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Sunday, February 23, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

The Long Read: Jacinda Ardern, science, and covid mandates events, facts, and fallacies

We Didn’t See the Rocky Road Ahead

Yesterday morning I woke up to some unwelcome news. My best friend from university days has passed away. He was an active fit man looking forward to enjoying retirement. Early on he had a mild stroke, his heart became inflamed and the valves were damaged, unfortunately his immune system was too depleted to respond to treatment. His story is familiar in these Covid times and shared by millions, yet nevertheless a deeply personal tragedy for his family. He was doubly vaccinated.

Feeling very sad, I decided then and there to write a short history of the political and scientific decision-making that brought NZ to where we are today. I am fortunate in having some access to these. Firstly my training in physics, logic, statistics, and the scientific method enables me to understand the principles that must be used to uncover truth from a science perspective. Secondly I have enjoyed an email conversation with a few of the key players.

Everyone has an opinion about Covid, and they are rightly entitled to their views. It is probably the number one topic of conversation in every country in the world. It seemed clear from the start that this was an unusual illness that must be taken very seriously. The creation of an effective vaccine was a gold standard to be aimed at. Having worked at Genetic ID, a safety testing and certification company, I had a healthy suspicion of genetically engineered creations. So I wrote to a colleague who works in the field of gene therapy to ascertain his recommendations. I asked him whether the move to mRNA vaccines posed any unintended risks. He replied at length and discussed the technicalities but the essence was:

“I do not believe they are more invasive [than traditional vaccines][ because they introduce into the body a short-lived molecule.”

At the time it appeared there were good theoretical reasons to suppose that mRNA vaccines were relatively harmless. These reasons have since been destroyed by the inexorable march of science. As a result, my colleague has revised his opinions.

The Scientific Advisors Supporting Jacinda

In January 2021, I was invited to correspond with some government advisors. Possibly my knowledge of network theory and my advocacy for the safety of natural health products were seen as useful skill sets to help ‘persuade’ a reluctant cohort of the public to trust a new vaccine technology. I had an open mind and entered into the conversation with enthusiasm. I admired the caution and competence that Jacinda Ardern’s government had already shown in trace and tracking, and in controlling our borders. Faced with a lot of uncertainty, Jacinda’s cautious ‘wait and see’ response and her trust of ‘science’ was a smart and politically adroit move.

As a statistically aware and competent person, I was already alert to the main risk factors for severe covid—comorbidities and age. My first contribution to the
debate in January was to suggest:

  1. The NZ Government (including Jacinda’s star power) can take a lead in encouraging other countries to recognise the need for a global elimination strategy to be put in place quickly.
  2. Given the non-uniformity in outcomes and symptoms, there is a need to step up research to locate which historical health, diet, behavioural, and lifestyle factors correlate with severity of symptoms.

It was clear that 99+% of people would recover from Covid. Somewhere around 75% of people would do so rapidly without any lasting symptoms. As a scientist I thought it was vital to understand what it was about these people that kept them so healthy. Neither of these thoughts greatly energised my correspondents who were naturally absorbed in the possibilities of the vaccination campaign that was just getting going. But by July, I was well aware from Israeli data that the Pfizer vaccine waned in effectiveness quite rapidly, as were my correspondents. There were obvious uncertainties in what approaches would work. I considered that vaccination could not be a stand alone solution, at the very least it had to be paired with early treatment options. Epidemiologist Michael Baker concurred and wrote to me on 2nd August:

“Thank you for that very lucid description of our current state of knowledge around Covid-19 and the uncertainties – which are large. I agree about the importance of trying to keep an open, evidence-informed debate about future options.” and “I agree with you about caution”.

At this point a member of the David Skegg committee—the Strategic Covid-19 Public Health Advisory Group— was drawn into the conversation. He too struck a cautious note writing:

“It is important to realise that the vaccines are only in their first iteration. Israel is effectively Pfizer’s real life laboratory”

“A protective immune signature is often elusive and vaccines are actually quite primitive in design”

“I think you are right that studies have also shown that high vaccine coverage will not alone contain outbreaks.”

“The recommendations in the Skegg report should be considered in the light of their recommendation for frequent review i.e. the possibility that what we know in November might lead to a significant change of timing or content of the response in 2022.”

The Skegg Committee has eight members. Four of the members are epidemiologists with a focus on public health measures such as vaccination. Three are statistical modellers and one is an immunologist—an expert on vaccines. One member has an interest in respiratory diseases. It goes without saying that given the make-up of the committee, it was designed to make recommendations about how to roll out and monitor vaccination. Distinguished and experienced though the membership was, it was not designed to evaluate questions and evidence about the physiological and genetic effects of mRNA vaccines. Nor did it have enough of a knowledge base to consider questions about covid treatment options. In essence a decision had been taken early on that vaccination was going to trump early treatment in designing NZ’s response to the pandemic. From my correspondence it was clear that in the beginning the committee were satisfied that the Pfizer vaccine was highly effective and that they expected improved, even more effective vaccines to become available with time. In hindsight this was a naive view, mediated by the rosy picture of 95% effectiveness that Pfizer was projecting. A cursory glance at the history of attempts to control influenza through vaccination should have alerted them and everyone to the fact that treatment protocols were going to play a major part in our efforts to control the pandemic and reduce mortality. The aura of invincibility surrounding the word ‘vaccine’ was leading everyone to underestimate the challenges ahead.

Covid is a Disease of the Unhealthy

I became convinced that, given the uncertainties around vaccine effectiveness and the overwhelming contribution of comorbidities to outcomes, rather than just dividing the population into vaccinated and unvaccinated, a useful division might be healthy versus unhealthy. I suggested that an effective preventive answer to the severity and longevity of the pandemic is not just a shot in the arm, but also a massive effort to improve the general health of our population naturally through education about improved diet, exercise, nutrition, reduced stress, and sufficient rest. Remove GST from fresh fruit and vegetables, improve education in schools a la Jaime Oliver, regulate known disease vectors like excess sugar, hard fats, and pollutants, inform the public more fully, investigate and promote verified approaches to health like organic food, meditation, and yoga. I knew that governments would be reluctant, but thought naively that the serious nature of the challenge, the uncertain vaccine effectiveness, and the overwhelming contribution of comorbidities would strengthen minds and seed political bravery.

My Skegg committee correspondent had an initially positive response to my suggestion that we needed to do more to educate the public about healthy habits saying:

“I think you may be right – in that opportunities should be taken to promote preventive health measures now and at all times.” But added a rider “the chances of other ‘interventions’ having anything like the protective effect [of vaccination] is remote in my view.”

This last sentence revealed the bias governing Skegg committee decisions. As a result the committee was going to miss key signals. These include a study published in June by the BMJ which found that severity of Covid symptoms is reduced by 73% in those following a plant based diet. There were other vital indicators like this one, missed early on. For example, a UK study found that shift workers are three times more likely to be hospitalised. 15% of people exposed to covid never even develop the illness, why is that? This is a vital question that got
forgotten in the rush to push vaccination as a stand alone answer.

On August 7th the Delta variant escaped quarantine in Auckland and the long lockdown began.

