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George Clooney asks Biden to step aside

Clooney - Biden news

Democrats are “not going to win in November with this president,” the Hollywood star has warned.

Joe Biden should withdraw from the presidential race ahead of the November election, Hollywood star and self-described “lifelong Democrat” George Clooney wrote in an opinion piece for the New York Times published on Wednesday.

The US president has been facing calls to step aside ever since his poor performance in a TV debate with Republican challenger Donald Trump two weeks ago. Biden has repeatedly brushed off concerns about his ability to win in November and says he is determined to stay in the race.

In his piece titled ‘I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee’, Clooney called on Democrats and Biden himself to face reality and admit that the real Biden was the one seen at the debate. “Our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn’t see what we just saw.”

In the article, Clooney repeatedly stated his commitment to the Democratic Party and praised Biden on multiple occasions, but said that “the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time.”

“We are not going to win in November with this president,” Clooney wrote, adding that the Democrats “opted to ignore every warning sign.” He also stated that if Biden remains on the ticket, the party could lose both the House and Senate as well.

According to Clooney, that opinion is shared by “every senator and Congress member and governor that I’ve spoken with in private. Every single one, irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly.”

Clooney then named Vice President Kamala Harris, Maryland Governor Wesley Moore, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, and Illinois Governor Jay Robert Pritzker among those who could potentially replace Biden.

The actor urged “top Democrats” – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – to ask Biden to “voluntary step aside.”

On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told journalists that Biden was determined to stay in office for a full second term if reelected. The president himself also said earlier that he was “firmly committed” to winning and that he was “not going anywhere.”

The same day, Politico published a poll showing that Biden would lose the election to Trump.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Why the debate was held earlier than at any time in US history was because the real powers behind the scenes want Biden out. They know that to remove him would take time. They ensure his mental problems are exposed for all to see and then wheel out MSM “journalists”, Hollywood “royalty” and top Dems to persuade him to leave.

    At this late stage some states do not allow the Presidential nominee to be changed and, therefore, Biden has already lost 3 states if he leaves. However, there is an exception if Biden dies before the election. In that case, the Dems can have a new nominee with no loss of states.

    Personally, I hope that he holds on because that would be better for President Trump.

  2. Clooney is the quintessential Hollywood douchebag.

    That list of swamp reptiles he rattled off are some of the most hated governors in the US with some of the worst track records.

    Biden is the same dementia-riddled simpleton he was four years ago when they all cheated him into office, the exaggerated handwringing and pearl clutching about how he’s NOW apparently unfit to be president is disingenuous and insulting.

    Not that I believe Clooney even wrote that piece mind you, the guy’s an empty vessel. His opinions are all issued to him by management. Oh brother where art thou and Oceans 11 were like twenty years ago anyway, just another sad old man trying to stay relevant like his buddy DeNiro.

    Go back to selling Nespresso, George. No one cares.

  3. Doesn’t matter who the globalist israehell zionist j€ws and their hollywood agents select as their candidate, they’ll try and steal it off Trump like last time, but the real patriotic Americans hopefully will be ready. Unfortunately the globalist psychopath parasite pedos run most of the media so can easily convince the hypnotized sheeple who they should vote for.


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