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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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An open letter to all current Members of Parliament

Letter to MPs
Photo © Mary Hobbs.

As a member of parliament you have a duty to represent all New Zealanders — the true sovereigns of this country. You, as a member of parliament, are answerable to each one of us. No one else. — MH

The “elections” are almost over, and as each day passes we see you in your cars, emblazoned with Party colours, hustling for votes —seemingly intent on going to “see” and “talk” to New Zealanders and to tell them what you plan to do “if you’re voted in”.

But remember when we came to see you?

It was in February and March of 2022, in Wellington. It was there that each one of you could have broken ranks, and stepped out to listen to us — but you did not.

We came from all walks of life. We stood together. Tradies, doctors, nurses, dentists, alternative media, writers, farmers, teachers, lawyers, office staff, sports stars, mothers, fathers, children, two or three past politicians, the poor, the wealthy, Maori, non-Maori, young, old, jabbed, un-jabbed, the injured post-jab, and the mandated. All united.

The support of most New Zealanders throughout the country was with those at Camp Freedom. That could easily be seen by the many thousands who flocked to cheer the convoys on — from the tip of the north to the bottom of the south — with many locals in Wellington, and others who flew in from all over the country in support, while thousands watched from home, and donated to help feed everyone. The convoys in each island were 70 km in length, and the blockbusting movie, River of Freedom — playing now in movie theatres to packed audiences throughout the country — also makes this clear. We gathered together in peace at this pivotal time in the history of our nation. We came to speak. We came to be heard, and we asked that you meet with us and listen.

But you did not.

Many arrived with an initial misunderstanding that those in parliament represented them in that building known as the Beehive – now more colloquially referred to as the “wasps-nest”. An apt description perhaps, given the false representation, and the brutal assaults and intimidation ordered on so many peaceful souls who, in good faith, wanted to tell you why they were protesting the unimaginably cruel mandates.

You should have met with the New Zealanders before you then, rather than trying to make up for lost time just a few weeks before the election. It was then that your presence would have counted. Instead, we glimpsed you cowering in that building – paid for by the taxpayer – with your paid-off sponsored media dancing in attendance. Instead, you joined together to form a “combined party approach” and agreed to attack peaceful New Zealanders, to whom many of you lied — and still do.  All sides of the House went along with the trampling of our Human Rights and the violation of the Nuremberg Code. Some of you spoke up against that in parliament, which was a good start, but you should have come out to listen and agreed that you were against the gross violation of our human rights.

You did not.

Instead, you acted in concert with all political parties in government at a pivotal time in our history when the country needed someone there to recognise the danger of such an arrangement, particularly when it threatened our inalienable rights — the very core of freedom and democracy. Surely this OIA exposure shows the enemy within? According to this, the government didn’t have evidence it was safe or prevented transmission. Further information revealed questions their intent.

You followed your Party policies instead of representing us, and so exposed New Zealanders to  having  an experimental gene-based therapy injection forced upon them that was not properly tested and of which the exact contents were never disclosed. You forced and coerced — either actively or passively — New Zealanders to take those shots against their will, or otherwise lose their homes and their ability to feed their families through loss of jobs and career. That injection wasn’t even a “vaccine”. That was lied about, too. Then, when Kiwis did take it – against their wishes – many died, or became mortally injured and unable to work. The injured were tortured further by a complicit parliament standing back while complicit doctors (frightened by threats of de-registration) denied it was anything at all to do with the experimental injection and told many Kiwis their symptoms “must be in their head”.

Letter to MPs
Photo © Mary Hobbs.

Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world…would do this, it would change the earth.” ― William Faulkner

Some of the injured are so ill they can barely function. Many lost their homes, their jobs, and could not make ends meet, but your government — with political parties working in tandem— wanted these deeply traumatised souls to prove to ACC that they had suffered a severe adverse event from this experimental gene-based poison that was, in many cases, forced upon them. You still do, despite clear evidence of the extent of injuries and death as a result of having it. You made it even more difficult by alleging injuries didn’t occur until two-weeks after an injection. That is patently ridiculous. It defies basic common sense. Now even a government website confirms this to be a lie.

Perhaps what effectively illustrates the divide between the current government and New Zealanders is this story from 2022:

Last Christmas, according to his FB post, Chris Hipkins was enjoying a beach holiday — albeit amongst forestry debris the government has helped create — somewhere in NZ, while Christopher Luxon according to his FB post, was settling down with his family at home – in matching shirts – to carry out their yearly tradition of watching Love Actually. On another side of Auckland there was a builder and his beloved young son who had just become homeless. The previously fit dad had lost his job, and then his home, because of a severe adverse reaction to the experimental gene-based therapy jab he was mandated to receive, but did not want. He felt forced to get it to pay for his mortgage and living costs. Last Christmas Eve he was battling to raise the money just to put a deposit on a small rental home, but hadn’t been able to manage it. Then the wonderful Lynda Wharton of the Health Forum stepped in, as she and her team have done on countless occasions, and sent out a desperate plea for help, to as many souls as possible. The money flooded in. The grateful builder was overcome by those in the embattled freedom movement who had instantly gathered around to help.

