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Monday, October 14, 2024

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Early voting drops significantly from 2020, posing challenges for Democrats

Early voting news 2024

Early voting in the 2024 U.S. election has seen a sharp decline compared to 2020, a trend that could spell trouble for Democrats.

So far, only 4.2 million Americans have cast their ballots, a significant drop of 45% from this point in 2020, according to data from Republican strategist John Couvillon.

The decrease is most pronounced in mail-in voting, which has fallen by 58%, with steep drops in key swing states like Georgia (down 84%) and North Carolina (down 75%).

Mail-in voting has been a key advantage for Democrats in recent elections, making this decline a concerning sign as the election approaches.

While early voting is expected to rise in the coming weeks, the overall share of votes cast early is likely to remain lower than in 2020.

In states like Virginia, where in-person early voting has been underway since late September, participation is down roughly 4% compared to 2020.

Compounding the Democrats’ challenges is an increase in early voting in Republican-leaning districts, suggesting that the GOP has become more adept at mobilising their base early.

With more than 96% of voters yet to cast their ballots, both parties still have time to sway voters through strategic campaigning, but the current data points to a more competitive race for Democrats.

Image credit: Cottonbro Studio

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  1. Republicans and MAGA supporters are going to vote IN PERSON AND WITH I.D.’s on (s)Election Day proper.
    They are NOT voting via Absentee Ballot (unless overseas,…) nor using early ballot-casting.
    They are also going to be filing and signing affidavits as to who they voted for and will be including the Ballot # or the Electronic Voting Machine serial number on their sworn affidavits.
    Most of these affidavit sign-in tables will be located 100′ from the polling places, with a Notary Public to take oaths and statements. These tables will be guarded by potentially-armed Republican supporters, National Guard or State Militias, but in the end, both the left wing and right wing of the Illuminati Phoenix Bird are attached to the same, corrupt Zionist body of the unclean and hateful bird!
    One copy will be kept by the affidavit tables, and the other copy will be retained by the voter in the event the vote gets swapped over to the Demoncrat candidates.
    The sworn affidavit will show under oath who the Republican Voter voted for! But again…the (s)Electoral College and the fact that the Demoncrats will NOT be certifying a Trump win will start the Civil War in earnest.


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