, official data is exposing just how ineffective and dangerous the mRNA vaccines are.

Nature news

Yesterday we wrote about constitutional reform in New Zealand under the title Exiting a Web of Deception. Many of you replied enthusiastically, but without much hope of actual change. You rightly pointed out that the diversity of NZ political opinions, and the fear initiated by pandemic misinformation, will undermine the level of national unity required to succeed in the constitutional arena.

When faced with an obstacle, our philosophy is to draw a bigger line. A few days ago I wrote about the Sovereign World of Plants as a global endeavour. Today we are beginning to elaborate this theme.

Our endeavours can become a global force in the true sense of the word. We recognise that the power of nature is the basis of our life—in reality nature rules the world and we are players on nature’s stage. Therefore we have a duty of care to protect nature, just as all indigenous cultures respect the natural world.

How does Nature rule?

The present crises of climate, health, conflict, pollution, and food security demand a rapid and comprehensive transformation in the world. Such comprehensive transformations from disorder to order are not rare in Nature. We hinted at these in a previous article Is Our Knowledge of Genetics Too Primitive to Edit Human DNA With Safety?.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics dictates that in any closed system disorder (or entropy) increases, but the thermodynamics of living systems work differently. New insight can be gained by discussing political transformations with reference to non-equilibrium thermodynamics which governs living systems as explained by Nobel Laureate Ilya Prigogine:

“We now know that far from equilibrium, new types of structures may originate spontaneously. In far-from-equilibrium conditions we may have transformation from disorder, from thermal chaos into order.”

These structures, known as ‘dissipative structures’, result from the flow of energy within the structure of the laws of nature. Through the self-interactions of natural law, living structures that reflect cosmic order, such as the DNA molecule, naturally emerge.

In a parallel way, it is possible that more successful orderly structures of governance can arise. This can happen when the field of human administration becomes more closely connected to its source in the balanced state of nature, just as the plant world is integrated with nature.

Administration should seek to imitate Nature

Our proposed administrative model aims to imitate nature by discovering the principles which govern evolution in nature and utilising them in the field of human governance. From the physics of supersymmetry we know that the laws of nature are based on the unified level of nature at the smallest time and distance scales, which is a field of silent dynamism.

The laws of nature silently and efficiently organise the evolving universe based on the physical principle of least action. Silence rules. All the laws of nature can be expressed in a mathematical form where an action quantity is constantly minimised. Nature always takes the most efficient path which minimises the action expended. Nature does less and accomplishes more.

Manipulation of nature leads to unintended consequences

Political powers have assumed that human decision-making can mandate manipulation of nature without consequences. This involves a kind of arrogance that borders on madness. It fails to acknowledge both the delicate balance in nature and the lessons of historical missteps.

Genetic engineering is an extreme and misguided example of this wild attitude. Both genetically manipulated crops and gene therapy experiments have been singular failures with unexpected adverse effects. Gone are the promises of golden rice. GM crops have led to greater pesticide use, not less as promised. Thirty years of gene therapy has not banished inherited disease, but rather caused unintended consequences.

Our endeavours recognise that invasive genetic biotechnology is a threat to the stability of the natural world that needs to be immediately paused. Genetic mistakes can never be recalled. The pandemic has illustrated just how much genetic experimentation threatens all of us.

We seek recognition for the sovereign character of nature

Our global initiative calls for less manipulation of the natural world. It wishes to protect the automatic mechanisms of evolution by refraining from invasive interference. It seeks to mirror the silent automatic governing role of the DNA in human physiology.

Unlike political institutions, the capacity of the plant kingdom to solve our problems cannot be corrupted by power. Yet in our modern life, we have lost the sense of respect, utility, and thanks that plants deserve. We have forgotten the healing properties of plants and many of their other uses. We have begun to view them as something to exploit.

This exploitation disrupts the thermodynamics of living systems—the source of our stability and evolution. The poisoning of land, insects, and microorganisms, the editing of genetic structures, and the pollution of the environment all fall under the third law of thermodynamics which leads to increased disorder—the opposite of evolution.

