21.2 C
Sunday, February 23, 2025


Home and Garden

Gardening with Wally Richards: Grass grubs – now is the time

I am often asked is it the best time to do certain things in the garden and more often than not when asked it...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Sprayers and spraying

Gardeners and horticulturists can at times take things for granted as we are often doing certain chores and don't stop to realise that what...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Household items useful in gardening

There are a number of items that can be used in your garden to the benefit of plants. For instance a year ago I wrote...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Winter Preparations

This week I noticed a distinct chill in the air, first thing in the morning, which could be described as a very light frost. Others...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Weeds (a new way to deal with them)

This week I received a book from an old friend of mine, Julia Sich which she has written and called 'Julia's Guide to Edible...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Wake Up Call

Our heart-felt sympathy to all those that have suffered from the adverse weather events of recent. It is already past the time that we needed...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Iron vs. Copper

Recently a reader sent me an article which I found very interesting so I will share this with you. Iron gardening tools versus copper gardening...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Pollination

Most plants flower to produce seeds so their line will continue through their off spring. When it comes to our gardening efforts we want plants...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Gardening tips

There are many tips that can assist you in achieving better results from your gardening pursuits. Over the years I have collected so many of...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Brambles

Brambles is the general term used to cover a range of thorny berry fruit from the Rubus family such as black berries, raspberries, logan...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Plants and health

Readers following my weekly columns and books will be well aware of how I have combined gardening with health. I know that naturally grown vegetables...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Time to plant for winter

December, January, February are the best months for planting vegetables and flowers for winter food and colour. The reason is you need to catch the...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Pest Solutions

Wishing you a Happy New Year Gardening. Now the weather has settled a bit and temperatures are better (But still a bit chilly at times)...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Merry Christmas

Here it is Christmas day and I am writing this short weekly article today cause I was too busy yesterday mowing lawns and tidying...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Pollinating flowers of fruiting plants

Pollination can be a problem for gardeners when it does not occur naturally. Various plants use different modes of pollination from attracting insects such as...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Growing woes

For most of the country it was a dismal spring and now we are into the first month of summer things have not improved...

Neat trick turns your stainless steel frying pan into a non-stick

Non-stick frying pans have been for us for many years now. With their teflon coatings they've revolutionised the way we cook. But they don't come...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Encouraging children to garden

We need to encourage our children and grandchildren to appreciate Nature by including them in some gardening activities. I believe that young children have a...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Cardboard

Cardboard boxes are everywhere. A lot of products are transported in cardboard boxes, most products we ship out are in cardboard boxes. Supermarkets have heaps of...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Gardening tips

For most of the country it has been a poor spring and slow start of the growing season. We have the daylight hours, in fact...

Insulation trumps building structure

Want to voice an opinion? Send us a ‘Letter to the Editor’ by email to editor@dailytelegraph.co.nz, including your name, or initials, or ‘Anonymous’, and...

Gardening with Wally Richards: The need for phosphorus

When we buy plant foods or fertilisers for our gardens we see on them the letters N:P:K followed by numbers which indicate the amounts...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Things we might miss or forget

It is an very interesting spring and start to the new season. Most of us are saying where is spring? It is already into October...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Plant immunity

Plants, just like ourselves, have built in protection against diseases though their immunity systems. We build up our immunity naturally over the years by surviving...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Solving pest problems

It is a new gardening season and once it warms up the pest populations will quickly grow. So far the temperatures have been below what...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Alternative weed controls

Chemical herbicides aren't the only option available. There are a number of other products which are handy weedkillers but which don't do as much damage...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Tomato time

If you are like me, your fingers are itching to get the new seasons tomato plants under way. The earlier you start the sooner you...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Planting plants

Gardeners are buying and planting plants now for the coming season. This may range from seedlings of vegetables, annual flowering plants, fruiting plants and ornamental...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Stone fruit Curly Leaf Disease

All too often I am asked questions about problems that have already occurred and its to late to prevent them. Its like the old saying,...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Potatoes

Once upon a time when the world was a much better place and people could afford to buy a quarter acre of land and...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Disease control

One of the products that we have that is excellent for preventing and the control of a number of plant diseases is Perkfection. We named...

Gardening with Wally Richards: More magic

Last week our article was about Magic Botanical Liquid (MBL) and how this natural product made an incredible difference to your plants and gardens. Then...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Magic

How would you like to bring a little Magic to your gardens, all plants, as well as your house plants? There is a very simple...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Solving gardening problems

A tip that I was given, which I am going to try myself this spring, is in regards to curly leaf in stone fruit...

Neem Tree granules and powder

In India the kernels of the Neem Tree are collected and cold pressed to extract the Neem oil which is used to control insect...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Controlling some pests

I am often asked about how to control populations of slugs and earwigs in gardens without using the usual chemicals. This is particularly important in...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Bryophytes (Moss and Liverworts)

Bryophytes and Embryophytes are the botanical names given to mosses, lichen, liverworts, hornworts, molds, algae and slime. These are primate plant-like forms which were the...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Autumn leaf fall

A reader from Southland emailed me this week and asked if I could write an article about what to do with autumn leaves. For some...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Growing Food

I wrote this article 8 years ago and to this day I have found it to be the best and less expensive way to...

Gardening with Wally Richards: Preparing for winter

I don't know about you? But I have starting to put on a jersey in the morning, off during the day and back on...

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