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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: More critical evidence of increased vaccine-induced strokes and deaths

Excess deaths NZ news

Ardern’s government had an emotional response to the crisis and a mistaken understanding of science which led to multiple vaccine-induced deaths.

It requires a deep dive into published scientific literature to assess why scientific opinion about Covid vaccines is still polarised, despite the growing evidence of serious harm. Bear with me while we enquire how this happened with reference to an exemplar condition—stroke.

The leaked Wellington Region health data shows that the incidence of strokes requiring hospitalisation in 2023 was up by 25% on pre-pandemic levels. These rises in stroke incidence began in 2021, before the arrival of Covid in New Zealand, but after the vaccine rollout began. Despite this, published scientific papers continue to point to Covid-19 infection as the sole source of increased stroke incidence, in some cases, as in this paper, not even mentioning a possible role of Covid vaccination. 

Accordingly, NZ Medsafe has been able to continue to maintain there have been only two incidences of vaccine induced deaths; allowing Ardern, Hipkins, Bloomfield and others to cling to the fiction that Covid vaccination is safe.

A pre-pandemic 2016 paper found that victims of fatal strokes are generally robust sources for organ transplant donation, especially if they are younger in age. The one exception was the need for caution with livers transplanted from those dying as a result of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) whose recipients suffered poorer survival outcomes. 

This paper published in April 2023, describes a single case of a person who suffered a stroke in October 2021 caused by Covid vaccination whose organs were harvested for transplant. The paper notes in passing that: 

“Thrombosis combined with thrombocytopenia generally occurs in the first month following vaccination and can lead to fatal outcomes, even in young, previously healthy individuals. These young adults ultimately may become solid organ donors.”

In other words, young adults are dying following Covid vaccination in sufficient numbers to be appreciated by transplant surgeons as a new source of viable organs. In this single case, two harvested kidneys are still functioning well for the recipients. The authors leap from the one case study to a general conclusion:

“Kidney allografts transplanted from vaccine-induced thrombosis and thrombocytopenia donors can have a good overall function with favorable outcomes”

September 2022 paper reports on kidney transplants from 16 (yes, 16) victims of Covid vaccine-induced Immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis (VITT) to 30 organ recipients in the UK. 5 of the recipients (17%) had concerning test results following surgery and 2 of them lost the graft. The authors conclude “The involvement of VITT could not be completely excluded in one of these cases.” They go on to describe these outcomes as favourable (???).

This paper published in August 2022 studying four successful transplants from a single deceased donor following VITT, notes: 

“There are increasing reports of thrombotic complications with various COVID-19 vaccines such as the Pfizer–BioNTech mRNA, Moderna mRNA, AstraZeneca Oxford (serum institute), and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccines.”

This paper from Italy reports two cases of VITT and subsequent successful transplants, but this letter to the editor of the American Journal of Transplantation in July 2021 presents a far more concerning picture. Of 13 consented deceased donors likely to have died from VITT, 10 actually donated 27 organs in total. 3 of these organs subsequently failed, 2 had impaired function, and one patient died of a cardiac arrest. In total there were seven major thrombotic or hemorrhagic postoperative complications among 6 recipients (22%) within 9 days of transplant.

The authors concluded that the potential risks of transplanting organs from donors with VITT are twofold. First, early major thrombosis or clinically significant bleeding. Second, possible transmission of pathogenic lymphocytes (anti-PF4), characteristic of blood clotting associated with strokes.

In other words, VITT deceased donors may somehow pass on aspects of their vaccine-induced fatal illness to transplant organ recipients.

This additional case report presents photographic evidence of a kidney from a VITT victim in preparation for transplant showing clear evidence of tissue death and bleeding in the kidney that may be associated with the vaccine induced injury that caused a stroke that was actually concentrated in a completely different part of the physiology.

You are probably beginning to get the picture aren’t you? Transplant surgeons are very excited to have more available young donors, they announce that the use of organs from VITT is probably viable based on some case studies with very mixed results, but completely fail to comment on the significance of the increased number of cases of vaccine induced death. Incredibly, our government insists only two people have died as a result of Covid vaccination. 

