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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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China scraps vax mandate after 2 days

China vax mandate news

Beijing has reversed course on what would have been the country’s first vaccine mandate following popular outrage.

Beijing has ditched a proposed vaccination mandate that would have limited access to its public places to jabbed residents only, the city announced on Thursday, citing public pushback. The Chinese capital had only announced the rule on Wednesday.

Instead of requiring vaccination, Beijing residents can now enter all public venues with a negative Covid test result taken less than 72 hours ago and a temperature check, a city official told state media, adding that the government would continue to promote vaccination on a voluntary informed-consent basis.

Set to take effect on July 11, the policy would have barred the unvaxxed from theaters, museums, cinemas, gyms, training and tutoring locations, while medical staff, community service employees, home furnishing operators, express delivery providers and conference attendees would have to not only get the shot but receive a booster to continue in their jobs.

While Li Ang of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission insisted there would be exceptions for those who don’t qualify for vaccination, many other countries whose governments initially promised similar exceptions failed to deliver. Nor would the mandate have gotten rid of the city’s testing rules, which require residents to be tested at least once every three days to enter public spaces.

Residents openly questioned the vaccine’s effectiveness against the omicron variant on social media and denounced the proposed mandate as an illegal limitation on their freedom. A study conducted in Denmark showed both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines displayed a negative effectiveness against the omicron variant just three months after being vaccinated, though the scientists did not test any of the Chinese Covid-19 vaccine formulas.

“The reversal shows the power of public opinions,” former Global Times editor Hu Xijin noted on his official Weibo account after the rollback was announced, explaining that while “Chinese society is dominated by government,” they “backed up in the face of a public pushback. That means they accept the public’s view of the vaccine mandate as illegal.”

While 90% of China’s population are reportedly fully vaccinated, the mandate was partially intended to push older residents to get their shots – Beijing’s elderly vaccination rate is above 80%, but the continued reluctance of the remaining holdouts has irritated those who blame the unjabbed seniors for lockdowns and other inconvenient policies associated with the country’s Covid Zero strategy.

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Source:RT News

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  1. So now New Zealanders under comrad jabcinda have less rights than oppressed peoples ruled by a brutal communist dictated nation. WAKE UP CITIZENS

    • *This tweet violates our terms of service.

      Click here to find out more about how our glorious world order will build back better ???? ???? ????‍♀️ ????️‍???????? ????

  2. Our Nazi style dictator does not listen to public opinion, which is why mandates still rule many peoples lives in NZ. She is skipping around the globe on taxpayers money while we cannot return to our home because we don’t have a green traffic light, under Christchurch City council rules [caravan park mandate].
    Jabsinister only looks at her poll results when it is getting close to an election and this is the only reason there has been any
    slackening off at all.
    Not interested in the deaths, adverse effects or covid surges due to the experimental injections, is gearing up for the moneypox
    plandemic so it can tlghten the screws on us all again, and push the shingles vaccine.
    Do not comply!
    She can’t play the game alone, don’t join in this time, look at the horrific results of last time, say NO MORE, even the Chinese
    are not too scared to say no more now.
    Where are peoples brains in this country if they cannot see the obvious. They have had plenty of time to access information
    and shut out the brainwashing media. The Pfizer papers dump reveals all yet our PM still pushes jabs. STOP taking them!
    Crimes against humanity, the bilggest in history.

  3. While the Chinese are obedient citizens(probably due to force by their totalitarian state)they arent completely stupid.Can we say the same,I dont think so


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