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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Dutch food prices soar as economy weakens

Dutch food news

Economists no longer expect an “impressive recovery” and blame high inflation for weak performance.

Food prices in the Netherlands have jumped by 15.7% in November compared to last year, data shared on Thursday by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) shows.

The consumer price index (CPI) was 9.9% up in November from the same month last year. Experts point out that bread, cereals, meat and dairy products in particular have contributed to the price increase.

According to the European harmonized consumer price index (HICP), services and consumer goods in the country were 11.3% more expensive in November than in the same period in 2021.

In its latest quarterly report released on Monday, Dutch financial services company Rabobank downgraded its estimates of an “impressive recovery” from the Covid pandemic after growth stalled in the third quarter, and has said the country’s economy will “barely” grow in the coming years.

Rabobank economist Nic Vrieselaar noted that the Dutch economy had reached its limits this year and pointed to “staff and equipment shortages everywhere.” Production capacity is also strained by surging energy prices leaving no room for growth, according to the report.

“High inflation and increased rates are putting pressure on consumer and business spending,” he added.

After this year’s expected growth of 4.2% analysts predict weak performance for the Dutch economy, with just a 0.6% advance next year, and are forecasting a 1% GDP increase in 2024.

Image credit: Tanathip Rattanatum

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Source:RT News

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  1. Confiscate 3000+ farms and a food crises is written in stone. Europe’s commission is the commission of pure psychopathic evil.

  2. Consumers in Netherlands and Western Europe in general will still be much better off than kiwis. Grocery prices in NZ is 2 to 4 times higher than in Wstern Europe. Under Jabby, prices have gone up so much and she is bluffing us based on the poltically biased Commerce Commision Reports.

    A simple example is to compare the humble crumpet prices. Six crumpets in ASDA, UK can be bought for 45p (about NZ 90cents). The so called “lowest price” fake claim PakNSave, six pack golden crumpets costs $3.69.

    Jabbie is now after farmers and so we can expect food price inflation will go up further in NZ. More proverty and homelessness will be pushed to control kiwis by Jabbie.

  3. No political party has even thought to introduce ‘Price Caps’ and ‘Price Freeze’ to the retail sector.
    Neither have they put a cap on rent or mortgage rates to stop inflation…
    The WEF / NWO Deep State is deliberately orchestrating a Holodomor of global proportions, and we will NOT be immune from it.
    They only way out of this is to de-regulate farming in New Zealand, and promote bumper crops to feed all of New Zealand at reduced prices.
    Opening ‘Commodity Stores’ that provides excess flour, dairy products, beans, rice and long-storage dry food is becoming readily apparent for the need of such bumper crop stores. Those earning under $40K a year, with more than 1 child, Community Service Card Holders, Veterans and the Disabled should be entitled to such a program with no questions asked!
    A nation is judged by how it takes care of the above persons and citizenry.
    So far, Labour / National or National / Labour have failed miserably…!
    Only NZ First seems to want to do more and have in the past, but are always voter down by the Freemasons and Old Boys in Parliament!

  4. The Dutch and all other white western counties will face the same fate from progressive liberals because you don’t deserve what you have because it came from slavery and colonisation, you are being deindustrialised, climate change is being used to destroy your economies and so is Ukraine even thou that is just a US/Russian proxy war, what ever weakens the west the Libs will do it. But they will import migrants as well to weaken you more, you are just stupid frogs on a slow boil.


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