Nobody objects to Hipkins and Luxon having a pleasant Christmas — except for the tsunami of devastation they had caused to so many Kiwi families through the violation of Human Rights and the Nuremberg Code. To make matters worse,  last  week, in a Leaders Debate, Luxon said that if his Party won the election there would be no compensation for those who had taken the experimental injection and who had legitimate adverse reactions. None. Hipkins said there was “support for that through ACC” now. That is not the experience of most of those injured. It is inhumane and inexcusable. This is NOT New Zealand. By their actions, you will know them.

The government, with an “Opposition” working in tandem, used bribes and threats on New Zealanders. You divided them and encouraged them to ring your despicable “dob in a neighbour” campaign. You frightened people. The young, the old, the infirm. Fear was the contagion. Recipients of the “vaccine” were not required to be assessed by their doctor for this experimental drug. They could line up in a car park and get a jab, or have one after a free sausage, or have one or lose their job. How was anyone given  informed consent and this government, of which you were part of, knew the dangers. As a former NZRN, I find this unconscionable.

Working as one government, you needlessly kept families apart at some of the most heart-wrenching moments of their lives;  threatened stellar medical staff who dared to speak the truth, and removed their right to practice, took them to court, orchestrated “enquiries” upon them through your connections, and called in the sponsored media circus to insult and belittle them. You sponsored witch-hunts on alternative media who bravely spoke out and exposed the lies. And you threw your paid-off media at them like baying hounds.

Now, on 3 October 2023, Dr Emanuel Garcia has discovered, through an OIA request, that –while most in the medical profession were facing the loss of their livelihoods if they didn’t take an experimental gene-based jab –  apparently over 11,000 health workers (Health New Zealand) received an exemption during the period that all health workers were reportedly mandated. That information can be found here. That means it is possible that some doctors and health workers who were advising Kiwis to get the jab, or telling them they couldn’t see their loved ones in hospital unless they did, may themselves have possibly been unvaccinated. Bloomfield was declining exemptions for many, many others, even for those who had already suffered serious injury from the first jab. One would assume the prime minister, Hipkins and other members of your government, would have known of who was exempted. Did you? And early on, the prime minister announced that MPs were not forced to get the experimental jab. This is a developing story, as all Kiwis need to be honestly informed of exactly who were exempted from the mandates at that time.

When such gross violations of our human rights occur with mass parliamentary acquiescence, and when we have a prime minister announcing that she and her ilk are the “single source of truth”  alarm bells should have been making a deafening noise in parliament.

It is imperative that we loudly and publicly ask questions at times like this and it is your duty — as an MP — to be at the forefront of this, thumping desks and  demanding that our human rights be protected. You are there to represent all New Zealanders, and no one else. We do not get answers by not asking questions, or by following a sponsored main-stream media. ( Dr Martin asked questions, gives answers and backs it up with irrefutable references, as do our brave doctors at www.nzdsos.com, and the alternative media.

We all have a duty to know our history. Otherwise we are condemned to repeat it. Auschwitz survivor, Vera Sherav is well-placed to remind you of relevant history and how “public health” was also used in 1930s Germany. She compared it with the past three years. Listen to her speech. The comparisons are chillingly close.

Through action or acquiescence — the Nuremberg Code and our Bill of Rights have been callously violated.  This is the road to North Korean communism and/ or Nazi Germany. This, combined with censorship of free speech. (Dr Rand Paul nails why no government should ever have anything to do with inhibiting free speech here.)

This experimental jab was falsely alleged to be about “health”. Dr David Bell, former WHO scientist, explains it well in this series of three excellent interviews on RCR Radio with Paul Brennan, and the fearless Liz Gunn of Free NZ, also did an illuminating in-depth interview with the doctor here. Dr Bell assures us it is definitely not science that is being carried out in any of these decisions. Without the fully-informed consent of each individual, enforcement of any medicine is tyranny.

There are many eminently qualified physicians all over the globe who are bringing us the truth, along with some of our esteemed heroic doctors here in New Zealand, who have been making the facts clear since the beginning.. You were part of a parliament trying to cancel their voices.

It was a betrayal of the greatest proportions.

It still is.

Now, here we are, on the eve of another “election”, and you have still not told New Zealanders the truth. Not even now. You have not confessed that the jab doesn’t prevent “covid” spreading and that it is not safe and effective. Nor has parliament explained that the PCR test cannot diagnose anything ­– according to the inventor of it.

