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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Popular Now

Candace Owens: Government shutdown of internet, power ‘inevitable’

Conservative commentator Candace Owens says it is inevitable the government will shut down the internet and power.

Could we expect the same thing in New Zealand? Owens’ belief is based on the fact the World Economic Forum has predicted the shutdown, and it will come as the result of a ‘cyber-pandemic’.

She reasons the World Economic Forum, in 2019, predicted a ‘coronavirus pandemic’ and ran exercises for it. Within months the world was swept up in the pandemic. Was the prediction just a coincidence?

in the video she says:

What would you do if they brought the power grid down? And by ‘they’, I mean the government purposely bring the power grid down. I’m not asking that question for fun. I’m asking that question because the World Economic Forum is predicting that a cyber-pandemic (you can look this up, they’ve been running exercises about it this year), is ‘inevitable’.

You’re probably going to say, ‘what is a cyber-pandemic, it doesn’t make any sense? Like, you know, what are we even talking about?’

First of all, the reason why I’m paying attention to the World Economic Forum and their ‘exercises’ is because they notoriously, in 2019 ran an ‘exercise’ for a ‘coronavirus pandemic’ that oddly all became true. With one slight difference they said that a coronavirus was going to escape from a wet market in South America. Of course when the coronavirus swept the nation, swept the world in 2020 they said it had escaped from a wet market in China. You can still look that up by the way, it’s not a conspiracy theory. They simulated that coronavirus pandemic, it was the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and in collaboration with John Hopkins University.

The web site is still up and they say ‘the coronavirus pandemic is inevitable,’ and then boom! It happened the very next year.

People say it’s a conspiracy theory to say they knew that the coronavirus pandemic was going to happen. You don’t have to believe it was a conspiracy theory, or you can believe it wasn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s up to you, I don’t really care.

The point is, they made the prediction, they called it inevitable, and that it happened, immediately. So, to me personally that signals to me that I should probably pay attention the next time the World Economic Forum makes a prediction, and calls it ‘inevitable’.

And, lo and behold, they are predicting that a ‘cyber-pandemic’ is going to happen, and that it is, once again, ‘inevitable’.

So, if you look into the exercise they have run this year, I believe they ran it in July, they’ve been meeting and talking about the cyber-pandemic and what it will look like essentially, their idea is that they’re going to have to ‘sanitise’ the internet, because a ‘bug’, think of it like a coronavirus for your computer, is going to sweep globally, and the only way they’re going to be able to stop this bug from infecting everything is to effectively shut down the internet, and they were talking about bringing down the power grid to do this.

So, imagine the government bringing down the power grid, and you would not have access to anything that required an electrical charge.

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  1. She’s right. The covid narrative they tried to force on us is falling apart. They can’t control the narrative anymore and people are finally waking up. They will kill the internet to stop the flow of information.


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