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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Christchurch’s NRL ambition: New club promises $50 Million boost to city

Christchurch NRL news
New Te Kaha Stadium. Image – te-kaha.co.nz.

A proposal to establish a Christchurch-based rugby league team in the National Rugby League (NRL) is generating excitement and promises significant economic benefits.

South Island NRL Bid Limited (SINRL) is urging the Christchurch City Council to support its bid to create a professional rugby league team that would play at the soon-to-be-completed Te Kaha Stadium. According to SINRL, the new team could inject around $50 million per season into the local economy.

The project is spearheaded by former Canterbury Rugby League chairman Tony Kidd, with notable supporters like former Kiwis and Warriors coach Frank Endacott and ex-Christchurch East Labour MP Poto Williams. They argue that the team would enhance the development of rugby league across the South Island, offering clear pathways for senior players and fostering a robust fan base.

The bid faces competition from another team led by former New Zealand Rugby and NRL boss David Moffett, who is advocating for the ‘South Island Kea’. Despite the rivalry, SINRL remains confident in its standalone strength, though they are open to collaboration if necessary.

At a recent council meeting, Williams saw the potential benefits for local talent retention, while Endacott highlighted the international interest and visitor influx the team could attract. The NRL is expected to announce the bid process soon, and if successful, SINRL aims to have the team ready by November next year, aligning with the Te Kaha Stadium’s completion in 2026.

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  1. Where does on park their car to attend any event?
    Has the sewer and water systems been upgraded to handle the extra volume?
    Have the roads been widened?
    Have there been any extra hotels / motels built to accommodate the tourist and visitors to these events?
    Let me guess; probably not, as there is a history of no fore-thought in ancillary planning whatsoever!


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