The rest of the world knows these facts. But here in “Hobbitsville” you have continued with the lies about what many esteemed doctors, including the eminently-well qualified Dr David Martin states is a biological weapon in a “vaccine”. He should know, for he has been employed by governments to adjudicate on biological weapons. (Listen to him on the link. He explains.) Robert Kennedy Junior has recently stated that none of the current vaccines for anything are safety-tested and big pharma has set it up so they cannot be liable for any injuries or harm.  He has not been sued for making that statement, so that seems an indicator of its accuracy. An Interview with Dr David Martin here goes some way to explaining the tangled web of big pharma and government. Would you trust big pharma after reading that?

When the WEF, the UN and WHO allege there are far too many humans in the world and we must substantially reduce the world population, doesn’t it make you wonder why they would bother trying to “vaccinate” anyone to save their lives? That would go for all “vaccines” would it not?

Letter to MPs.
Photo © Mary Hobbs.

If your Party is making the wrong call, it is your duty, as a member of parliament, to make the right call, for ultimately your job is to represent all New Zealanders and that is the most important duty of all isn’t it?  That duty is above your duty to the Party and their unelected figureheads and unelected global cabal influencers. If you’re not representing every soul in this country, then who is it you are serving and why are you there? — MH

So, each one of you should have gone to meet the people and spoken out against the mandates and the coercion, for it was a vicious attack on human rights and democracy.

Again, there were several MPs, like Simon O’Connor, who spoke out against human rights being trampled upon, but each one of you should have done that, and more. If your Party is making the wrong call, it is your individual duty to make the right call, for ultimately your job is to represent all New Zealanders and that is the most important duty of all isn’t it?  It is surely senior to the Party? If you’re not representing every soul in this country, then who is it you are serving and why are you there?

Those of you in parliament who gave the orders, and those of you in parliament who remained silent – should not be permitted to “represent” the people again. Too many lives have been shattered and destroyed. Liz Gunn and FreeNZ did many interviews highlighting this. RCR Radio also did this, as did Counterspin and other alternative media. (Each are different and have their own style. None are government sponsored). And no one in government is demonstrably caring for these terribly injured New Zealanders that were interviewed, or others at https://thehealthforumnz.co.nz/.

That is inhumane.

It is a tragedy that you seem to be so out of touch that you cannot see your abysmal ratings in the polls are a direct reflection of what the voting public think of the members of parliament of the past three years.

There are other issues which all of you either actively pushed through, or were silent upon. Issues that we all have a moral and spiritual duty to speak out about. One of them is the abuse of our children through what is loosely called “sex” education in schools. Graphic, pornographic picture books have become freely available and are promoted in schools, which has meant that many, many New Zealanders regard those in parliament who have not spoken against this with the greatest disdain. Indoctrination on this, and subjects related to it, is rife and has no place in a school. That is the act of robbing young children of their innocence and confusing them. Your duty was to stand up and stop this.

You have made truancy an act of self-defence.

Then there is the legislation that the government now permits “abortion up to nine months”. You cannot deliver a full-term baby, kill it after birth, and call it abortion. That is murder. Check your definitions. Although many of you voted for it, many of you voted against it. Thank you for voting against it as described in the legislation.  Luxon’s position is apparently that of “pro-life” but he was reported as stating he would rather resign than change the abortion law. Not even limit the time to terminate the pregnancy before 12 weeks? Keep it the same —at nine months — yet be “pro-life”? That is confusing.

There were other matters that plummeted the trust of the voting public.  Vital matters that the security of our country depended upon. For example: The closing of Marsden Point — a crucial infrastructure paid for by the New Zealand public who still consider it vital for our independence. You had no right to close, and then sabotage it, by pouring concrete into the pipes. New Zealand now relies on dirty fuel from Indonesia that comes in by boat, while sitting on some of the richest, cleanest fuel reserves in the world.

The global climate-change clamour that you all seem to support — is that due to the directives of your “global masters”? Yes, the climate is changing. It has done for eons. There are many books, including that of pioneering mountaineers, who record the receding glaciers in the South Island between the 1800s and early 1900s. There were no Al Gore “climate change experts” around then. And a thousand years ago Greenland was farmed — it had green grass rather than glaciers and snow. It’s always changing. Look at the history.

There is no argument with the fact the climate changes. It is natural. But the dire prediction that the sky is falling because of “climate change” is a lie and has had extremely negative effects on many, especially our treasured farmers – who provide us with food.

Our farmers have been hit hard from all angles, with needless excessive red-tape and bureaucracy in order to reach the made-up, destructive target of zero carbon. Cow farts and methane also came under the gun. If you just included the carbon credits of our native forests and all trees that farmers have planted (rather than just some of them) then our country would be close to your unreachable targets, but it is a falsely constructed “problem” isn’t it? No farmers, no food = more bumbling suppressive government control and over-reach. It’s become such a burden it is obstructing our farmers from farming. It’s enough to make a grown man weep.

