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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Infowars operating for now says Alex Jones but Fed shutdown still imminent

The Feds are poised to shut down Alex Jones’ Infowars studio in Austin.

The action comes as part of what many see as a broader effort to silence dissenting voices and curb independent media. Supporters of Jones argue that this is yet another example of the establishment attempting to quash any media outlets that challenge the mainstream narrative.

Infowars, known for its unflinching critique of globalist agendas and government overreach, has been a thorn in the side of powerful elites for years.

Host and founder Alex Jones has built a huge following by covering topics often ignored or dismissed by the legacy media. From exposing corruption to advocating for personal freedoms, Infowars has become a beacon for those seeking alternative perspectives.

Mike Adams, a frequent guest on Infowars and founder of Natural News, voiced his concern over the potential shutdown. “This is not just about Infowars. This is about the future of free speech and independent journalism in America. If they can silence Alex Jones, they can silence any one of us,” Adams stated passionately. Steve Quayle, another prominent figure in the independent media sphere, echoed these sentiments. “We are witnessing an unprecedented attack on the truth. The establishment fears the power of an informed public,” Quayle remarked.

The timing of this move is particularly suspicious, coming on the heels of President Trump’s conviction—a conviction that many believe is politically motivated and intended to undermine a key figurehead of the populist movement. Ted Nugent, the rock guitarist and staunch supporter of both Jones and Trump, weighed in on the situation. “This is a blatant attempt to dismantle the platforms that give voice to the American people. It’s no coincidence that this is happening now,” Nugent asserted.

Beyond the domestic implications, the potential shutdown of Infowars is occurring against the backdrop of escalating global tensions. The ongoing conflicts in Israel and Ukraine are rapidly intensifying, bringing the world perilously close to a wider conflict. Jones and his guests have been vocal about the dangers of these runaway wars, warning that they could easily spiral into a global catastrophe.

Jones, undeterred by the looming threat, addressed his audience with his characteristic resolve. “They want to shut us down because we are effective. Because we are waking people up. But we will not be silenced. We will fight for our right to speak the truth,” he said.

NZ’s Counterspin Media offered their support, saying Jones had been a ‘beacon of truth for decades.’

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  1. This is where the Civil War will start; in Austin, Texas.
    Quite frankly, the Governor of Texas should be sending the Texas National Guard and Texas Militia not only to the US/Mexico Border, but also over to the Infowars studio to protect Alex Jones and Infowars and the Right to Free Speech with unrestricted broadcast of the news that the J3wi$h-owned MSM won’t!
    Volunteers who have modified their vehicles (armour plating, privately-owned MRAPs, etc.) are said to be gathering at the studio to prevent the Federal Agents from violating our right to Free Speech and the Right to Broadcast that which the MSM won’t.
    Biden has issued over 147 Executive Orders, when compared to just an average of 6 Executive Orders as enacted by the last 5 Presidents, thus ruling the U.S. as a dictatorial tyranny with EO’s, weaponised law and the Israeli-trained Alphabet Agencies that have arrest powers.
    If Governor Abbott doesn’t stop this blatant attack on Texas and America in general, then we’ll know who he is REALLY supporting…!
    Let’s hope that Abbott’s support is for Alex Jones & Infowars!

  2. Same ugly behaviour we are seeing here, Counterspin, Liz Gunn and of course Avi Yemini being shut out of NZ. Using lawfare and govts other mechanisms to silence free speech.

    Anyone voting mainstream is wasting their vote on tyrants.

  3. A man on fire defending his family is worth 10 paid militants. The heavy armed Americans are turning on their own government. Some states have openly stood up. The NZ government needs to listen to the people. You are few thousand, we are 5 million.


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