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Friday, June 28, 2024

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‘Killing the American farmer’: Biden regulations target working outside in the sun

USA farming news

The Biden administration is implementing a series of measures under the guise of ‘protecting workers from heat exposure’, a move critics argue is rooted in dubious climate science and threatens the livelihood of American farmers.

The initiative first announced in 2021 but being implemented now across the country, includes developing ‘workplace heat standards’, increasing enforcement and penalties, and launching a rulemaking process to establish a federal heat standard for both outdoor and indoor work environments.

Bureaucrats at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) plans to prioritise heat-related interventions and inspections when temperatures exceed 80°F (26.6°C). The extreme measures have sparked outrage among agricultural communities, who view the policies as excessive and detrimental to the productivity and survival of small farms.

Critics argue that the administration’s efforts to address alleged ‘extreme heat’ through measures like expanding cooling assistance, using schools as ‘cooling centres’, and launching innovation challenges are veiled attempts to exert control over farmers, their land and resources.

A Tennessee farmer passionately condemned these actions in a viral video on social media recently, stating, “This administration’s agenda is to control the food and control the people. They’re trying to kill off the American farmer. They’re trying to regulate our land, take our land, and take our water rights. It’s time to support your local farmers.”

Detractors see these initiatives, part of Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda, as not only misguided but are also likely to exacerbate challenges faced by the agricultural sector, ultimately threatening food security and the survival of local farming communities.

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  1. Yes because lab grown meat doesn’t need people working outdoors. This is clearly an attempt to destroy smaller businesses and place control in the hands of big corporations, who will control the supply of “food”, such as it is…..


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