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Thursday, June 27, 2024

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Majorcans protest against mass tourism, block beach access for holidaymakers

Protests erupted at Caló des Moro beach in Majorca as locals blocked tourists from accessing the idyllic spot due to frustration with mass tourism.

Demonstrators, some wearing T-shirts with slogans like “all tourists are b*******s,” heckled holidaymakers and demanded they leave. Over 200 activists were involved, holding placards reading, “Beware of locals, we are angry,” and “If they have no bread, eat the tourists,” echoing sentiments against the overwhelming influx of visitors.

The grassroots group Mallorca Platja Tour organised the protest to highlight the environmental and social impacts of mass tourism, which has led to significant wear and tear on the beach and inflated local property prices.

Many Majorcans feel their island’s resources are being overstretched by the high volume of tourists. Residents complain about rising living costs, environmental degradation, and the transformation of their local culture.

Despite the economic benefits brought by tourism, many locals, like Eva Maria Rapp told UK legacy media there was a need for stricter regulations on visitors to preserve the island’s natural beauty and quality of life.

Last month a viral video showing drunk British tourists having a fight on the beach sparked outrage, with calls for the men involved to be banned from international travel for life.

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