You should be honest and speak up about it. (One brave national MP, Maureen Pugh, did and was taken to task by the “Party”.) She was given “reading matter” to study. Well, here’s some astute listening for you all.

“Climate change” seems like the re-definition of two words in the English language that is skewed to mean something else. It then appears to be used to seek “solutions that inevitably lead to an already scripted “accepted solution” of additional government control, suppression, monitoring, increased taxes, scarcity of food, and more tyranny.

No part of that is representing New Zealanders.

No part of that is “to save the planet.” Our farms are being gobbled up by global polluters seeking carbon credits who replace our fertile farms with swathes of pine trees, while they continue to pollute. Population control, increased immigration for false reasons, and increased debt — all in the name of “climate change” — makes individuals more reliant on unelected, dictatorial despots who seek even further total control through local councils and government who also seem to have been hijacked by a government agency ordering them about and trying to slam through agendas ratepayers haven’t asked for and don’t want. Councils are also there to represent the people, not Local Government New Zealand. (LGNZ), who appear to be using our property as collateral for loans without our consent. Information on the Local Government Funding Agency here.

Any of you who consider net zero as a desirable or attainable goal, should really look for work elsewhere, because it suggests you cannot see it for the giant scam and Trojan Horse that it is. It is intended to be used as a lever to enable big government, working in concert with big corporations, to increase control of the minutiae of our lives and lock those you purport to represent into 15-minute cities and 24/7 monitoring. Those who go along with that narrative appear more in lockstep with the globalists ­ – that fly everywhere in private jets – and you seem answerable to them, not us.

In a democracy, that would stack up as a betrayal of trust wouldn’t it?. There are excellent interviews on this topic with real experts that make sense. If you have been canvassing for votes and giving the idea that you represent the people, then it is surely vital to listen to all sides of an issue, not just one isn’t it? Remember, there will only be a few at the top of the pile if the despots get their way. The rest are apparently referred to as useful idiots, meaning those who help them to control each one of us. Currently, that’s every member of parliament.

Genetic Modification is another issue of serious concern that none of you seemed to oppose. Why not? New Zealanders have had a hard-won moratorium on genetic modification and genetic engineering since the early 2000s — and for good reason. They fought long and hard to obtain that. There were protests for it, and even an expensive  Royal Commission, yet now National has unilaterally decided that this will be lifted, with no consultation, and no noticeable objection from the Greens, Labour, or the Maori Party. Barely a murmur. Why is that? That contravenes the wishes of those you purport to represent.

Has no one told you that organic produce is the most sought after produce in the world? That is what commands the greatest returns, and keeps our country more self-sufficient and holistic. GM seed unleashed on our country will become a nightmare. Ask the Indian farmers what happened after they accepted Monsanto’s poisoned chalice. Ask about the havoc it caused in the USA. Europeans don’t consume any GM crops and almost all of Asia is GM-free. So why would they want NZ GM crops, or meat of animals that have eaten GM feed?

MP letter 2023.
Photo © Mary Hobbs.

No-one has the right to interfere with the perfect blueprint of nature. That is the domain of God. It is sacrosanct. — MH

When will you learn that humans should never interfere with Nature’s perfect blueprint? Their spread also contaminates other crops. It is a Pandora’s Box. Vladimir Putin knows. He advocates for organic food and has banned GM.  He is saving his country from this attack on nature. Former Genetic Engineering Scientist, Elvira Dommissee discusses the gravity of this situation with Reality Check Radio’s (RCR) Paul Brennan. RCR’s Maree Buschke also interviewed Australian expert Jodie Brunning about this alarming proposal. Again, not a peep from any of you in parliament. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the plans of your “global masters” could it?

Please note that the  globalists are not only planning to genetically alter plants and animals but also you and your body. A light-hearted look on the greatest threat to humanity is provided here by satirist,  J.P. Sears which includes clips of Schwab and his side-kick, Harari, informing the world of their intentions. Are you comfortable with these unelected despots hacking into humans and removing/shutting down access to the soul/spirit, along with your freewill and individuality?  It sounds like science fiction doesn’t it? Well, here is a direct clip to Harari stating this – and more.

It is vital that you make your decisions by what you spiritually know to be right; what your heart tells you, and what you personally know to be true. The time is now, before anyone with their Frankenstein products attempts to take that ability from you.  As a member of parliament your most senior duty is to represent all New Zealanders.

When will you start doing this?

In addition to the concern about politicians not listening to those they are there to represent and ignoring the will of New Zealanders, another issue most Kiwis are very unhappy about, that proves you are not listening, is the Therapeutic Goods Act which is legislation that plans to have a government official dictate what supplements we are permitted to have and to ban most that many rely upon for their general good health. There is more on this in an article by Dr Guy Hatchard here and an Open Letter to MPs on it here. This is not the business of government.  Many thousands of Kiwis objected to this and asked to be heard.