Transplant surgeons are narrowly focused on their discipline. Despite being aware of increases in Covid vaccine induced death, they wrote papers which failed to sound the alarm. But it is worse than that, medical authorities, the people who collate statistics of hospitalisation and death, failed to communicate to medical personnel and specialists in disparate fields that there were many categories of vaccine-induced illness, including not only strokes, but also cardiac disease, kidney disease, reproductive disease, cancer and neurological disease.

Now imagine yourself in the position of ED doctors, nurses, GPs, specialists and other medical professionals. Like the transplant surgeons, they almost certainly did see an uptick in specific conditions they were personally treating, but they were rushed off their feet as usual helping patients and were never given information about the big picture by those with access to the summary hospitalisation statistics. Instead, they were repeatedly told the novel biotech vaccines were safe and effective beyond any doubt. 

Unbelievably, they were given to understand that questioning vaccine safety was disinformation and therefore a one way ticket to de-registration, loss of employment, income, and career prospects. None but the most principled and well informed, would have gone down that route.

There were other reasons why alarm bells never rang. Doctors are trained to look for specific conditions and offer treatment accordingly. The idea that a vaccine might lead to a general collapse in immune system function giving rise to a wide range of conditions probably never would have occurred to most busy frontline staff. They wouldn’t have connected the dots.

In 1972 I attended a conference at Kingston University in Canada at which Hans Seyle, the inventor of the modern concept of stress spoke. Dr Seyle explained that stress was the non-specific or general response of the physiology to any strain placed upon it. This illustrated how psychological or physical pressure or overload could evoke general deficits in health. This and other research has led to an understanding that cells network together to maintain health on multiple fronts. In fact trillions of coordinated biochemical actions are instituted by the body everyday to stave off threats to its health. 

Seyle recounted that he invented the concept of stress when he noticed that sick people he treated had something in common—they all looked ill. They were suffering from multiple symptomatology with a single cause—stress.

mRNA vaccines breach the cell membrane in millions if not billions of cells. They effectively reprogram and retask cells. Each cell is a network member. Anyone familiar with network theory will realise that Covid vaccines could degrade the network efficiency of the whole physiology and its immune response. 

We are suggesting here a generalised response to Covid vaccines that might leave the door open for multiple vulnerabilities to develop unchecked. In other words, a general mRNA vaccine syndrome characterised by a number of conventional diagnoses appearing widely distributed in the population. This is exactly apparent in the leaked Wellington Region health data—greatly elevated levels of cardiac problems, kidney disease, strokes, reproductive issues, and cancers. Individual published studies we have discussed at the Hatchard Report also include neurological conditions.

Leaked data supported by some medical professionals

Since first releasing the leaked data a week ago, I have heard from a number of practising health professionals. Their reports include descriptions of unprecedented increases in the incidence of rare conditions that they would not normally see including cancers. There are also reports of test result scores that are off the chart, for example D-dimer scores in the 20,000 to 30,000 range. D-dimer tests are designed to monitor the formation of blood clots associated with deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and stroke. All conditions whose incidence is increasing. It is notable that the leaked Wellington Region health data reports around 4% of D-dimer test results for both men and women are registering at elevated levels.

Most health professionals and the public are still being left in the dark as far as the overall data picture is concerned. When you hear politicians like Ardern and Hancock calling for more censorship of discussion, it has to ring alarm bells. Politically controlled censorship of health data availability is entirely inappropriate and without historical precedent. The history of science shows that knowledge and understanding progresses through rational debate. Often the final outcome of scientific debate might be radically different from the first theories advanced.

Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) is often termed the father of empiricism. He argued for the possibility of scientific knowledge based upon inductive reasoning and careful observation of events in nature. His ideas contributed to the emergence of the scientific method. He wrote:

“Reading maketh a full man; conference [debate] a ready man; and writing an exact man.”

Ardern, Hipkins, Bloomfield, and Hancock would do well to revise their insistence that people forsake independent investigation or comment, and rely on the government alone for information. Such an approach doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.

For more than three years we have been living through a time of crisis. During such periods in human history, people have an emotional need to adhere to a moral stance and ensure that others also follow, but it is also the case that crises are usually accompanied by a confusion of misinformation.

