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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Australian girl returns home after surviving stabbing attack in London’s Leicester Square

Laila Johnson (L), Ioan Pintaru (R) being restrained by police in the day of the attack in London's Leicester Square.

Laila Johnson, an 11-year-old from Australia, has spoken out after surviving a random stabbing attack in London’s Leicester Square.

Laila was with her mother, Samantha Johnson, on August 12 when she was allegedly attacked by homeless man, Romanian migrant Ioan Pintaru, who put her in a headlock and stabbed her eight times with a steak knife.

The schoolgirl sustained serious injuries to her face, shoulder, wrist, and neck and required plastic surgery. Despite the traumatic ordeal, Laila was visiting London with members of her family after attending the Olympics in Paris.

Laila and her mother have since returned to their home in Candelo, New South Wales, where Laila has resumed her school activities, including playing the lead role in a school play.

Laila told the Daily Mail Australia that she was grateful to the hospital staff and police who cared for her, saying they made her feel safe despite the terrifying experience.

Pintaru, who has been charged with attempted murder and possession of a bladed article, remains in custody and is set to appear in court again on September 10. The incident, described by authorities as a ‘random attack’.

Detective Chief Superintendent Christina Jessah said: “This is a horrific incident and our thoughts are with the victims and their family. We will continue to provide support to them over the coming days and weeks.

“I would like to pay tribute to the members of the public, including staff from local businesses, who bravely intervened in this incident. They put themselves at risk and showed the best of London in doing so.”

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  1. England is gone, this guy will probably get community service because racism or something but post mean tweets as a white man and its 2 or 3 years in jail immediatelly.


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