As with most objections these days, they were ignored. That is not democracy. We cannot have members of parliament riding rough-shod over the basic rights of every New Zealander. We can and will decide which supplements we may choose to take. And we cannot have members of parliament who falsely allege they represent New Zealanders while ignoring their letters, calls, petitions and wishes. That is corrupt. It is a betrayal of trust.

Open letter to MPs.
Photo © Mary Hobbs.

If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny. — Often attributed to President Jefferson

The Great Reset – that Grant Robertson vehemently denied on Magic Talk with Peter Williams in February 2021 – yet seems to have been faithfully followed by all of you in parliament, without even a whisper from the Opposition, except maybe for one or two speaking of the danger of violating human rights. But it isn’t enough. We need you, from ALL parties, howling in protest and ordering a stop to any infringements on our human rights. Again, you are in your position to represent New Zealanders, not a collection of unelected global despots.

The way to the “reset” also seemed to include a systematic destruction of small and medium businesses, (along with our star-producing farmers and the tourism industry) while draining any reserves of the country through reckless, irresponsible spending and suppressing business confidence. As an example, it was reported by a major representative of the tourism industry in 2023, that there were 780 expired concessions on Department of Conservation land. How can anyone in the tourism industry have confidence based on that degree of uncertainty?

You splashed the cash out to multi-millionaires but seemed to take a long time to decide to even just waive government fees for adventure operators in national parks over the period of lockdown. One surmises you had to destroy working installations in order to “build back better”? Wasn’t that the phrase you used? Most would want to question why you were intent on the destruction of top performing industries of the country in the first place.

When flooding struck the Hawke’s Bay, instead of helping, the main leaders of the respective parties travelled to the devastated area in their flash-just-out-of-the-packet- high-vis vests to make speeches and offer platitudes, but the people saw most help came from each other and from compassionate Kiwis who moved in to help in all ways they could. Even supplies sent in by Kiwis from all over the country were jammed by officialdom. Nor do forestry corporations seem to be called to account for a huge build-up of slash that blocked the water beneath bridges, thus exacerbating the problem. It was a travesty. And only the alternative media like Counterspin, Voices for Freedom, Reality Check Radio, Liz Gunn, the Daily Telegraph, other alternative smaller political parties, and other independent writers and reporters lifted the lid on the situation on the ground. However, Chris Penk of National did state he was outraged when he discovered that $9 million of government-funding may be returned to the government as, at a time of so much need in the area,  applications for it had “closed”. Possibly when HB Kiwis were still trying to dig themselves out of the sludge.

Instead of assisting people to rebuild their homes and their lives, the words “a managed retreat” was bandied about. You are aware of course that this is a World Economic Forum phrase as well, and that the head of that organisation, Schwab, recommended just that for the Hawke’s Bay? It’s none of his business.

There have been many other ways of seeking to divide our country, including Introducing “co-governance” against the wishes of most and attempting to artificially create a racially divided society; a two-tier system through health, justice, and almost every area of government and council one could dream up.  The Reset also seems to involve favouring one culture over another, and creating division among New Zealanders at every turn when we are all New Zealanders we are all native, and we are all sovereign, regardless of when we arrived.

Stealing water infrastructure from ratepayers that has been purchased and maintained by them through their rates for many generations gives further concern. Three Waters is theft. You realize that if you remain silent, you will be the effect of this, too?

Also, to attempt to enforce chlorine on all city water supplies by cranking up the requirements for “water safety” to impossible levels is despicable, along with alleging a mandatory enforcement of mass medication of a toxic poison, fluoride, which is known to lower the IQ, especially in babies, who have no teeth. One size does not fit all. It defies logic and basic common sense. Why would you put the waste products of the fertiliser industry into the water supply and allege it is “safe”?  Why would you put it into our water when employees must wear hazmat suits to pour it in and it is so toxic it is not able to be disposed of into the air, sea, lakes or rivers?

There is also the intention to flood the country with immigrants, out of proportion to our population and affordability for the souls who are already here – essentially moving individuals from one Pacific Island to another. Does that make any kind of sense to you? Why are you not shouting out about this? Although this reference here is headlined about “easy vote cards”,  the Prime Minister mentions it in this speech. He also slips into the conversation that, contrary to previous electoral advice, one doesn’t have to register to vote and nor does one have to provide an ID. Surely this hasn’t been the case until now? Would that not make our voting system open to fraud or corruption, allowing anyone from anywhere to vote? How can you check validity with such a setup? You should be raising this.

It seems clear that we need a system that puts checks and balances on the representatives of our country, as suggested here with Liz Gunn and Logan Evans of New Zealand Loyal, and Christopher Wingate and his concept of Leadership Accountability Law.