Starting in 2014, the longevity of the US population began to decline. The USA is that country which makes most use of genetic modification, which has the highest consumption per capita of pharmaceuticals, and whose agricultural system is most reliant upon chemicals. Chemicals that kill pests also damage our DNA. The writing is on the wall.

Respect for the natural world transcends national boundaries

Concern for the natural world is a common goal of all nations. Everyone’s health and food security is inextricably tied up with that of the plant kingdom. We need to eat every day. People of all nations should make it a priority to protect the integrity of the plant world. The Sovereign World of Plants promotes the well being of all nations, in return we must recognise the need for common action to safeguard the natural world, our source of life.

  • Outlawing experimentation on the genetics of plants and animals
  • Rediscovering and valuing non-polluting skills that utilise plants and trees
  • Reviving the traditional herbal healing methods known by multiple cultures
  • Organic agriculture, free of chemicals which exhaust the soil and kill bees
  • Teaching sustainable practices for gardening, horticulture, and agriculture
  • Managing climate change through planting and preservation
  • Improving food supply by increasing the use of plants in diets
  • International sharing and celebration of the wonders of plants
  • Outlawing patents on any plant genetic sequences

In these ways we should seek to maintain a stable relationship with plants, not just in a metaphorical sense but in actuality use our knowledge and influence to sustain their sovereignty and protect their evolutionary genetic structures which underpin our own health. Such an agenda can unite people everywhere in harmony rather than suspicion and fear.

National governments must acknowledge the sovereignty of nature

Throughout recent history, arrogant and uncaring treatment of nature has had serious outcomes. Biodiversity is rapidly decreasing, foreshadowing extinction events.

David Attenborough and many others have drawn upon their huge experience to warn of impending collapse. They have been largely ignored.

The priority assigned by each country to limited national interests has led to a form of global anarchy. Multinational mega corporations driven solely by profit are competing for control of the unregulated global space without regard to safety or survival. Most nations have ignored the dangers of these global exploitative enterprises, in favour of their narrow domestic obsessions.

Now is the moment when governments must recognise that each day marks a step closer to the precipice. Summoning the courage to change course is the measure of our integrity and humility, and the key to success. Very often this will just mean renouncing harmful actions, rather than interfering more.

The time has come. Measures can no longer be postponed. This will require a global educational effort.

Who can help protect the natural world?

This endeavour is open to people of all nations, religions, cultural values, and political opinions. It does not seek to usurp national sovereignty, but rather to nourish the basis of national sovereignty. If the integrity of the natural world collapses, so also will our political, economic, and social institutions collapse. If through folly or lack of knowledge the integrity of the natural world is threatened, it is the duty of everyone to correct that.

Whether one believes in God or reveres nature, whether one treasures cultural heritage or hopes for a bright future, it is our responsibility to ensure that nature is respected. Lovers of life everywhere can recognise the need of the time and raise their voices based on the science of the natural world. Some people will contribute from the deep silence of the heart, others will continue to be a shepherd of the land, but now is the time when we have to formally recognise that nature is sovereign and must be allowed to continue unimpeded.

The flow of natural law is the source and mainstay of the thermodynamics of living systems, our mainstay, and the mainstay of all that we hold dear.

There is no other way, this is the lesson of the moment and the lesson of the long history of evolution. The sovereignty of nature can unite us all, the alternatives are unthinkable.

I will be talking more about these ideas during my Voices For Freedom video chat next weekend.

Image Credit: BesartaVuqa, CC BY-SA 4.0

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). Website: HatchardReport.com.

Guy is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of DTNZ.

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  1. Fake Greens will never fight for real natural way of living, eating and remaining healthy. Weed is the only natural product they like. Full stop.

  2. I think what you are proposing is absolutely what we need Guy, but I’m not sure how to convince enough other people. Look forward to hearing your ideas on the video chat.


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