The Risk of Vaccine Adverse Events

By late August I had become aware that a number of my friends and friends of friends had suffered illness at some point following vaccination. My best friend at university was one of these, he never did have Covid, but he was doubly vaccinated.

I exchanged a number of emails with my government advisor correspondents on this topic. I provided details of specific serious events including death proximate to vaccination, and quoted studies documenting vaccine adverse effects such as myocarditis. I was met with a vigorous defence of the safety of vaccination. One of my correspondents wrote of social media reports (often the last resort of people injured by vaccination):

“I have learnt the hard way, that the vast majority prove to be fictitious, and as such will have no bearing on my perspective.”

This was misguided prejudice, pure and simple. Another conceded:

“There is certainly well documented clotting association with the vector-based vaccines,”

but maintained this was not common enough to cause concern.

Did the Skegg Committee have the myopathy associated with narrow disciplines?

Michael Baker however shared my concerns and responded:

“I am hoping that the intense surveillance of adverse events following immunisation will give us a good steer about the risk of these events.”

I researched the NZ reporting procedures to which he referred (known as the CARM system) and found to my dismay that these were voluntary. Under normal circumstances a new vaccine arriving on our shores would have already undergone rigorous long term testing. As a consequence, adverse events following vaccination have never been significant and the relevance of the CARM system has been largely academic and of little concern to GPs, hospital staff, and Medsafe (the ultimate NZ authority). Vaccines are assumed to be safe. Such is the reassurance and power of the word ’vaccine’, mRNA covid vaccine adverse events have been grossly unreported. Many people suffering adverse reactions have been sent home with the advice that they may be overly anxious. Some reactions are readily dismissed as unrelated coincidences. Moreover hospitals and GPs are often at a loss to suggest treatment options.

On August 19 vaccination was made available to 12-15 year olds. This again resulted from a vaccination bias. People under thirty are at minuscule risk from covid, but they are at risk from vaccination. The point of vaccinating the young is not to protect them, they will be better served by the strong immunity gained after recovering from the illness rather than the very short term protection from vaccination. The point of vaccinating the young is to protect their parents in case they bring the illness back from school. There is an argument here that vaccination will expose children to a greater risk than covid. The research data is equivocal on this point and not in any way conclusive of benefit. Despite this, the government Covid messaging took a new turn. Young people were appearing in adverts to assure the public that they had received the vaccine and it was both safe and beneficial. No mention was made of the high risk of myocarditis (a serious illness) among especially vulnerable young men and boys.

Vaccine Mandates

On September 21st Jacinda Ardern emphatically claimed that those who refuse vaccination would face no penalties at all. Curiously Ardern added:

“anyone who doesn’t take up an effective and trusted and safe vaccine when it becomes available, that will come at a risk to them.”

Clearly at this point, since it was available, Ardern knew that the Pfizer vaccine did not fit all the criteria: effective, safe, and tested. In actuality we were to find out soon enough that it does not fit any of these criteria.

On October 3rd, realising that productive dialogue with my private correspondents was at an end, I wrote an open letter to Jacinda Ardern. This was very widely read and shared. In this, I discussed the uncertainties around vaccine outcomes and safety. I urged the government to adjust its message that vaccination would enable personal freedoms to be restored, and to broaden its message to include preventive approaches to improve health. I received no reply and my correspondents among government advisors ceased responding altogether. I had overstepped an unwritten rule—no doubts about vaccine safety were to be raised in public.

On October 11th Cabinet announced sweeping vaccination mandates for staff in the education and health sectors. From this point on, vaccine mandates were floated as the way ahead to the lifting of lockdowns and ‘freedom’.

Clearly between September 21st and October 11th something happened to radically change Ardern’s mind about mandates. She must have started to either believe that the Pfizer vaccine was both safe and effective or decided to ignore these criteria—her own pre conditions for mandates. From my earlier correspondence with government science advisors and their subsequent public comments, it seemed clear that they remained cautious about the wisdom of lifting lockdowns and should have been able to recognise the limitations of vaccine effectiveness. Business advisors less so, but even they were emphatic that they would defer to science advice.

Factors Influencing Government Policy

There was a fundamental mistake in Jacinda Ardern’s perception and use of ‘science’. Science was being treated as a monolithic body of knowledge. In fact scientific disciplines contain competing ideas, paradigms, and theories. Separate disciplines have overlapping expertise but often their practice is so seperated that experts in different fields are unaware of each other’s conclusions. Ardern had come to rely on the advice of epidemiologists whose profession was dominated by a fear of infectious agents and a deep belief in vaccination.

What other factors influenced the change in government policy? Perhaps during this time political decisions began to take precedence over science. Clearly the natives were getting restless in Auckland which had been under near total lockdown for two long months. During this period Israel, the other country exclusively using the Pfizer vaccine, was in the middle of a surging third wave of cases and deaths. Therefore Ardern should have known that the vaccine was not effective enough to support her aim of control and elimination.

There was also a mistaken statistical and methodological idea that rolled over from early calculations of herd immunity. If the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine remained at 95% as was believed early on, herd immunity could have been achieved with 60% to 70% of the population vaccinated. As it became known that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine waned, this figure was revised up to 95% and even to 99% by some. This would have been a powerful motivation for vaccine mandates. But the calculation was in most respects inappropriate. Firstly the vaccine allowed transmission rather easily and secondly real world data showed that even countries with 100% vaccination like Gibraltar and Portugal were experiencing waves of covid infection. Also vaccine effectiveness drops to zero after 7 months, completely negating any possibility of herd immunity. This left the justification for mandates clinging on to one last hand hold—vaccines reduce hospital admissions. Our overstretched health service might just need this in order to cope. The significance of this pales in the face of a hard truth, covid mortality is still primarily related to comorbidities and age. Smokers, diabetics, immune compromised persons, the elderly and infirm, and the unhealthy are most at risk.

This is compounded by something disturbing hidden in real world data, figures published by UKSHA showed that for individuals over 19, the rate of transmission was almost twice as high among the vaccinated when compared to the unvaccinated. These calculations should have sounded alarm bells. They didn’t, they were rejected as obviously false, a rejection that had no basis in science. Some experts in genomics however have taken them very seriously and have begun to research biochemical pathways and mechanisms which would possibly allow vaccination to facilitate susceptibility. This underlines the as yet unknown and the ‘in progress’ research projects. Any government rigidly enforcing mandates and speaking in absolutely certain terms, as Ardern is, has lost the thread of the science.

Did the government take advice from Medsafe on safety? Did Medsafe’s reluctance to classify reported adverse effects and deaths as related to vaccination convince her that the Pfizer vaccine was safe? Medsafe is a member of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA). ICMRA is well connected to the commercial vaccine industry and was known to be writing pro vaccination covid policy statements which were distributed to its members via the data sharing channels ICMRA had established.