Falsely creating food shortages. You have all been creating food shortages in a country that can easily provide for all who live here. This has been done by approving the selling of our farmland to off-shore buyers and planting of hundreds of thousands of hectares of forestry upon some of our most fertile farmland. Polluting off-shore corporations then claim the “carbon credits” and continue to pollute, while destroying wonderful little rural communities in the process as there are no longer farmers and their families on the land that has since been gobbled up by the off-shore buyers. Excessive red-tape and bureaucracy in small and medium businesses, and for all aspects of farming, grinds production to a halt and makes it making it increasingly difficult to operate.

Increasing taxes that now amount to around 50% of what New Zealanders earn is also unhelpful. Please, just stop the excessive spending here, and on pouring money into the coffers of global officials, unelected by the taxpayer.

Then there is the media that you have lassoed through sponsorship. Tragically they have been reduced to little more than your mouthpiece. And those who call out the government lies tend to come under the scrutiny of the appropriately named Disinformation Project — a government-run department that seems to be employed to discredit those telling the truth.

Apparently there are also plans to censor free speech. That is, speech the government does not want to hear. All MPs for democracy should be thumping their desks and shouting from the rooftops about this. It is the silence that seems deafening. You see then why many thousands of New Zealander’s seek a common-sense view with real people, as can be found here.  And this is a good example of an Eu politician who speaks up clearly for the protection of our human rights.

Where does the censorship of free speech belong in a democracy?

What are you doing in parliament if you’re not protecting our freedoms and demanding that such threats to free speech do not belong in our country? Surely freedom of speech is one of the key cornerstones in a democracy? If you are not building up and protecting democracy, again, what is it that you are doing and why are you there?

There are many more ways this country is being destroyed on your watch. It is a betrayal of trust. If you are not speaking for Human Rights for all, and for democracy and freedom, and if you are silent in the face of tyranny, then you shall be called to account in lawful ways.  If not in this life, then in the next.

It is crystal clear now. Who is for good and who is for evil. Going forward, what side are you going to choose? Whichever side it is, know this: there is no longer any way to disguise who you really are. Your words and your actions will determine this, for better or worse.

Soul to soul this can be seen and is being revealed. Those of you who advocate poisoning the water with toxic chemicals from fertiliser and aluminium companies, while calling it a remedy for tooth decay; those who don’t allow free thought and speech; those who advocate toxic poison-laden injections that have not ever had a bona-fide trial, and putting those jabs into the arms of babies and pregnant women and a population; those who remain silent and yet sign laws into being that they disagree with; those who threaten sovereign individuals with fear and lies — they will all stand before us and we will all see who and what they represent.

You stand before us now telling us what you will do if you and your Party get into power. We don’t want to hear that.

We want to tell YOU what to do, as you represent US. We want you to listen. We’ve heard enough of your talk and your actions and inactions that have shown us that you answer to other masters.

Unless you speak on behalf of all New Zealanders, unless you front up and tell New Zealanders the truth, and unless you answer our questions properly, and unless you genuinely stand to represent all New Zealanders equally, you do not qualify to be in parliament.

Those who would qualify seem to be from the alternative parties. They are worth researching. Some of the most serious issues that threaten our country are fearlessly addressed by New Zealand Loyal, with clear policies that deal with the core of New Zealand’s current issues. Chief among these policies is removing our country from unholy alliances with unelected global corporations and organisations that seek to rule the world. (New Zealand First is moving towards this, too.) Also the 1% tax, and no other tax, along with a workable plan of how that would cover core public services gives great hope. New Zealanders would be able to keep more of their hard-earned money, and free themselves from excessive rates and taxes. The shocking criminal spending that has been going on, would stop. Instead there would be a smaller, accountable government, and councils, directly answerable to New Zealanders. A policy addressing the justice system, that also enables New Zealanders to rein in rogue MPs not representing them, is also promising. Their health policy seems to remove the corruption and is far more aligned with genuine health. The jab-injured, and those bereaved, would be compensated. (Most alternative parties indicated they will do this, too.) Property Rights is also addressed with a common-sense resolution. The government stranglehold on councils would stop. These are the types of policies that many, many New Zealanders care about and want. And if that Party doesn’t quite make it past the high threshold that has been set by those Parties in power who don’t want competition, then it may open the way for another smaller, alternative, Party that does get in, to work with them to help implement such great policies.

MPs open letter
Photo © Mary Hobbs.

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end they always fail — think of it, ALWAYS’. — Mahatma Gandhi

As Gandhi said, tyrants never win. They look like they may, but they do not. With New Zealanders speaking up, mounting a chorus together, and stating peacefully that no, we do not consent to totalitarian rule, and we will turn away from any government that doesn’t genuinely represent us, then New Zealanders will peacefully triumph over those systematically trying to destroy our country and who have been doing so for far too long.