In line with her crusading pandemic policies, Jacinda Ardern has been appointed to three tech-governance leadership fellowships at Harvard University. Ardern will be lecturing students and studying ways to alter content standards and platform accountability for extremist content online. 

Possibly she would approve of the agenda of UK MP Matt Hancock, formerly the public face of the Covid pandemic, who has supported an amendment to legislation which would prioritise censorship of statements questioning vaccine safety and make them a criminal offence.  Both Ardern and Hancock believe that we (the public) have not learned lessons from the last two years, where, according to them, health misinformation had a devastating impact. Notably Hancock has blocked any comments on his Twitter post—an indication of what might be in store for us all.

The revelations of widespread ill health contained in the Wellington Region data leak demonstrate how the reverse is true. Government policies restricting access to health data and suppressing open debate are the real drivers of health misinformation and poor pandemic health outcomes.

As we revealed in our recent release at the Hatchard Report “NZ Government Formulated Policy Contrary to Evidence They Had on Their Own Computers. Why?”, early evidence of severe Covid vaccine harm in 2021 prior to the arrival of Covid was ignored. A range of serious illnesses including heart attacks, myocarditis, and acute kidney injury led to greatly elevated hospitalisation rates. It is apparent that only people occupying senior positions in the health service or government like Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, who worked closely with Ardern, had access to this data, but they kept the information completely out of public view. Why?

It seems that Ardern’s all consuming dedication to Covid vaccination arose under a quasi scientific and political umbrella that had an international dimension of interference and control. At the time, Covid vaccination was presented as not just the best option, but the only way to avoid a health catastrophe. We now know that this was highly misleading. mRNA vaccination was not safe and effective, nor did it avert a health catastrophe, but Ardern continues to advise us that it was the best choice.

In contrast, there were highly qualified researchers and doctors on the international stage like Mike Yeadon, formally a vice president at a Pfizer research division, Dr. Robert Malone, who did early work on mRNA technology development, and many others who were warning of potentially serious outcomes of the new vaccines, such as cancer and immune dysfunction. 

However, pharmaceutical interests, science publications, governments, and medical authorities moved rapidly to cancel these voices and sideline them as attention-seeking conspiracy theorists. Here in NZ, vaccine adverse effects were officially labelled as a conspiracy theory. To this day, Medsafe has only admitted that two fatalities have been caused by mRNA vaccination out of hundreds of deaths reported proximate to vaccination. And not only that, unprecedented rates of excess all-cause mortality is predominantly affecting the vaccinated.

The risk of vaccine-induced death is real and by now well documented as the sequence of transplant publications and Wellington Region health data show. There are a plethora of other studies linked in previous Hatchard Report articles. I realise it is hard to come to terms with an increased risk of death and possibly easier to ignore the personal implications, but the need to halt further Covid vaccination programs is surely evident. Hoping that the problem will dissipate or go away is not a rational response, nor is doubling down on vaccination. Each additional shot increases the risk. This study of health care workers for example found that the bivalent vaccine currently being offered in NZ actually increases the risk of adverse reactions.

mRNA vaccines were initially described as 97% effective. They are now known to reduce Covid infection rates for as few as 1 in 100 recipients. Nor do they stop transmission. It now appears they are associated with multiple serious adverse effects and deaths at rates never observed with traditional vaccines. It appears the health authorities we were told to trust exclusively, were themselves inadvertently spreading misinformation, while many of those being wrongly fact-checked, accused of conspiracy and cancelled from social media were telling the truth. Ardern and Hancock were leading figures promoting censorship and guiding public pronouncements of safety. Do you think they deserved the authority they wielded or do you think the Bill of Rights should have taken legal precedence, allowing us freedom of medical choice and information?

Image credit: Pixabay

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.

He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

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  1. There’s many issues being discovered. Two that I’m aware of concerning Pfizer and Moderna: #1, The spike protein is killing the cells that line the inside of veins and capillaries. #2, IgG antibodies are reportedly “Out of balance” allowing for opportunistic infections and reinfection with COVID. (According to research from Germany).


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