If Ardern had consulted with other governments, she may well have found they shared similar views about mandates just because the same policy papers of ICMRA had found their way to every government desk—a phenomenon well known in network theory. ICMRA had since its formation in 2015 cemented a central place in the medical regulatory network (known as a centrality effect). In effect it had created an unbalanced network, whereby all medicines regulatory bodies around the world were receiving the same information and advising their political decision makers in the government accordingly. Political decision makers however were unaware of the centrality of ICMRA policy briefings. If one Government head were to speak to their counterpart in another country they would be gratified and reinforced to find that they had similar ideas about mandates. If they spoke to several at an international meeting of heads of state, they would be
reinforced many times over in an opinion that had actually been fed to all of them by a single vested interest. This phenomenon is known as double-counting in network theory and systematically creates network bias.

The Need for Mandatory Reporting of Adverse Events

On October 28th I wrote to all MPs and urged the government to put in place mandatory reporting of adverse events, so that their extent could be properly assessed.

At the time, Michael Baker, my gene therapist colleague, myself, and almost everyone else were unaware of the inadequate protocols that had been used to test the novel covid vaccines. Of course the trials had to be almost impossibly short because of the sense of urgency, but their other shortcomings have only recently come to light. Being short trials there was always going to be uncertainty about the long term effects, but we presumed that any immediate dangers of vaccination were going to be detected and documented before approval for emergency use. Journal papers had already been published reporting that the vaccines were highly effective and very safe.

Early in November, the BMJ blew the whistle on shortcomings at one trial location for the Pfizer vaccine—some data had been falsified. Alarming though this sounded, we hoped the errors were minor and resulted from the logistics involved in the short time frames and from the sloppy quality control of one contractor. Last week this hope was dashed by an investigative journalist from Australia, Maryanne Demasi PhD. Ms Demasi found that the Pfizer and AstraZeneca trials used new digital apps to gather patient data on adverse effects. The reporting options on these apps had only limited predetermined choices and gave little or no opportunity to describe symptoms if they departed from the multi-choice scheme of mostly mild adverse events.

Brianne Dressen was a participant in the AstraZeneca (AZD1222) trial. She suffered a severe adverse reaction after the first injection and became disabled. She was ‘unblinded’ from the trial, her smartphone app was disabled, she was advised not to have the second injection, and crucially the reports of her adverse event were never recorded in the final publication of the trial in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). As participants suffering serious adverse events like Ms Dressen were withdrawn, it is no wonder that whilst the occurrences of mild adverse events were reported as significant, occurrence of serious events was reported as insignificant. Ms Dressen complained to the editor of the NEJM, but he refused to correct the inaccuracies, thereby blinding the public, governments, and scientists to the possibility that adverse events could be very serious indeed.

Ms Dressen’s experience was not an isolated event, there were others. The recent Pfizer trial results of 12-15 year olds states there were “no serious vaccine-related adverse events”. But Ms Demasi reports a serious adverse event excluded from this study also—a thirteen year old girl now confined to a wheelchair. Moreover the AstraZeneca protocol had excluded adverse events resulting in death for the five weeks immediately after the first inoculation—a fatal safety testing flaw.

What is the take home lesson from this? Drug side effects are known to be the third leading cause of death. In 2009 Pfizer paid out $2.3 billion in damages for criminally misbranding drugs. The Ministry of Health should have been more suspicious. Knowing that the safety trials were short, they should have alerted GPs and hospital staff to expect the unexpected, report all adverse events, and send accurate and complete reports to Medsafe promptly. This didn’t happen.

More importantly the number of adverse events and deaths that Medsafe did receive was large, many times greater (possibly around 50 times greater) than any previous vaccine programme. There should have been a vigorous effort on the part of Medsafe to find out what sort of people were at greatest risk. Ignoring this was not just an oversight, it is possibly criminal. It may have affected the health of a very large number of recipients. Some of these only consented to vaccination under threat of loss of employment. Moreover the Ministry of Health largely refused to issue vaccine exemptions to people who had already had an adverse reaction to the first covid dose or to a past vaccination. This was without doubt an imposition of personal medical risk by the government in contravention of the Bill of Rights.

Did Jacinda Ardern Ignore Red Flags?

The failure to alert the public that there was a measurable and significant risk to vaccination was compounded by false government assurances that there was no risk. Jacinda Ardern herself cannot have been unaware of potential risks, yet on occasions she dismissed questions at press conferences about adverse events, giving the impression that such concerns were without foundation. The 33,000 comments on her Facebook page, after she advised people to enquire of their vaccinated friends whether they were unharmed, should not have been ignored nor quickly deleted. Her rejection of safety concerns and possible long term risks can only be described as an inexcusable failure to inform herself, or could it possibly have been fuelled by a deliberate attempt on the part of Medsafe to hide or downplay the significance of adverse event data?

The safety reassurances Ardern, Bloomfield, and Hipkins gave repeatedly at press conferences and advertised to the public, also mitigated against adverse effect reporting. I know of a number of people who did not suspect that their cardiac events subsequent to vaccination could be related. The public perception of safety has become so entrenched that individuals posting about their adverse event symptoms on social media are often mercilessly trolled. Medsafe has maintained that the very high level of adverse events is not necessarily related to vaccination, because they knew of no proven mechanism which would cause them.

With the recent publication of a number of scientific papers suggestive of risk, this position cannot be realistically maintained, even if it ever could be. In the last month alone Circulation reports that the average risk of a cardiac event after vaccination rises from 11% to 25% as measured by biochemical markers of heart inflammation used in the standard PULS test. Viruses reports that the covid spike protein inhibits DNA repair in vitro. The New England Journal of Medicine reports that the spike protein may impair long term immune function. Cell Discovery reports that post vaccination symptoms mimic covid itself. Other research suggests that the spike protein can be long lived in the bloodstream and that the
cell nucleus is not as well protected from mRNA vaccines as we thought.

Clearly the lack of clinical research expertise in the field of genomics, and specifically gene therapy risk assessment, on the Skegg Committee meant that such tentative concerns are not being factored into any discussion. The possible extent of adverse events is unknown and apparently being ignored. BUT, and it’s a big BUT, the main ignorance here concerns the possible long term effects of covid vaccination with an mRNA vaccine or a viral vector vaccine. It cannot be over emphasised enough that these risks are unquantified and in a completely new field of bio technology unknowable within a short time frame. Certainly there are some very highly qualified and respected leaders in the field who have struck a very cautious note when airing their views publicly. Did anyone ever have an honest conversation with Ardern about this? Should mandates be enforced when they are in essence a gamble with uncertain and unknowable odds?

What Lessons Can be Learned?

In summary, Ardern set the pre-conditions for vaccine mandates as “safe, effective, and tested”, we have seen that none of these are reasonably satisfied. Yet she went ahead and ‘bet the farm’ on vaccine mandates. The watch word of my early dialogue with advisors was ‘caution’. At the beginning they recognised the limitations of current knowledge. They ‘knew’ we had to explore all the options. This sensible approach has seemingly been replaced by a misplaced professional stamp of vaccine approval along with the exercise of political Jacinda power.

In the first world war, trench warfare was a failed strategy but its continued use was promoted by the establishment despite the horrendous loss of life. As we now face new variants, possibly impervious to vaccination, do we continue to maintain the fiction that universal mandated vaccination is a stand alone strategy? Are we going to meekly submit to regular booster shots at shorter and shorter intervals, and to embrace new genetic vaccine formulations? Or do we recognise that we are at a turning point in our civilization whereby our most successful strategy will be improvements in our habits, our lifestyle, our diet? Do we recognise that, as in so many fields of endeavour, we have brought ourselves to our knees, and need to think again about the fundamentals of personal health and the environment?

