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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Ursula Edgington
Ursula Edgingtonhttp://ursulaedgington.com/
Ursula Edgington is an educational consultant, author and adult tutor. She completed her PhD in education in England and has lived in the Waikato for over ten years. Her published academic texts and investigative journalism includes environmental law, emotional labour in teaching and the use of creativity in research.

No memory holes for the good or the bad

Some reflections as we near the end of another year of 1984 dystopia.

As 2024 draws to a close, it’s inevitable that we reflect. Although some progress has been made, we remain in limbo – stuck between two entirely different worlds. One minute, we feel inspired and uplifted at gatherings with diverse, freedom-loving groups. Next minute – jarringly – we’re confronted with someone seemingly stepping out of a Dr Who’s tardis, wearing a facemask: “I have to isolate -I just tested positive”.

2024 opinion.
Wikimedia / public domain.

So let’s get some evidence down, explaining some uncomfortable truths: what happened in NZ in the covid era? With some positive experiences too. Many people think ‘we must destroy’ any evidence, avoid accountability. But Margaret Anna Alice reminds us, #mistakeswerenotmade. We refuse to memory hole any of it.

To those people who think that ‘covid is in the past’, I wrote this post recently about how many employers are still, yes today, insisting their staff are ‘fully vaccinated’:

Three years on: workplace discrimination continues against thousands of New Zealanders

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The good news is, although it’s not been announced publicly yet, Health New Zealand have finally announced, >2 years after the ‘vaccine’ mandates were ended, its Pre-Employment criteria of covid jabs is dropped. Health NZ also released it’s Q1 ‘Performance Report’ which contains some concerning details about pharmacies rolling out more jabs, and GPs incentives for jabbing babies, including this quote:

“GPs are paid $40 for every baby who receives their six-week immunisations, and an additional $40 for babies meeting high-needs criteria (Māori, Pacific, Community Services Card, quintile five and rural)” (pg 15)

So unethical policies continue, albeit slightly below the surface. And as I illustrated above, many of the job vacancies requiring covid jabs are within the commercial sector, so this policy change will make little difference for many job-seekers. Especially when the entities supposedly protecting us from discrimination and our rights to informed consent, are silent. As I reported here.

But the evidence of these illegal and unethical policies will not be memory-holed. These documents cannot be shredded into oblivion, no matter how hard some people try to censor the truth:

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Shredded paper found in Egyptian State Security HQ, Cairo (Wikimedia CC).

My husband recently featured on Doc Malik Honest Health’s podcast, talking about his area of expertise, tyres and tyre safety. Before they got onto that topic, the first half of the conversation was about Michelin’s history, maps, restaurants with stars and good food (pod is behind a paywall, please subscribe to support independent voices):

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What Justin didn’t mention during that conversation, was that during the height of the covid craziness he was a bit of a hero, doing his best to try to protect his staff from the pressures of jab mandates. Those pressures weren’t only from Government, but also from commerce and internally. Those awake to the tyranny were in a minority then (maybe we still are, in some areas?). Thankfully, mandates were not rolled out in his company, but as I’ve explained before, many of the corporates (unbeknown to their staff) were either already in secret incentivised agreements with Government, or buckled under intense propaganda – and I mean intense. It was literally 24/7 on every billboard, radio station, TV programme and magazine.

NZ Corporate Giants Fonterra, Mainfreight, Warehouse Group and Fisher & Paykel were in cahoots with Ardern Government about ‘No Jab, No Job’ policies.

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But let’s not forget the measures taken by some to fight back against BigPharma’s capture and Government corruption. For instance, I’m very proud of Justin for quickly creating this poster (Dec 2021); insisting all branches nationwide displayed it:

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Remember when only ‘essential workers’ could travel? The roads out of Auckland, for example, had roadblocks so NZ Police Nazi Officers could say “Papers Please!” to each driver. It was intimidating, to say the least. Then, in April 2020, the Government announced:

All driver licences, WoFs, CoFs, and some vehicle certifications, that expired on or after January 1, 2020 will be valid for up to six months from April 10, 2020. Transport Minister Phil Twyford has confirmed this morning that people with expired vehicle-related documentation resulting from the national lockdown need not worry about penalties until later this year.

“People shouldn’t have to worry about getting fined for having an expired document if driving to use essential services or as an essential worker during the Covid-19 alert level 4 lockdown,” he said. “That’s why we have provided an extension to give certainty to the public that they won’t be issued infringement notices for using their vehicles appropriately.

But hang on. Section 6 of the Land Transport Act (1998) had not changed? So even if vehicles didn’t have a current WoF (Warrant of Fitness, similar to (but many would say, less rigorous than) an MOT in the UK) they legally still had to be safe. How would people KNOW vehicles were safe, without a WoF?! Or at the very least, went to their nearest friendly garage to get their vehicle looked at?

The truth was, many people were scared out of their wits. The loud alarms were on their phones every time an arbitrary “Alert Level” changed; daily announcements from Jacinda Jackboot’s “Single Source of Truth” podium; subliminal messages that were all around us at that time. What was it really like for those who trusted their Government – genuinely believing Jacinda ‘cared’?

The insanity went on and on. Many Governmental staff didn’t understanding the law, or the rule changes. Now of course, we know it was all deliberate. The more confusing and illogical the instructions, the stronger some people believe the narrative.

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Banner from the website at that time. Justin was trying to keep people safe, by encouraging them to visit their local garage if they needed to.

Other business, local and national also took positive action to fight medical apartheid. Eg a New Zealand Business Directory (now defunct) was set up, shared and updated on Telegram. This initiative meant that those not complying with the ‘Vaccine Pass’ policies that were ubiquitous in public and commercial businesses by 2021, could get their hair cut, washing their clothes or go to mass, eg:

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Screenshot: old Telegram site informing of compliant/dissident businesses.

Some local businesses issued open letters, like this inspiring example:

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So as we enter year 5 of this silent war, THANK YOU! to all who spoke out. Even if you didn’t feel you could fight against the tyranny back then, there’s no doubt that each of us can do something now. And it starts by refusing to memory hole these events. Keep reminding people of what happened, how they behaved. Thank those who stood up against the injustice. Without some acknowledgement, there can be no forgiveness. Without forgiveness, society will remain divided and broken. Truth will win. You can Buy Me a Coffee to help others here. Thank you!

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  1. Recently been thinking about getting a t-shirt that reads;

    I used to be a selfish, granny killing, science denier.
    But then I was memory holed

  2. The truck in the photo ‘Destroy.com’ offers a similar service of a fixed-building company that destroys and shreds documents.
    Problem is, unless you physically SEE the documents being destroyed IN PERSON, then you have no way of knowing IF your dicuments were not first read, copied, sent to Police / intelligence groups (both here and overseas…).
    The building-based sight would not allow their customers / clients into the building.
    Hence, we went out and bought a Fellowes cross-cut shredder for dirt cheap, (via Warehouse Stationary) and we shred our own documents now four times a month.

  3. Ursula, thank you for this fascinating article about the destruction of small and medium sized businesses under the cover of ‘Covid’ mandates. Many cafes and family restaurants have been steadily closing over the past four years, the most obvious of businesses that can not work as online services. Other retailers and suppliers must have been hit hard in the pocket as we are forced online and blow the elderly and the luddites who refuse to connect themselves intraveinously to the Globohomo paradigm. Why would minister Twyford deem it not necessary for vehicles to remain compliant with the law? Surely safety is a number one priority on the road. We were lied to and coerced and there is an awful lot of sorting out to do. The priorities appear skewed by 180degrees if vehicle safety gave way to the safety of politicians’ remunerations..


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