What began with those convoys throughout the country to Wellington, and what endured over those weeks of protest, was the wonderful camaraderie and spirit of New Zealanders who came from all walks of life and stood together to say that we do not consent to your fraudulent agreements with off-shore cabals and your paper-thin pretence of “representing New Zealanders”. We see clearly through the façade of international corporates doing deals with big government. We have no use for that. It is we, every New Zealander in this country, who are sovereign. No one else.

We will heal the divisions your Parties have tried to cause.

Yes, “police” came in with their batons and shields attacking those they promised to protect, under despotic orders from those who were meant to represent us, but did not. Yes, imposters were brought in to cause trouble and throw blame on the peaceful protestors. Yet it seems now that this was part of the rebirthing of our Nation —for inseparable bonds of the human spirit were formed between all who were there, all who visited and all who cheered our Nation on throughout the country. it is us who build bridges and join together, helping each other heal from the trauma of the last few years. We are many. The Jabbed, unjabbed, injured, uninjured, different cultures, religions and beliefs. The rich and poor, and from all parts of the country.

We stand together. And that grows ever stronger.

Without MPs, or the sponsored press, the divisions fell away and we rejoiced in the beauty of each and every beautiful soul there. Ever since, unbreakable bonds and networks have extended throughout the country. This is what happens with the innate nature and goodness of the human spirit. Truth prevails.

Those bonds are unbreakable.  And we share the dream of living together in genuine peace, harmony, love, and compassion — where we hold human rights and the spiritual essence of life and nature sacrosanct, and where we have turned peacefully away from despotic governments that seek to destroy. There is no oxygen for them in our environment and their seeds of division will fall on barren land.

There is a brighter dawn that is rapidly gaining momentum. It beats in the hearts of every New Zealander who has gathered around the injured and the bereaved and helped protect, support, care and speak for them. It is alive in the hearts of New Zealanders who seek to protect our farmers and who know, without them, there is no food. It is in the hearts of those who dare to bring the truth, it is in the dreams of a world where we walk together, revering nature and its blueprint and holding it sacred. It beats in the hearts of all who speak for freedom, compassion and the basic human rights of every individual, regardless of culture, colour, country, or religion. It is in the soul of every human being — for that is eternal.

Every day there are many, many, more are awakening, and the truth is being revealed.

We have lost much, but we have not lost each other. The true spirit of beautiful Kiwis has illustrated over the past years just how effortless it is to live together in harmony. Love is the way forward.

And it is that light, and that gift, that shines on.

We stand together. May each of you stand up and join us, too.

All photos © Mary Hobbs.

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  1. Bravo Mary, Bravo!
    I stand and applaude you.
    Thank you so much for your words of truth, compassion, honesty and infinite wisdom. This would be your best article ever.
    Do you think any of our politicians will bother reading this, nah probably not because most of them are not truthful or honest or compassionate. They are only there for their big, fat, taxpayer funded pay cheques and perks.
    Thankyou to Daily Telegraph for publishing Mary’s amazing articles.

    • Thank you so much Sandy! So appreciated.
      Feel free to post the link to the article on their FB pages. They are being sent the article by email so will not be able to say they did not know. nzdsos has sent them many open letters as well. Perhaps they may be curious enough to take a look.
      Thank you again Sandy.

    • I applaud this article too, for I am in awe how kindly this article addresses the crimes committed by the mafia at the wasp nest.
      Mary, I cannot be so kind anymore.
      I cannot keep to etiquette of discourse anymore and have only huge anger in me when I look at what these parliamentarian shysters did to my country, to my people.
      ALL OF THEM!!!!
      I even surprise myself, how much I despise THEIR feisty arrogance, driveling vainness,, unbearable dribbling dutifulness and frothing with lies how they would serve us, while THEY are just unemployable parasitic psychopaths seeking importance. If one of those f***s would dare to kiss my baby for a election photo I would go ballistic.
      And therefore, even before the polls are closed, I can clearly say, that ANY government will NOT BE MY government, for ALL current members of current parliament have forsaken their eligibility to represent US, WE THE PEOPLE!
      F U nz government!, leave US people alone!

  2. Well said Mary. A greater display of cowardice by our supposed representatives would be hard to find. You gutless politicians of all colours chose to ignore the very people you now beg for support. So that you can ignore us for another three years? You know you did wrong and you are trying to bury the truth alongside your partners in crime. The corrupt mainstream media. Even carrot top had the audacity to state that we had choice!!! You hid the fact that 11,000 health workers were were exempted having a greater understanding of the risks from this experimental spike protein. No such mercy was extended to the general public that you are now seeking favour from.

    • Thank you Rob. Much appreciated. Yes, their actions are now out there for all to see the high degree of betrayal.
      It is now time for genuine Kiwis to represent US and protect our unalienable rights.

  3. Mary, this is brilliant and thank you so much for calling out all the BS that has been going on in this country for too long. We the people have got to start holding people who supposedly represent us (that is a joke currently) in the government accountable as they would to be there without us not to mention all the tax payer money that pays their salaries, infrastructure etc. I could go on and on but will leave it here. Let’s hope that politicians read this article and wake up!