Do I think that the NZ public can handle a mature and honest discussion? Yes. The decision to not only keep the public in the dark, but promote an entirely exaggerated and in some aspects false narrative appears as a misguided crusade. The scapegoating of the unvaccinated, despite the fact that the vaccinated can and do transmit covid easily, appears as a Machiavellian political plot. The wilful suppression of the large scientific uncertainty surrounding many covid ‘facts’, through selective editing or blocking of information comes straight out of the playbook of tyrants. The lack of an early and dynamic effort to understand and evaluating early intervention treatments was an error that could lead to increased fatalities. The gap between evolving scientific knowledge and government fiction has become a gaping chasm.

A final word—why oh why hasn’t the media dug deeper? Where is well researched investigative reporting to be found? Why is there no balance? The media reporting of Covid in NZ is a lesson in itself and another story to be told at a future date by some brave and clear-minded investigator. The origins of one-sided reporting are not hard to discern when you recognise that the government has discouraged the cash strapped media from investigating or striking a critical note using a wellfinanced carrot and stick approach. Large grants have been made to media outlets. Independent vaccine lobby groups have also financed media outlets. Yesterday in Stuff, a long, rambling, and selective piece of reporting, entitled Covid-19 NZ: Just how deadly is the virus?, concluded with the comforting thought that the vaccine makes you younger. Praise the lord—the long lost elixir of eternal life has been discovered by the independent Stuff media group.

You can purchase a copy of Guy’s book ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’ from Amazon.com.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of dailytelegraph.co.nz.

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  1. What a great read. I have lost my job due to the mandate. I am focusing my time on my health including starting a vegetable garden. I have trusted my instincts and gut from the very beginning and will continue to do so especially as I am a Mum to two young children. Thanks for your opinion. It was refreshing reading this.

    • I’ll tell you a short version of my story. My work place was heading towards mandating vaccinations other wise you’ll end up loosing your job. They’ve been influencing people and paying them to get vaccinated. Everything was going smooth until they came across black sheep (me). I refused it. I was called twice into office to explain why, which I also refused to tell them too. Anyway….it turn’s out I am a valuable employee and letting me go would cause bit of mess. Now the policy has changed and for one second I don’t want to believe that I was the reason but then again I was the only one left. Now the Un-vaccinated ones (which is me) can continue working but at least do a weekly test. Here comes the best part 🙂 I told everyone what happened. NOW those ones that didn’t want to be vaccinated in the first place but they took a shot because at the time they had no choice are getting angry. Now that more and more protests are happening, and more evidence is coming out that this drug hasn’t been fully tested and now that the people are starting to be awake, now the company is being quiet. They’ve realised what have they “blindly” followed and done. Forced solution will never work well. I’m sorry you lost your job. I was ready to do the same. I would rather be homeless than being forced into things that my heart believed was wrong.

      My decency and my rights are more important to me than my career.

        • Would have thought that such a half-wit comment could not possibly have come at the bottom of such an article as this. J’désespoir.

          • Not about the article, it is about the dumb comment.
            “My decency and my rights are more important to me than my career.”

          • Go read some scientific/medical articles about the vaxed and un-vaxed and you will see it is a proven fact that vaccine saves lives. Believe it or not It would even save the lives of the “my rights and freedom” advocates. It is so sad that this generation has become such a “me me me” society.

        • With under a 2% mortality rate if you are fit and healthy you will get over it, if you are old, obesse, diabetic or have other issues yes you are in danger and need help. What is happening in NZ right now is way more than anything to do with health (I live in hope that all fellow kiwis can see past the facade and see this). It is a reset and they are using Covid as the catalyst to get it all over the line, just take a look at how many bill are being rushed through parliament without due process. Think I’m nuts start doing some investigating yourself, cause it’s when you discover what’s happening for yourself then you may start to get it, you will possibly get mad. Place to start looking is Weforum (World Economic Forum), look up the 4th industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab.
          It is my personal opinion this is who Jacinda and her Government is working for. There is lots there to sift through. Maybe start with the white paper on this link https://www.weforum.org/whitepapers/reimagining-regulation-for-the-age-of-ai-new-zealand-pilot-project

          • Here is another option to read:
            Read the book “The Real Anthony Fauci” written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
            Just the first 25 pages will tell you enough to know about all these so-called vaccines.

        • Dumb asses like you will have our kids deaths on your hand for blindly believing the crap that waste of space jacinda has been telling you. So to the vaxed every child who dies from this jab is on each an everyone of you for complying in the first place and I personally wish we could charge all vaxed people for being dumb asses. You gutless asshat

        • How well the government narrative works for the simple minded.
          Do it for everyone else and yourself, I’m sorry but if you got the vaccine it only is for you.
          You can still pass on the virus and still contract the sickness so really you haven’t done anything to help others if you can still pass it onto them.
          Never mind though, blindly believe the only narrative the media will tell you and keep your head buried in the sand.

        • This is for Anonymous – I lost my job because I wouldn’t be jabbed. My job was having ACC claims come across my desk and you would be surprised at the daily claims I was getting in November 2021 (at least 10 per day) of severe reactions to the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Also looking at my work colleagues that had also worked for many years and good at their jobs, to see them blankly staring at their computer screens, lethargic and having chest pains. It was like they were tired all the time and having brain fog. 40 years research….no vaccine for HIV, 100 years research….no vaccine for cancer……no vaccine for the common cold and you expect me to believe that 12 months later after COVID outbreak that there is a proven and trialled vaccine to combat COVID. Get real …. there is no data or side effect information at all regarding the Covid vaccines. As far as I am concerned, Delta and Omicron are the vaccines and the sheeples of NZ have been led like lambs to the slaughter. Whenever the government gave out statistics of the numbers in ICU in hospitals, I would go in my lunchbreak and check ICU and “hello” guess what? The friggin beds were empty. This government is lying and spreading propaganda. I saw first hand with my own eyes so the protest in Wellington is growing in numbers because people are opening their eyes and want their freedom back!

        • It’s sad. The indoctrinated like Anonymous who are destroying the world. The good and selfless man has sunk into something he doesn’t even know what it is. And he wants to take others.

          • Thats what 2years of pure indoctrination from the podium of truth gets you. A bunch of parrots that are happy to become the govt beating stick. Anonymous is a sad example of complete trust in our govt and its mouthpiece the MSM and an inability to question the narrative and look at overseas studies of Israel, UK and just about every other country now. But their accusations have been shot down in the face of Omicron that is essentially the pandemic of the vaxxed, as it clearly escapes the vax (as stated by Dr Bloomfield).

