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Monday, October 14, 2024

Popular Now

Irish teacher in trans row sent back to prison

Enoch Burke, an Irish teacher who has made headlines for his refusal to affirm transgender ideology, was sent back to Mountjoy Prison by the High Court after once again defying an injunction preventing him from attending Wilson’s Hospital School.

Burke’s stance, rooted in his Christian faith, opposes the school’s requirement that he use transgender pronouns, which he argues violates his held belief in the existence of only two biological sexes—male and female.

Burke, who has now been incarcerated for over 442 days, told the court his imprisonment is a direct result of his refusal to bow to “transgenderism” in the classroom. The legal battle stems from his decision not to comply with a 2022 court order that barred him from returning to the school where he was dismissed.

At a High Court hearing on Friday, Mr. Justice David Nolan repeatedly asked Burke if he would comply with the court order to stay away from the school. Burke, however, focused on the report by then-principal Niamh McShane, which led to his dismissal. The report expressed concern over Burke’s public rejection of transgenderism, suggesting it could have broader implications for the student body. Burke countered that his religious belief should not be considered an obstacle and condemned the school’s stance, accusing the principal of promoting “puberty blockers” and “mutilation.”

The judge insisted that Burke could be freed if he agreed to abide by the injunction, a request Burke consistently ignored, instead accusing the court of political bias and being complicit in what he called a broader governmental agenda to impose transgenderism on society. Burke’s family members, present in the courtroom, echoed his frustration, further escalating tensions.

Supporters of Burke see his ongoing detention as a clear-cut case of religious persecution.

They argue that Burke is standing up not only for his own rights but for the rights of parents and children who may feel pressured by current educational policies. A recent controversy surrounding the new SPHE (Social, Personal, and Health Education) curriculum has stoked fears that schools are promoting inappropriate content to children, a concern echoed by Burke during the hearing.

Burke’s refusal to conform to the prevailing narrative has earned him a significant following, particularly among those worried about the influence of transgender ideology in schools. His critics, however, maintain that he is defying legal orders and disrupting the operation of the school.

Burke is due back in court in December.

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  1. I like this guy. I’m not religious but the whole mantra about transvestite-ism has gone too far and needs to end….

    There are only two biological genders, the rest is a political Trojan horse to help silence free speech akin to “two plus two equals five”…..

  2. What’s really going on here is conditioning (or PSYOPs “nudging”) through continuous abuse: For example, in WW2 when the Gestapo capture you, strap you to a chair and shine a light in your eyes.
    “How many lights are there?” they ask.
    “One!” you answer honestly.
    Gestapo punches you in the face and knocks you out.
    Rinse and repeat until you then ask them, “How many lights should I see?”
    Then they know that they have got you. They control what you think. They can make you believe any nonsense they want. Perhaps they can even make you change sides.

    Roll forward to present day.
    “How many sexes are there?” they ask you.
    “Two!” you answer honestly.
    They then fire you from your job, ban you from social media, perhaps sue you.
    After a lot of this you just decide to go along with the nonsense because you realize that we are in a war situation where we are “occupied” by globalists who hate us, control our governments, and wish harm on us and wish to control our very thoughts.

    Substitute as appropriate.
    “There are trans children.”
    “Children should be given puberty blockers.”
    “Children should have the option of sex change operations.”
    “Gender is fluid. A child should be able to decide what they are.”
    “Women should be allowed to abort right up to birth for any reason.”

    • You described the present day condidtions well.
      One major issue is that the jurisdiction in this country has been corrupted.
      The socialist Zeitgeist has infiltrated vast swats of community via MSM, edjucation, police, and the ‘law’.
      Courts and police are corporations, designed to make money and not to uphold Justice. They, like all other government ‘departments’, are registered businesses in New Zealand or/and are registered with Dunn and Bradstreet (USA). They are to make profit, not to look after the people of Godzone.
      The vast amout of legislation is not law but make-belief directive. These directives are designed to render people as persons. A person is a make-believe figure and if a man/woman identifies with that they become part of the corporations’ legal fiction. A wo/man slips into this postion as person by identifying with a title like Mr., driver, employee/employer, farmer, ect. and renders himself as slave.

  3. I Agree, there is only two genders or sex, male and female. Either one determined at birth and not after. These other so call genders, such as non binary are practises and not genders. Good on you Enoch for standing up for reality.

  4. Justice David Nolan is a corrupt judge . It is my hope he will end up in prison when the civil was is over.

    Most people know their hour of death, David Nolan will fear his coming eternal Purgatory.


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