    • Thank you Anon. Very much appreciated.
      You’re right. We must hold those ,purporting to represent us, fully accountable.
      Feel free to post a link to the article on their FB pages.
      Thanks again Anon.

  4. Awesome letter and well said. 100 % agree. It’s time we had a change and put people in that will listen to the people, after all we pay there salaries

  5. We the people can stop these people in their tracks cut off their money supply don’t pay your taxes it will bring these thieves to their knees .Always. safety in numbers.

    • Thank you Anon. Yes, the key is to peacefully join together and let them know we do not consent and there needs to be full accountability. Representation of all New Zealanders at all times, in the true sense of the definition.

  6. So appreciated Sandy. Thank you!
    I hope they do read it and take heed, for there are now a large percentage of Kiwis who have had enough of their fraudulently assumed assumption they can dictate in the way they have been doing. They need to stand up and defend and protect our unalienable rights… Thanks again Sandy. M

  7. Wouldn’t it be amazing IF all the politicians read all of this article and IF they actually stopped looking out for their own interests and instead actually ran this country properly for ALL of its people !
    I am too old to believe in fairy tales now, but I do still continue to dream of a fairer honest system of government….

  8. Very well articulated. Judging by the comments there are many in concert including myself with what you have managed to express so succinctly and clearly. My vote is with NZ loyal.

  9. Thank you Tony. Much appreciated.
    Yes, many Kiwis are well aware of what is going on and are now pulling together to rid NZ of the evil.
    NZL have amazing policies that would really help NZ back on its feet, that is certain.

  10. Hello Mary
    Your heart felt writing brings to mind shared and halcyon memories of the Southern alps and the NZ I used to know. Thank you so much for scaling even greater heights on behalf of us all. May your words resonate throughout the beehive as well as from coast to coast.

    May our mountains ever be
    Freedom’s ramparts on the sea,
    Make us faithful unto Thee,
    God defend our free land.

    • Thanks so much Nick! (Now I’m wondering which Nick in particular! Feel free to message.) My pleasure Nick.
      Yes, I find it so hard to believe the gaslighting of the injured and bereaved that pretty much all 120 MPs are showing. It is inhumane, as are all policies they are advocating that are attempting to destroy our nation.

  11. God save New Zealand. 😏
    New Zealanders – let’s save our Country. I’m not sure we have ever owned it as a whole people but I’m keen to be part of the Kiwis that want to make it so.

  12. Wow I think you covered everything that is wrong with this country. Thank you as such a good reminder of what we have been through and are still going through.,

  13. Thanks Mary Hobbs for covering everything many of us are thinking. Lets hope the polls show it when this facade is over.

    Chris Luxon is a disgrace ignoring the vaccine injured, perhaps the fact his father worked for Johnson & Johnson may be one reason. How much control does Big Pharma have over NZ? All MP’s in the Beehive have committed treason to us, the people.

    A brilliant, emotional article!

    Thank goodness we have this website too to be able to read, write and seek truth in this country.

    • I remember Chris Luxon getting asked a simple question about the ‘vaccines’ once at a Town Hall meeting and he promptly turned his back on the inquirer (a woman with concerns) and just walked off the stage without another word to a stunned and flabbergasted audience. Thats the sort of arrogance is a total betrayal of all things Political that he is representing the people. I would not cast one single vote for any of the current 120 member of Parliament they have all betrayed the people. New Zealand – your moment in time has arrived this Saturday the 14th of October 2023 you can remove this river of filth from the NZ Parliamentary houses forever when you all vote NZ Loyal and NZ First.

      • Thanks BS for your comments.
        That treatment of that Kiwi asking a vital question is unconscionable. Despicable.
        Yes, NZ has this slim opportunity to vote for pulling our country from the abyss, and it doesn’t involve voting for any current MPS, due to their betrayal. Thank you BS Aware.

    • Thanks RoK. Yes, I hope the polls reflect the level of disdain most have for the current 120.
      Totally agree, they are all a disgrace for the whay they have gaslighted so many thousands of terribly injured Kiwis, and also the bereaved. Betrayal of trust is exactly what you say. Thank you again.

  14. Excellent summary of the deceitful 120 members of parliament seeking re election who do not deserve to b re elected. However might I suggest you research your references to the Nurnberg trials whivh were a hypocrital farce and the German Reich (aka Nazis) who were love by the German people not hated as you suggest. We were lied to about WW1 and WW2 as we have been lied to now…

  15. Thanks Dennis for your comments.
    I should have been more specific re. the Nuremberg Trials and clarified it is what they stood for, as understood by most, at the time— that and the honouring of the Nuremberg Code, which simply cannot be argued with, for no-one anywhere should ever be forced to take any medication against their wishes and without being fully informed.


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