          • first do no harm ,30 pentagon biological labs [UKRAINE]
            discovered, PLEASE EXPLAIN, i dont think THEY ARE THERE TO CURE THE common cold

        • Trying to guilt people into taking a vaccine is pointless. I am only responsible for myself. I take good care of myself, therefore – do not want any of this poison. Eat your heart out if you want a chemical cocktail, but the “I’m doing it for everyone else” is pure BS. Trying to guilt others is manipulation and nothing more – the govt has been real good at this propaganda by using this disgusting tactic. I agree with Jade – many unvaxxed, me included – have a strong immune system and therefore, have never even had the virus — even through I’ve been exposed.

        • Wow Anonymous, your comments bashing the un-vaxxed hasn’t aged well has it?
          So much for it being an epidemic of the un-vaxxinated, worldwide stats are now showing the vaxxed as being the most at risk at catching & transmitting c-vid, getting very sick, occupying ICU beds and dying.
          Well done to the principled and awake 5% who stood up for themselves and their kids against all the bullying from all and sundry.

      • Amen sister, well done to you for standing your ground. The PM will be held accountable for the mess she has forced to all New Zealanders in. Most of the NZ news sources turn a blind eye to any conflicting information which doesn’t suit their agenda bar this publication.
        Hopefully there are more people like you out there giving needed push back to vaccine mandates.

        • Ardern knew before the jab was forced on the trusting public, that it was neither safe, nor effective. She should be held to account through the court system.
          In my 80 years I have never had a jab for anything and never had a day off work during my 48 working years. To me, the moral of the story is KEEP AWAY FROM ALL VACCINES!

    • same, we are all in same boat, except a few yet to wake up, and they will.. hopefully not too late (i already know 2 young (were healthy) cardiac deaths within a week of jab. no one cares, its astonishing.

  2. A timely article. It’s clear folk like Shaun Hendy are useless, this being his first time to try modelling a pandemic.

    But two of the biggest “experts” who either are
    not experts in reality, or worse “dissembles”, are Rod Jackson and Helen Potousis-Harris. Both claimed the spike from the Pfizer vax doesn’t circulate. Several publications show it does and have been known about for months. One showed the spike is released from cells in exosomes and is immunogenic in its own right. Both also ignore the fact that studies in the USA show no difference between 60-90% popn vax prevalence and cases.
    Finally, all NZ govt advisors seem to ignore the accumulated data that natural immunity IS 95% effective for up to 10 months, potentially allowing the prospect of the 60% herd immunity criteria.

    • Hi, that sounds consistent with what I have heard, but i have an inquisitive mind. THe search results online seem to not direct me to your referenced studies, any chance you could provide a starter for me?

  3. Thank you for your great article. It is written in a few angle perspectives. Biggest problem here I see,lack of information(transparency)from government, re-vaccine information(side effects, there nevere has been safe and efective vaccine ever). Another problem, mandating vaccination only create polarize society, Next mistake was that government shut itself off from more experts and doctors,or at least they haven’t proved it via media. It is truth that healthy life style only improves immunity. But government applied vaccine, as the only solution. Now,they are in deep hole and they are diggin deeper and deeper. Will they hit the solid bedrock at all?

    • Martin, let’s stop mincing words. Jabcinda & co know exactly what and why are they doing: fulfilling their masters from WEF agenda 201 /2030 – massive depopulation and genocide. All information about this plandemic is available online as long as you avoid google and other big tech platforms since they are all in cahoots and heavily censoring the truth. Alot of us are on to them since March last year and slowly but surely, as the deaths and injuries from this bioweapon in the form of injection are multiplying by the day people are awakening and seeing it for what it is. Next move will be arresting and publicly executing everyone who was involved in this genocide against the humanity.

  4. From distant Bulgaria I can only say I am extremely grateful! Thank you for the clear, level-headed and frank outline of this horror people in the world are living in precisely because of the decisions of their governments. They are all acting like a herd of wolves, but the sheep, alas, are their own people who have elected them. So much for democracy. Thank God that there are still people like you, some of whom I have the privilege to know personally, who have kept their mind, knowledge, thinking and integrity intact.

  5. Excellent article. For reader’s consideration I add the Constitutional angle:
    The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 states quite clearly:
    10 “Right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation”
    Every person has the right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without that person’s consent.
    11 “Right to refuse to undergo medical treatment”
    Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment.

    The Human Rights Act 1993 states quite clearly:
    21 Prohibited grounds of discrimination
    (1) For the purposes of this Act, the prohibited grounds of discrimination are—
    …..(vii) the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing illness

    • My exact quote to my employer, Auckland Council, fell on deaf ears. I am staring down the barrel of dismissal before middle of January and already going through discipline.

      • Barry I also am in the same position with Auckland Council. If we are even 5% of the current. staff, Does that not make us around 500 people? Is it possible for us to connect and work as a group?

          • You all at Auckland Council who are affected need to get a lawyer and read the advice provided by Sue Grey and the Voices For Freedom group. There may be no way to avoid the inevitable but you can frame it correctly using the correct process. I suggest you all band together and get legal advice. That will reduce the cost. I used to work in a Council and I know you are up against it, but also they have to respect the law. Bloody HR!

  6. I had my first shot on the 1st November, and nearly 5 weeks later my chest is still tight and affects me more in the night. It was at a level after 3 weeks that I thought a hospital visit might be needed.
    I made up my mind then that a second shot will not be done until 6 weeks minimum after the first, but now I am thinking of not getting the second shot done at all.
    I believe in listening to your body, so for that reason I might just avoid giving my poor body a second hit.

    • I had my first jab about 6 weeks ago , and I also have had tightness in my chest since ,after 4 days of this I saw my doctor who said I may have a mild case of myocarditis ( enlarged heart) from the vaccine but not to worry. This continued until last weekend when the tightness got worse to the point I collapsed on the floor so I called an ambulance and was taken to hospital with my heart rate jumping 30 beats a minute up and down aswell as blood pressure jumping rising and falling , i too was t. I am normally fit and healthy , eat well and exercise 2 or 3 times a week and only decided to get the vaccine due to upcoming mandates for work. I dont want the second jab but life is going to be so restricted with out a vaccine pass I may have to

      • Oh gosh. Please don’t. Your life maybe more restricted if you end up in a wheel chair or worse.
        I believe these vaccine mandates and passports will end

      • Please, please dont get the second. As you have had a severe reaction you will qualify for a dispensation. You wont need it and can still have the same freedoms, dont pay the ultimate price. There are people out here who may get it and we need people like you to tell your story. Please. If you are to go from this world, for whatever reason know in your heart that you did what is right to do.

      • Life may be restricted but at least you’ll have one. With your side effects from the first one, the next shot could either exacerbate the current conditions, or kill you.
        There are other ways to enjoy life than the things that they are taking from us.

      • Life restricted without the vax pass is still life. In your case it is very likely second shot will be fatal. You already have problems with Graphene Oxide that you received in the first jab. Don’t push your luck. These monsters have about 5% of killer shots in each batch released, since killing all people at once would be way too suspicious. This way they stagger the death shots, so majority is not paying attention what is really going on. If you love your own life and your family please stay away from this evil depopulation agenda. No job is worth it.

