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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Breaking News: New Zealand Government Report admits you may die or fall ill after Pfizer mRNA vaccination, but advises people not to worry

Medsafe news

Time series analysis of NZ data supports a relationship between mRNA vaccination and death that is consistent with a German autopsy study.

On 14th December 2022 Medsafe (NZ Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority) released its 46th report into the safety of Covid vaccines entitled “Adverse events following immunisation with COVID-19 vaccines”. The report covered safety signals up to 30th November 2022.

This report contained new advice about the risk of death following mRNA vaccination. Medsafe’s assessment began as follows:

By chance, some people will experience new illnesses or die from a pre-existing condition shortly after vaccination, especially if they are elderly. Therefore, part of our review process includes comparing natural death rates to observed death rates following vaccination, to determine if there are any specific trends or patterns that might indicate a vaccine safety concern.”

The report comes after months of speculation concerning record levels of excess all cause mortality in New Zealand affecting all ages, currently running at 15% above historical levels. 

After dropping the bombshell news, Medsafe goes through an entirely bogus and unscientific process designed to reassure the public that there is nothing to worry about. Medsafe compares the number of deaths reported to CARM (Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring) within 21 days of vaccination to the background rate of deaths from natural causes. In doing so, it omits to mention (but does so elsewhere) that CARM reports are voluntary and massively underreported by an estimated factor of 20 times. As a result there is nothing at all reassuring about this safety report.

Are there other reasons to be concerned? Yes, many: 

1. Medsafe reports “There have been no deaths reported for the Vaxzevria or Nuvaxovid vaccines.” So why are they happening after the Pfizer vaccine?

2. Autopsies are not routinely performed in New Zealand following deaths proximate to vaccination. A recently published German study Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination reports 16% of deaths within 20 days of mRNA vaccination exhibit definitive causal symptoms of acute myocarditis, a known adverse effect of Pfizer Covid vaccination. So why is there no concerted effort here in NZ to investigate by routinely performing autopsies?

3. The Ministry of Health has consistently refused/omitted to record vaccine status on death certificates or make CARM reporting mandatory. This makes it very difficult to scientifically and reliably investigate any causal relationship between mRNA vaccination and death or serious illness. On the 17th December 2021 the director of the Covid immunisation programme wrote to me on behalf of Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, Director General of Health, saying “An accurate measurement of all adverse events is not required”. 

In the light of today’s Medsafe admission, that’s damning. Incredibly Dr. Bloomfield has just been appointed the inaugural chair of a new public policy impact institute at the University of Auckland, proposing to translate and apply research into policies that directly impact communities—but he doesn’t subscribe to accuracy??? Most people do, especially academics.

4. Medsafe argues that temporal correlation between deaths and vaccination does not prove a causal relationship between them. They, along with epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker, suggest that Covid infection or pre-existing health conditions are more likely to be causally connected to deaths following vaccination. There are in fact other relevant analyses which can determine whether there is a relationship between mRNA vaccination and proximate deaths. Among these, powerful techniques of time series analysis can discover whether deaths are consistently occurring during specific intervals of time after vaccination. This would provide strong support for a causal relationship.

Among the world’s nations, New Zealand is in a unique position to undertake this sort of analysis. In 2021 NZ had very few Covid infections (almost none) but the majority of the population were vaccinated over a period of eight months. Therefore deaths recorded during much of 2021 in New Zealand cannot be ascribed to any effect of Covid infection.

Preliminary data from 2021 has been analysed to investigate the proposition that mRNA vaccination resulted in deaths. This shows there is a significant (p=0.045) relationship between number of vaccines administered by week and weekly deaths at a lag of one week. In other words, there is a statistically significant increased chance of dying within a few days of vaccination. Download the study here. Despite the preliminary nature of the data in this study, the findings of this study are consistent with the findings of German autopsies. Therefore there should be more rigorous study of stored data to further test these findings

There are other simple methods to analyse death data. For example taking the date of inoculation for each individual as a notional point in time around which all death data can be assessed for entire cohorts of individuals. This would reveal whether death rates before and after inoculation differ. 

5. The time series analysis does not preclude the possibility that other deaths at longer time intervals after an inoculation date may be occurring as a result of mRNA vaccination. Unprecedented rates of all cause mortality suggest this is likely to be the case. Unfortunately the New Zealand Ministry of Health is not releasing data on causes of hospitalisation by category of illness. There is evidence we have previously reported based on US defence personal data and insurance statistics, and on UK ONS data, indicating that incidence of neurological disorders, cancers, cardiac events, and strokes have increased.

Medsafe’s position on vaccine safety has clearly shifted during the two months since it last published a safety report, but has it realised the importance of more reliable causal assessments? Apparently not. The NZ public is being kept in the dark about vaccine safety as it has been for the last two years. Bland assurances of safety continue without foundation in fact.

