Right to Life calls upon the new government to reverse the previous Labour government’s policy of coercion and seduction to encourage doctors and nurses to enter the abortion workforce to murder unborn children, under the pretext that it is a health service.
Right to Life is alarmed at the increased number of doctors and nurses who were prepared to participate in the murder of innocent unborn children and in the wounding of their mothers, also the victims of abortion.
The Director General of Health, Dr Diana Sarfati, was pleased to announce in the Abortion Services Annual Report 2023, on 1st November, that the workforce of doctors and nurses in abortion facilities in New Zealand doubled in 2022 to 348 from 162 in 2021. In 2021 the abortion workforce consisted of 63 doctors and 99 nurses.
This dramatic increase is the result of a campaign conducted by the Ministry of Health in 2022, to increase the number of doctors and nurses who were prepared enter the abortion workforce to violate their medical ethics by participating in the killing of defenceless unborn children.The Ministry of Health is failing the community that it is committed to serve by coercing health professionals to violate their medical ethics and participate in the killing of the unborn.
The Ministry has also endeavoured to increase the number of Maori health professionals in the abortion workforce, with the objective of encouraging more Maori women to choose abortion. In 2022, there were 7.2 percent of the abortion workforce who were Maori, a substantial increase on the 4.3 % of the abortion workforce who were Maori in 2021.
The government is committed to increase the number of health professionals, who may facilitate the killing of the unborn.
Practice nurses and midwives are now permitted to prescribe abortion pills for early medical abortions. It is the government’s intention to train midwives to perform surgical abortions.
Doctors and nurses know that unborn children are patients, that they are the weakest and most defenceless members of the human family who deserve our respect and protection.
Right to Life applauds those courageous doctors and nurses who valiantly defend the right to life of every New Zealander from conception to natural death and refuse to succumb to the culture of death.
The community should demand that our health professionals uphold their medical practice based on the Hippocratic oath to do no harm. If we are silent and accept the killing of the unborn patient as a health service, then we will face increased pressure from the advocates of the culture of death for the killing of born patients, who will fall victim to the End of Life Choice Act.
yea, all those injected with the poison ” vax” also had a “right to life”. Where were you ? So many deads now, so many deads in the womb. And soo many have become infertile….
I’m not sure why these stories always seem to attract the most outrageous responses, above. But I do have a suspicion.
I would also like to know if aborted humans are used in medical research in New Zealand, what are the vested interests?
Zero chance you’ll ever get a straight answer on that, unfortunately.
Based on the indignant denials, the mocking sniggers of derision and the swift censorship & subject change whenever anyone poses that question, I’d say it’s a safe bet that it 100% is happening and that all the usual suspects are involved.
The lovely paragon of motherhood , Dame Jacinda Ardern quietly and without consultation apparently, oversaw an addition to our already lax abortion laws. New born babies can now be murdered , without redress, after birth by starving them as they are not yet considered human beings. I understand it has been done more than once in New Zealand.
Because doctors and nurses can stand there and watch this happen in this country, I am 100 % certain that medical experimentation on living human Kiwi babies is well underway