  7. This is a great article, and sums up the problem, political and scientific bias, dogma and prejudice that has got us to where we are now. None of this so called science has even mentioned the power and importance of our mirculous natural immune system. there is no category under the traffic light restrictions that allows for a previously infected person to qualify for a vaccine passport, despite their far superior natually acquired immunity. there is no question that vaers events should have been mandated to be reported, but they were not. Yet to come is the potential carnage of long term harm. I see there is a new quest in the USA, to “unvaccinate”. Likely impossible due to the prescence graphene hydroxide nanoparticles, which the body cannot excrete.

  8. Please refer to the Prime Minister with her with her title or PM , ie the same curtsy male prime minsters get. Other than that very good article.

    • She might be your PM Maurice but most just see her as a dictator now. There’s no team of 5 million never was …we are now heading towards becoming a state of China thanks to the Woke who voted for her. My grandfathers both fought for our freedom in the great war. With signing up for the data (vaccine)passport you are selling your children and grandchildren into a world where big brother will own them

    • She deserves no courtesy at all. She’s lucky she didn’t get expletives thrown at her. Yes, she truly is a dictator, and she has the blood of over 300 dead on her hands, plus the maiming of thousands.

  9. I think we should boycott the media until they start asking the hard questions and stop being slaves to the government and do what they love ..investigate . Otherwise we are stuck with a one eyed ruling . How do we act and get some actual scientific facts heard.

    • Agreed. The media are disgusting… money hungry over seeking out the truth and having no regard for the innocent victims. If you go looking for it, there’s plenty of evidence out there. I was hoping maybe Patrick Gower would have the guts to seek out the truth given he loves digging deep ….

  10. I am not convinced that the public of new Zealand could handle a ‘pure and honest discussion’ when a lot of people gobble up and the regurgitate MSM poop like its chocolate. So many of the commentators stir up strife by exciting self righteous fervour in their listeners instead of honestly looking at the problems. We’ve long suffered from ‘tall poppy syndrome’ in NZ and when that poppy happens to be truth or sources of honest discussion its a pretty bleak outlook.

    • Hi Barry, let’s try it though eh? I am organising The Great Debate: To jab or not to Jab, that is the question. A forum for parents deciding for their children. It will be televised from Dunedin in early Feb. we are assembling the key note speakers and brave investigative journalists. Whether we are ready or not, we should. My name is Dr Julia Anne (formally Charity). I specialise in science communication, with a PhD in molecular biology. I am well connected to the media and sci Comms. Naturally we will be inviting Guy – this article triggered my very strong desire to act.

  11. This article is so excellent. I have learned so much from it, and am sharing it everywhere I can. Thank you. I will be reading more from you.

  12. Great article. I had a terrible reaction after my second dose, thought I was going to die. I am extremely fit and healthy, exercise 6 days a week, only 42, no medical conditions. Heart palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pains. Went to my GP, didn’t want to know. Told me it couldn’t possibly be the vaccine and then made me have a covid test. Probably didn’t even note it on my health record. It’s an absolute farce. I’ll never get a booster shot.

    • Sorry to hear that, please consider that your report of this to CARM may help others avoid a similar fate. People like you are a light for others.

  13. Got half way through and saw a point I’d like to raise – I’m trained in Pharmacy, have MA Infectious Disease, have worked as a researcher and also trained in natural health have studied vaccination for years. The biggest concern I have and I wish I could get this in the media is that the vaccine has been released during Phase 3 clinical trial – Phase 3 being larger cohort longitudinal study which doesn’t finish until 2023. The Public Release – Phase 4 hasn’t been approved yet, therefore this vaccine has been introduced under Emergency Use Authority – therefore, in my opinion given its trial status adverse events reporting should have been mandatory, so the results of the trial could be compared to the real world data. I’m appalled that we are all guinea pigs and appalled at the refusal by medical practitioners to capture adverse events. D

  14. Follow the money trail. Media is owned by the same companies that own Pfizer so how are we ever going to get an open debate if our media aren’t looking for the truth!

    • I know it seems like a big hurdle, but I do believe their are freelance, investigative journalists who can help cover the story. We just need to pitch “The Great Debate” to an independent TV network – this is a topic that a lot of New Zealand parents are interested in. Any media company wants eyeballs. We co-develop a debate that brings rigour and opportunity and fairness for a range of people to speak freely. We are bringing in very experienced, professional adjucicators who will uphold Civil Society – there are already very good discussion/debate frameworks in play by the Science Communicators and a Matauranga Maori perspective. I think we owe it to ourselves to at least try to have a debate. I have led debates on Bed Tax and Genetic Engineering – people appreciate the chance to be heard.

      Given it will likely be a small, live event, the majority of our audience could view on the LIVE stream (you tube), or post-produced version on various networks. It’s just a matter of knowing who and how the whole TV-thingy works. There are still some indie-media networks, looking for good, relevant, ethical, interesting content. Julia x

  15. I agree this is great well fact based report.. only fault it is maybe being a little too kind in saying Jacinda’s actions may be be due to niavety. Alas jacinda and her govts actions, in ignoring democracy and the wishes of 80% plus of our elected representatives re the Three Waters Scheme, revels she has an agenda and it is not about looking after us.

    • 100% criminal what the government is doing!!
      Evil does exist but never thght id see it in our own government
      I will never take that vaccine!!
      Thats a promise!!

    • She and many politicians media doctors pharmacies hospital nurses etc are listed on the Nuremberg code 2.0 which was international law brought in for crimes against humanity with the Jewish they hung Nazis media for media spreading false statements against the Jewish a load of warrants data facts proof has been served to courts police stations in the UK and all Australian states if not actioned the police they are diverting the course of justice and will end up at Nuremberg as they serve the people not the government ,the next 10-18 years are going to be a shock for most 1901 common law .over rides any law sovereign rights the police need to stand with the people or face the vengeance of the people deceived with lie after lie premeditated genocide treason will be years of civil court proceedings sentences handed out by sovereign assemblies the elite &cabals will be hunted and put down and then rebuilt community’s with freedoms without being governed with taxes GST Rates laws this should of happened centuries ago

  16. Nice comments, appreciative of the author’s work.
    Are we discussing the last movie we’ve watched?! Or one of the worst acts of criminal negligence (at least) rolling out into our communities?!
    It is real. My DiL had a mini stroke recorded as Asymptomatic Migraine by the senior person at the hospital. People are dying. Being maimed.

  17. You legend keep up your truth telling good to see some on the main stream.you would have to think the govt has access to all information, and choosing the path they have taken is criminal and surely a violation of human rights . Way above my pay grade ,thank you and sorry also for you’re loss .

  18. To those mentioning ” The New Zealand Bill of Rights” . I suggest you read the very latest amendments. Arden and her “The One Truth” mates have made many alterations that vertually make it a usless document. There are a number of mentions that the Governing power can do basically what they like if “Its for the greater good’ etc.

  19. The article on the Prime Minister is very instructive and interesting. But disaster must be stopped urgently!

    This is a very urgent call to all who care!

    Please read, join and share information.

    The ‘Mainstream info bypass’ post gathers many alternative sources with the opinions of censored honest scientists, lawyers and experts. The post is bilingual in Slovene and English, similar to the y4na portal.


    The media, politics and medicine are carrying out global genocide without a doubt. This is appallingly true for most in the world with a few rare honorable exceptions, if any. Collective global action is essential for the existence of humanity.

