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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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JP Morgan CEO calls for seizure of private land to meet ‘climate goals’

Jamie Dimon news

Jamie Dimon suggested governments seize private lands to build wind and solar farms so as to meet climate goals.

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon has urged governments to seize private property in order to build renewable energy infrastructure, arguing that allowing the market to evolve organically will leave humanity with few options in the face of accelerating climate change.

Warning that “the window for action to avert the costliest impacts of global climate change is closing,” the bank executive called for “permitting reforms” in his annual letter to shareholders on Tuesday, arguing “we simply are not getting the adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind, and pipeline initiatives.”

“Massive global investment in clean energy technologies must be done and must continue to grow year-over-year,” he wrote, insisting “governments, businesses, and non-governmental organizations need to align across a series of practical policy changes” – specifically invoking the use of eminent domain in order to expedite the “adequate investments” in renewable energy.

Eminent domain is the legal process by which the government confiscates private property for public use. More recently (and controversially), however, governments have seized private land under eminent domain for use that primarily (or solely) benefits private corporations, leading some states and municipalities to introduce legislation to protect property owners against what they view as eminent domain abuse.

The Iowa House of Representatives passed a bill last month restricting the use of eminent domain by carbon pipeline companies. Pipeline projects will be required to obtain consent from the owners of 90% of their route before they can wield state power against the holdouts if it becomes law.

While President Joe Biden committed the US to a 50-52% reduction from 2005 levels in greenhouse gases by 2030, Congress remains far from united on the issue of anthropogenic climate change or the importance of reaching net zero emissions.

Later in the 43-page letter, Dimon took aim at the entire American political system: “We need to find a way to more rapidly reorganize our government for the new world” to “adopt new technologies and retrain human capital more quickly.” This, he suggested, could be accomplished by adopting a nationwide “industrial policy” along the lines of China’s, subsidizing investments in strategic industries like semiconductors, rare earths, and alternative energy sources. At the same time, Dimon called for reining in regulators, repeatedly complaining that too much red tape would “inhibit our ability to make investments and allow infrastructure to be built.”

Image credit: Harry Cunningham

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Source:RT News

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  1. Landgrab by governments is already happening in europe. In the netherlands farmers are resisting. Gained recently many polls.
    People should organize themselve to resist. And not only farmers.
    We cannot cover the earth with solarpannels and windmolens.
    Dangerous fools are in power

  2. This is why firearms are needed; to prevent theft, tyranny, forfeitures and seizures on private property by government and it’s NGO entities!
    See the story about the Bundy Ranch in the U.S., and why Dave Hodges got involved with an alternative media site ‘The Common Sense Show’!
    Note that U.S. Veterans who were living in the desert on an extended concrete pad were forcibly removed from their legal homestead by John McCain, as he was paid off to run a highway thry the Veteran’s homes.
    See also ‘Israel Declares War on U.S. Veterans’.
    See the trends here???
    Don’t let it happen in New Zealand!

  3. JP Morgan and all the other bankers of their ilk only worry about themselves they dont give a rats butt about anything else or anyone else. They make money financing this insane wind power ideology. Using up arable landscape for this flawed ideology should be declared a crime. Australia for its size is one of the most underpopulatrd places on earth with a 30 million population yet there is not enough land space in the country to cover it in solar panels and wind turbines to power it so what are you going to do ???? Australia should have gone nuclear 30 years ago. The builders of wind farms are just in it to suck up all the subsidies from Govt. as they push the climate change hoax. Ten years down the track when the subsidies end and repairs and replacement are needed they are nowhere to be seen and the taxpayer has to clean up the mess. Where are the ‘Greenies’ with all the mass bird life slaughter around these wind farms ? You would not like to live within 200 km of a big wind farm the reviberations in the air waves will drive you insane. A wind turbine produces more carbon and pollution into the atmosphere in its manufacture than it ever saves in its life time of use. And here is Australia we cant build wind farms fast enough and here is China the smart ones, willingly cant manufacture them fast enough. Germany has had a bad experience with wind farms what has the world learnt from that ? nothing it seems. Germany is now pulling down wind farms to get to the coal beneath for energy. What does that tell you. Wind turbines are just monuments to mans stupidity.

  4. Maybe govt should seize large financial institutions, sell them and use the proceeds to buy land at market prices….how does that sound?


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