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IDF ‘deliberately targeted’ aid convoy

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier described deaths of seven humanitarian workers as “tragic” and “unintentional”.

Israel fired missiles on three separate occasions at an aid convoy in Gaza on Monday, killing all involved, because of a suspicion that a Hamas operative was traveling with the group, Haaretz has reported, citing defense sources.

Earlier on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted that an IDF strike had killed seven humanitarian workers in the Palestinian enclave, saying its forces had “unintentionally hit innocent people” in a “tragic” incident.

Reporting by Haaretz, however, suggests the convoy was intentionally targeted. The outlet’s defense sources said the cars were “clearly marked on the roof and sides” with the WCK logo, but that an IDF unit responsible for the security of the route “identified an armed man” with the group and “suspected that he was a terrorist.”

After unloading food aid at a warehouse, the convoy was driving back along the IDF-approved route, when the unit “ordered the drone operators to attack one of the cars with a missile.”

The sources told Haaretz, however, that the man who had ostensibly been armed and on the food truck, never left the warehouse.

The convoy was hit three times in succession, they said, explaining that some passengers of the car hit first were seen exiting the vehicle and “even notified the people responsible that they were attacked.”

Seconds later, another missile hit the car, the sources said. As the third car approached, passengers were attempting to transfer the wounded into it when a third missile hit them. All seven were killed in the strikes.

The defense sources told Haaretz the incident was “frustrating” because the IDF is “trying its hardest to accurately hit terrorists” and utilizing all intelligence available, only to have some units “decide to launch attacks without any preparation.”

Separately, an investigation by Al Jazeera’s Sanad Verification Agency found that Israel “deliberately targeted” the cars in “three consecutive attacks”. The outlet used open-source information, witness testimonies, as well as images from the site, to put together a chronological and geographical timeline of the incident.

World Central Kitchen (WCK) “immediately” paused its operations in the region following the deaths, as Israel continues to block aid into northern Gaza amid warnings from the United Nations and NGOs of imminent famine. CEO Erin Gore called the deaths “unforgivable”.

Israel declared war on Hamas after the Palestinian militants carried out a surprise cross-border raid on October 7 last year, killing some 1,100 people and taking more than 200 hostages. The Israeli military campaign has since left at least 32,000 people dead, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

The UN Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) said last month that 165 of its aid workers have been killed since the latest conflict broke out.

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Source:RT News

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  1. In WW2 there was a kill ratio of civilians to combatants of about 20 to 1; i.e. 20 civilians killed for every combatant. In Iraq, the US started out at about 7:1 and got it down to 3:1. The IDF has achieved 1:1 which makes the IDF the most competent and compassionate military force on the planet. They go out of their way to get civilians out of harm’s way; text messages, broadcasts, “roof knocks” and so on.

    We must all remember here that the Hamas terrorists do use ambulances and hospitals for their own terrorist uses. Also, the UNWRA which should have been helping the situation, actually caused severe harm by teaching the Palestinian children hatred of Jews.

    All this “goes into the mix” and frustrates the IDF’s attempts at a clean war to eliminate Hamas.

    War is nasty. Sometimes accidents happen.

    • The Jews don t need anybody to teach others how to hate your kind as you said.
      Alexander Soljenitsyne wrote ” two centuries together” to inform the world what to expect from the ” chosen”
      David Icke and many others wrote about what really happened on 9/11. With names, positions etc and has not been contradicted
      The world can now see for itself what happens in Gaza etc
      So the world knows who you are and what you do to humanity, don t worry.
      There will come a time for retribution, as it always happens, sooner or later.
      And then, you will envy the rats and the cockroaches

      • Agreed…but what’s worse are the nations that have been bribed, blackmailed, paid-off with campaign donations, and intimidated with the likes of entities known as the ADL, AIPAC the SPLC, and Zionist-owned and controlled businesses and governments who impose criminal charges for exercising free speech when voiving one’s opinion that Israel, the Mossad and Zionist J3w$ are indeed, CRIMINAL IN THEIR GOALS, ACTIONS, TALMUDIC THOUGHT!
        The below explains a lot, and that Nutanyahu will NOT stop with just Gaza and the West Bank…
        Israel also did 9/11, and the US Military knows it! Whether they decide to act on this remains to be seen, and the American people have been so beaten down by the Zionist-led Alphabet Agencies that they can’t and don’t give a s#@t!
        Those who are awake to this; WE ARE ON OUR OWN!

        • One should not forget what happened recently in Germany.
          The Nordstream sabotage. For my part, there is here also undeniably US jewish influence in this terrorist act as there was in 9/11. A vengefull intention to reduce germany to nothing as they are a malevolent kind capable of anything. It was not so much about Russia who can defend itself, but probably about Germany when you consider who governs the USA nowdays. A covert vengeance.
          John LeCarre in his memoires ( pigeon tunnel) write that J. planned to poison the water in a big german city, but finally renounced it afraid of the world outrage it would entail.
          As for France, it has ben already highjacked by the “chosen ones” ( government, law, media, film industry) and people cannot say anything about it as criticizing is ” unlawfull” and ” anti semitics” Even the word J cannot be said. We might be very lucky to have a large muslim community after all. A cloud with a silver lining….


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