    Dr Reiner Fuellmich: has all the evidence that pandemic is crimes against humanty!

    One of the effective solutions is the global collective quantum concentration under the leadership of dr. Grabovoi and with the support of the patented artificial intelligence PRK-1U.

    Look at comment 3:

    Light transformation of the action of dark forces Advent management! (comment3)!

    Join, spread information and save humanity!


    Some prophecies ( see the Y4NE portal ) speak of a ‘new island’ in the Pacific Ocean, where a new civilization will emerge after all the cataclysms.

    Maybe this will be New Zealand.

    The friend who gave me the link to the DT – NZ portal is very intuitive …..

    Thanks to the Daily Telegraph NZ

    • It’s a shame that such BS is allowed to be published in the links above for the un-educated to read and believe it is true. The pandemic will never end if crap like that keeps getting published.

      • YOu didnt even go to the site did you. Well because of your reaction i could tell you were brainwashed because you all have the same attitude. SO that made me go to the site. It contains lists of links to official scienfitic papers, information published by respected and qualified international experts etc. The pandemic will end when people like you say no to the government propoaganda.

        • Such BS in those site above it makes me want to barf. The pandemic will end when people like you smarten up and start helping to end this pandemic. Instead of spewing your BS and prolonging it.

        • He’s a sheep only crucial thinkers free thinkers have known from the beginning we know what’s coming people that aren’t mentally prepared
          Will be torn devastated ,mass psychosis stuck in one belief not willing to be wrong focused on the fear mongering to even see one red flag there been fu@cken 20 of them governments saying word for word on the same narratives when they take ya rights away there has to be due diligence as to why rights and freedoms are hard to get back took wars to get them

  20. Thankyou for a considered and well structured article. I am very interested to read for myself the publications refered to in this (and other) articles, I believe including links to external publications would build the credibility of the reporting. A very useful resource would be a permanent archive of the most pertinent research. Thanks for your efforts 🙂

  21. I learned during the week that the woman who designed the Medsafe website and overseen it’s implementation and operation has resigned, in essence, “let go” because she wouldn’t succumb to the vaccine, and will NOT ever get it. Neither will her partner. Isn’t that interesting …

  22. Great article, thank you.

  23. I have had a staff member who’s dad aged 68, fit as a fiddle and never had any health issue. He whitebaits every year and plays gold. Got his first shot & went blind in one eye. The Dr’s advised he doesn’t not get 2nd shot as this was a known side effect, but they could not document that advise… However due to pressure he got his 2nd shot & within 4 hours had a major stoke. Now he gets around on a zimmer frame ….. I am NOT anti vax, however we are not given all the information & this should concern everyone.

  24. Why no references in this article? Where is this particular claim backed up?…..

    “This is compounded by something disturbing hidden in real world data, figures published by UKSHA showed that for individuals over 19, the rate of transmission was almost twice as high among the vaccinated when compared to the unvaccinated”

  25. jacinda adern is pure evil and must be stopped before she mandates the injecting of our children with the expiremental gene therapy touted as a vaccine and starts killing our children.

  26. Very informative..Thank you. So we the unvaccinated the unclean who eat fresh veges, walk, plenty of exercise etc etc are penalized by this government.. Can’t go into shops etc loose our jobs shunned by the vaccinated, cant play golf !!!!!! Where is it all going to end..

  27. The conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers have reared their ugly heads again, which has not helped our progression through this crisis. It has perhaps influenced the government’s messaging too.

    Ultimately, it comes down to being practical rather than perfectionist. Decision-making isn’t all about science. Consider the burden on the health system, the restriction of movement, the economy, etc.

      • Clueless sheep keep watching ya mainstream payed off news
        A good journalist reports both sides
        Of what he’s researching red flag ???? or they are incompetent since this plandemic started ? u sheep can’t think to hard when serious shit is throwing red flags around,governments have agendas we have two 21 & 30 global communist agendas from the world economic forum for short abbreviation NWO wake the fu&k up or else every aspect of our lives will be controlled they have the tech thanks to the trillions they spent on 5G ,blackrock and vanguard control the US Stockmarket big pharma big tech and they still want to control us there name for us is unless eaters money and power is what these pieces of shit live for there plan for us social credit system universal wage u will have nothing but be happy,future generations don’t deserve this kind of existence due to our lack of holding the line in times of turmoil ,1.4 million supporters 50thousand trucks 70km convoy are surrounding the Parliament House in Canada demanding an end to all COVID measures convoys in many countries happening right now ,PM Justin went into hiding before they got there ????‍♂️spineless

    • The cause of the burden on the health system has NOT been Covid19. it is systemic mismanagement and underfunding. THe restrictions of movement is caused by the regulatiuons imposed upon people moving. THe economy is restricted by the regulations imposed upon it also. None of those are casued by Covid, but by the Jacinda Ardern government. Sweden, many countries did not take the same route and did fine. Even more concerning is that she follows failed policy. You are the problem, you need to be led by a leader, you trust the government with your money, your health and probably your house. Prepare to lose the lot.

  28. Great article, thank you.
    The truth is the people are dying from mRNA injections. Our relative got the first shot, got sick, was hospitalized shortly with blood clots and tragically died in two weeks time from massive stroke.
    He was cremated on the next day by hospital, without consulting with family.
    How it possible could happen????
    But, it is happening in our outrageous time. Wake up , people, who is delusional yet. Stand up and speak out.
    We are loosing our Human Rights.

  29. Every aspect so well separated out and addressed. Such a well written and well researched article. Thank you. I will certainly be sharing this one with friends and others who haven’t yet been able to see through the preserved narrative.

  30. I suspect that the trolling happening by a few of the “Anonymous” entries above are from people who are encouraged and/or paid to go onto sites such as this and attempt to hassle the rest of us. I can almost guarantee that they haven’t actually read the well-researched article above.

    Well done Guy Hatchard! This pulls together very well what we have been researching ourselves over the last year or so. Well done!

  31. Excellent article, well balanced and true. I can imagine how vaccinated people first deny and get angry, they feel totally stripped so their first answer will always be an angry one. They don’t need convincing, the people around them dropping dead suddenly will open their eyes eventually., Just wait and it will all come out in the wash.

  32. Thankfully a ‘few’ people in msm are (just) beginning to wake up..slowly. could ve happened long ago if early warnings (Reiner Fuellmich and his team of 10,000 medical experts and 1,000 lawyers were listened to, as well as American Dr. Alliances, Nz Dr Simon Thornley and Dr Sam Bailey, ROBERT Kennedy Jr.. And MANY many others. NZ Medsafe has recorded Adverse reactions from the Cv v x now up to 38,500 , deaths over 70 recorded. Most go unrecorded. Shameful .series of events.

  33. Thank you for the great article. Please can you share the report from UKSHA that showed that for “individuals over 19, the rate of transmission was almost twice as high among the vaccinated when compared to the unvaccinated.” As per the article? Many thanks.

