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Friday, September 20, 2024

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Kamala Harris running ads with fake news headlines – Axios

Google believes that marking such advertisements as “sponsored” is enough to keep voters from being misled.

US Vice President Kamala Harris has been using Google search advertisements that link to real news articles from legitimate sources, but with the headlines and descriptions altered to paint the Democratic presidential candidate in a more favorable way, according to an Axios report.

The Harris campaign has been running such ads linking to stories by “nearly a dozen” news outlets, including CNN, AP, CBS, NPR, The Guardian, USA Today and others since at least August 3, Axios reported on Tuesday.

The ads apparently mimic real news results “closely enough” that they can potentially mislead users. Axios wrote that such techniques are “common practice,” but acknowledged that according to Google’s advertizing transparency center, Harris’s rival Donald Trump is not using such techniques in its online campaigning.

Some of the outlets claimed they were blindsided and “unaware” that their brands were being featured this way, according to Axios. A spokesperson for The Guardian said the company will be “reaching out to Google for more information about this practice.”

Meanwhile, Google has insisted that the practice does not violate its rules, claiming that since the ads are labeled as “sponsored,” they are “easily distinguishable” from legitimate search results.

However, the tech giant admitted that due to an alleged “technical glitch” in Google’s Ad Library, some of the ads “appeared” to lack the necessary disclosures, Axios wrote. A Google spokesperson promised to investigate the glitch, insisting that the company has for years “provided additional levels of transparency for election ads specifically.”

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Source:RT News

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  1. The MSM are actors in political manipulations, propaganda etc. That is why so many don t care to vote any more.
    “Democratie” is a lie.

  2. She’s also paying thousands of dollars to influencers for promotional adds.
    You can bet those influencers are going to make some money! (One girl said she made $6k already).

  3. There is an important agenda behind all these “smoke and mirrors” activities from the Kamala Harris camp. Without all the “smoke and mirrors” if they “won” the election by cheating it would be very obvious to the people and would likely cause a civil war. However, using all the “smoke and mirrors” gives the illusion that Harris is a viable candidate and could win legitimately. Also, it does influence the undecided voters that a vote for Harris would not be a wasted vote.

    In addition to the above, the following has also been noticed (and this list may not cover everything):

    (1) Many polls are fake showing Harris close to or just ahead of Trump. It’s been alleged that some of the polls are not using real people but A.I. bots.
    (2) When Harris does speeches there are large black curtains that hide the empty seats to make it appear that her speech arena is full.
    (3) Analysis of the crowds to her speeches has shown A.I. at work with extra arms and hands where they could not possibly be.
    (4) Her aircraft was spotted with a large crowd near it in a photo. However, closer inspection showed that no crowd was present because there were no reflections of the crowd on the aircraft body (which was reflective and showed the ground) and an aircraft mechanic confirmed that no crowd was present.


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