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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Letter to King Charles III

The Letter to King Charles III on His Coronation 6 May, 2023 is in celebration of the special relationship between two Sovereigns: The Rangatira Chiefs of Nu Tireni New Zealand and King William IV — an ancestor of King Charles III.

It also highlights the agreement that both parties signed, which is He Wakaputanga 1835, Declaration of Independence. This is the only internationally recognised Constitution still lawfully applicable in New Zealand.

There were very important obligations in He Wakaputanga that both the Chiefs and his Majesty King William promised to keep. For King William’s recognition of our first Sovereign Flag, Te Kara Kotahi (the He Wakaputanga Flag) and for his promise to protect our country’s independence, the Chiefs promised to take care of his people who were coming to settle or trade in New Zealand at that time.

New Zealanders who choose to live under the jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga become National Sovereign Tangata Whenua, people of the land. The importance of this is to place them in a superior jurisdiction that unites the First Nation Maori people, Pakeha, and foreigners as One Nation and One People. Under He Wakaputanga, they also all enjoy true equality with the protection of all of their Human Rights, including the right to choose, and the protection of Private Property Rights and Rights to Trade.

This is for all New Zealanders, who choose to live under the jurisdiction of He Wakaputanga and become Sovereign Tangata, people of the land, regardless of when they arrived to this country,

The National Wakaminenga Congress is the DeJure (true) government of New Zealand in conjunction with their national administration body, the Wakaminenga Maori Government. The role of these two bodies is to support a decentralised independent model of government throughout New Zealand. This is in stark contrast to the socialist model being imposed upon the population in the last three years by the de facto puppet NZ government who supports a global socialist model that disrupts and interferes with almost every aspect of the daily lives of New Zealanders and also assumes that they may impose their legislation over the Sovereign Law of He Wakaputanga.

Arikinui Ripekatangi, Leader of the Maori Government, says it is important to maintain our relationship and to continue to honour the promises between King William IV and the Maori Chiefs, to the first settlers and their descendants. These remain valid. The promises by King William IV acknowledge this country’s independence, the protection of all Human Rights, the right to choose, and the protection of Private Property Rights and Rights to Trade. The Maori Chiefs promised to take care of his people and their descendants. This unites all who live in New Zealand as One Nation and One people.

It bears repeating: The people all enjoy true equality with the protection of all of their Human Rights, the protection of their Private Property Rights, and their Rights to Trade.

Arikinui Ripekatangi hopes that King Charles III will reaffirm and honour the founding document of He Wakaputanga and re-establish a genuine recognition of the true governing body Te Wakaminenga Congress of Nu Tireni New Zealand just as his ancestor King William IV did in 1835.

Download the letter here.

Letter to King Charles III

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  1. A universe full of appreciation for all the people whom have worked tirelessly on He Wakaputanga. I acknowledge your wisdom, timing, long hours and aroha. Words do not express the extent of my gratitude❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤍

  2. I arrived in NZ 46 years ago. My decision to come here to make New Zealand my home is because both East Africa and South Africa, countries I considered living in, were countries in conflict. It would have been foolhardy to try to go there. Roll forward to now – New Zealand is in conflict – but this is one that is cdriven by the WHO, UN and WEF. Approximately 18 months ago a relative introduced He Wakaputanga to me. I listened carefully and became very excited. I said by jove this is it, He Wakaputanga will save our souls and all who live in New Zealand. The He Wakaputanga Declaration was signed by the United Chiefs at the time and the British in 1835. He Wakaputanga is for everyone in this country no matter who you are or from whence you came. The flag of the United Chiefs of New Zealand is called Te Kara o Te Wakaminenga o Nga Hapu o Nu TIreni. This flag flies at the top of the flagpole at Waitangi. Sovereignty has never been ceded which means He Wakaputanga is the true legal jurisdiction of New Zealand . It is nothing to do with Co-governance, Three Waters or He Pua Pua. No other country in the world has what we have – if you want to retain your freedoms and way of life now and for the future invest your time in learning about He Wakaputanga. Your history has been hidden from you ….. do not delaylearn about it NOW.


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