  34. An amazing article, back up by science and research, THANK YOU. I know of people who were affected by the so called vaccine but the doctors have told them it was not the cause and just a coincidence. My son reported of generalised tingling post second dose. My young daughter had a breakdown because of the lockdown and nobody is talking about these other issues but only focused on COVID. Thank you again for writing the truth as many media are sold out. Shame on them.

  35. Belief can sit in us much stronger than logic. If someone has reached full belief, then logic struggles against their belief. Science tells us of the importance of maximum data gathering, all scientific results being included, continuous updating of knowledge, scrutiny into the effects of funding (the list goes on). Despite thorough scientific processes & results, if they come against a belief the belief wins. Example belief: vaccines are good, this is a vaccine, so it’s good. Wishing success to those going up against entrenched beliefs!
    People are also more afraid of the unknown of giving up their belief than the comfort that staying with their belief gives them.
    A second issue is the oversimplification of messages. People can handle unknowns, we take out mortgages despite interest rates going up and down, yes a simple example made at speed. Being told “only 1 solution is possible” (vaccine) is a misrepresentation of the amazing ability mankind has for multiple creative solutions. As this article demonstrated, thank you

  36. This makes me sad – the person I knew who died from covid was the only family member to be unvaccinated. His close family members caught covid, but were vaccinated and did not even have to be admitted to hospital.

    Guy clearly hadn’t (and I hope he won’t) experienced this pain. Healthly living alone doesn’t seem to be enough.

  37. The article chronicles what appears to be criminal incompetence in Jacinda. She should face some sort of legal reckoning as she continues to double down with a learing smile saying the shots will never end. This seriously damages the credibility of New Zealand and Jacinda. Because of the proscriptions against “hate speech” which can mean telling the truth, I won’t go further. I should also mention that the coverups in the trials, like those mentioned in the article, make it possible that, once this blows over, Pfizer’s immunity could be reversed. You can’t get liability protection for intentional acts, and it now appears that intentional acts of deception were involved in getting the lethal injections approved.

  38. “There is an argument here that vaccination will expose children to a greater risk than covid. The research data is equivocal on this point and not in any way conclusive of benefit. ”

    “No mention was made of the high risk of myocarditis (a serious illness) among especially vulnerable young men and boys.”

    I would be interested in reading more about this. Can you please share the journal sources?

    • Where do these braindead idiots come up of this kind of crap. It is so sad to see so many un-educated people that actually believe this BS.

      • Explain what you mean by uneducated? There are plenty of doctors, scientists, teachers, nurses etc who spent years in tertiary institutions getting educated who believe in this crap. Are you educated? How did you get educated? While you were getting educated did you ever question teachers, did your teachers ever question you. If not can you really call yourself educated?

  39. If these people believe that Covid is a hoax, a conspiracy, a way for the gov. to cull the population etc. Then yes, they are braindead.

    • looks like we have a doctor here, who can diagnose a medical condition in people, based on their beliefs. give him a Nobel prize already!

      • Just use some common sense and you can see how braindead some people are in their beliefs no diagnoses needed.
        But, I will take that Nobel prize anyway.

  40. you keep repeating your opinions and not giving any arguments to support them. where are the hard facts, numbers, statistics etc. that you are basing your convictions on?

  41. Missouri USA. I’ve looked at statistics in Demark, Sweden, Norway and Japan. I’m not finding anything especially dangerous about these Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Japan says young men should avoid the jab because of heart issues (7 times more likely to die from shot than COVID). I’m 68 had pneumonia shot, I’ve survived Alpha (Mild fever, lost smell and taste for 1 week) and Delta (Much like medium Flu). I felt somewhat damaged after Delta, numbness tingling in right arm/hand. After months of 6000 daily units of Vit D3, much better

  42. Hey Ƭhere. I found your weblog the usagе of
    mѕn. This is an extremely well written article. I’ll make surе
    to bookmark it аnd come back to rеad extrа of your helpful
    info. Thanks for the post. I will definitely comeƄack.

  43. This is just a big wind up . Its self parsing and lacking statistical analysis. We all know these issues exist but ~90% of people have dealt with this just weighed up relative risk and tired to get on with life. Move on

    • ~90% of people was the result of media propganda and mass psychosis. The trust has fallen for boosters, which is ~60%. Flu jabbers are about the same rate but pfizer jabbers will face more health issues and worke up in the years to come. Public do not move on because they fight for justics and human rights. The objective is not just jabbing but to subjugate the population and keep us poor under the NWO. So no point in moving on and justicce will have to be rendered to those who decieved kiwis for the globalists agenda.

  44. We are born into a bankers war. All wars are bankers wars. We are given a number at ‘berth’. We are ‘born’ into life. We are ‘birthed’ into the Legal profession. Legal is described by Encyclopedia Britannica as ‘The undoing of Gods law’. Every birth is a registration of date that creates an insured securcity based on the presumption we died at b(e)rth intestate. The securities attached to the various versions of our ‘name’ are traded as stocks and bonds. Hitler awarded the Mothers Medal for exceptional breeding. That breeding created banking securities used to back the loans borrowed from international bankers to finacnce the war machine. Both sides of WWII were financed by international bankers to ‘cash in’ on the extermination of the abandoned ‘Wills’ left by those who died intestate. Deagle has forcast the population of NZ as being 1.2 million less by 2025. 2025 happens to be the published date the World Bank website claims the COVID-19 PROJECT ends. Law is facts. Legal is the presumption of facts. The ‘pandemic’ is a presumption of facts, it is a fiction. Man is living, ‘persons’ are dead. We have been born into a lie that we can not see. The NZ drivers licence clearly shows two names and two faces. We are born as twins where one is pronounced dead. ‘Child’ includes a stillborn child. ‘Birth’ includes a stillbirth. ‘includes’ excludes all else. Government is a corporation offering us a contract. Without a contract there can be no consent. ‘Mandate’ is the offering of a contract. We are ‘presumed’ to have accepted their offer to contract by implied consent. Mandate has no standing in law, it is a legal word. Legal words have different meanings for the same words in law. Legal is the law of the sea. We are vessels considered lost at sea and claimed as ‘salvaged’ under maritime shipping law. The ‘joke’ is on us. We are born dead. The all uppercase ‘name’ belongs to the legal profession. We are born Christian then birthed using our fathers name. Do not take the fathers name in vain. The fathers name created a Trust. The contents of a trust are a secret. The government opperates in secret trading our trusts for ‘dollars’. Dollars are debt instruments owned by the money changers. They ‘change’ our abandoned securities for dollars. They devalue the dollar using inflation to claim our property as their own. They ‘farm’ our energy to fund their ‘game’. Red pill or blue pill. Red pill is ‘living’ on the Private side of the ledger. Blue pill is the legal ‘fiction’ based on presumption of law and the presumption of death. We are presumed dead at b(e)rth. To be ‘born again’ we need to claim our life using the appropriate paperwork. The ‘birth certificate’ is not proof of life, it is proof we have abandoned life and are therefore dead. If you think the government are lying you are right, that is how governments work.

    • Any type of contact u enter into they own it postmaster judges specialise in word of contract masters of written word it’s like a ancient art form,they can free u from all dept by removing your person out of any legal system birth certificate and contracts, driver license it’s a huge process learning common law and using it in a way where u will be free from everything


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