Can mRNA vaccination be a trigger event for death if you are already sick or elderly? 

The wording of the December 14th Medsafe warning is strange and ambiguous: “..some people will experience new illnesses or die from a pre-existing condition shortly after vaccination, especially if they are elderly”. So are the elderly especially liable to die after vaccination because of vaccination or because they are elderly? We aren’t told.

Aside from the obviously elevated rates of excess all cause deaths, anecdotal reports from rest home staff suggest this is the case. Emergency vehicles and helicopters are answering more frequent calls. Hospitals are overwhelmed and unable to cope. Whistleblowers among nurses are talking about overflowing cardiac wards. A top UK cardiologist has suggested that the evidence of harm is overwhelming and irrefutable. Funeral home workers in NZ and overseas have spoken publicly about strange rubbery clots in arteries which have been confirmed by experienced pathologists in the USA. Statistically improbable increases in life insurance claims data have been noted. Sudden unexplained deaths have a high profile in the media. The message is consistent—something unprecedented and very concerning is going on. 

Despite having multiple sources of data and methods of analysis available to it, Medsafe has relied for two years on a single obviously flawed method of comparing CARM data to background rates, despite admitting CARM data is underreported. How strange is that? This deficiency is fatal to Medsafe’s claims of safety. It is scientifically unjustifiable and it wouldn’t meet publication criteria. There is no possible justification for omitting to use more reliable forms of causal investigation. Medsafe has avoided public accountability by refusing to debate the issues publicly, omitting publication of key health data, massaging published data, and unforgivably accusing critics of spreading disinformation. These approaches are worthy of a dictatorship but not a modern democracy. 

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.

Guy is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

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  1. 2 years ago I was a crazy conspiracy theorist, then a conspiracy theorist, now a conspiracy realist.
    My pronouns……told…..you……so

  2. Thanks Guy, I was getting a little worried there. Now we know that we have nothing to be concerned about apart from death and maybe falling down and stuff like that. Whew, and here I was thinking this might be serious, silly me. Thank heavens we have good folks at Medsafe looking out for us, where would we be without them…

    • Yeah – great! we now know that we could just drop dead at any moment while driving our cars down the freeway at 110kph crash and kill half a dozen people – wow ! what a releif for knowing that. I feel much more secure now and so does everybody else all around me. Thanks Medsafe for informing me and caring about me with this vital information. Where the F..K were you 2 years ago coercing and mandating people to take death shot ‘vaccines’ ? Nuremburg 2 awaits you lot.

  3. “Therefore, part of our review process includes comparing natural death rates to observed death rates following vaccination, to determine if there are any specific trends or patterns that might indicate a vaccine safety concern.”

    Gee whizz. That’s the kind of stuff they USED to do before even RELEASING a ‘vaccine’. Not any more. The politicians aren’t worried tho’. They never had that ‘gene juice’ pumped into them. Cameras LIE everyday!

  4. So this comes out on the 16 December and they approved the jab for our babies on the 14 December. So let’s see if medsafe will remove the jab for us, our babies and children in light of this report. Not aware of any other media reporting this. Maybe we should give Sean plonker a ring and see what he thinks about it .

  5. Whole truth has not come out yet. Drip feeding info by the govt. so that the issue can be normalised and probably forgotten by many.

  6. I can tell you where several thousand Kiwis are right now;
    Very sick or in the ground…!
    NEVER TRUST ANY GOVERNMENT!!! Especially this WEF / NWO-led one with Ardern and Kitteridge overseeing us ‘Terrorists’,!!!

  7. The Govt can shut down doctors, social media, control the media but they cannot shut down an MP, MP,s ate our representatives yet none are representing us.
    Now none of you should cuck and vote for the Nat’s or ACT if you want that to change. There is 30% of us, vote for change.

  8. Not one single MP in Parliment in the current Parties are worth voting for every face needs to change. NZ needs a whole new line up that does not sell the country and its sovereignty down the road to the UN WEF or the WHO. Govts are elected by the people for the people to serve the people when they dont serve the people anymore they must be removed. The current Govt. are just freeloading and self serving of their own interests at the expense of the people. They have sold NZ off to a Globalist Medical big Pharma Sovereign rights clause and the so called ‘climate change’ flawed ideologies without referendum from the people. Nothing is going to change until you get rid of the problem, the problem is the ‘Hive’ needs to be smoked right out.

  9. The health ministry and the government are liars. They are hiding lots of things. I know lots of people are having health issues. They are saving their backsides and releasing information slowly to minimise the damage they have caused. I do not have faith in the system. 3 people with cancer all working in one place…hardly have heard of this kind of coincidence. Feel so angry 😡


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