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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

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Pro-Palestine Jewish activists occupy Wall Street

Hundreds of pro-Palestine Jewish activists gathered outside the New York Stock Exchange to demand the US government halt arms deliveries to Israel, accusing Washington of supporting Israel’s actions in Gaza, which they called “genocide.”

Organised by Jewish Voices for Peace, the protest featured demonstrators wearing red shirts and holding banners with slogans like “Jews say stop arming Israel” and “Gaza bombed, Wall Street booms.”

The group called for US funds to be redirected to domestic disaster relief rather than military aid to Israel.

The New York Police Department reported that 206 people were arrested after some protesters breached security barriers.

Social media footage captured sit-down protests, with officers detaining participants without visible resistance.

Jewish Voices for Peace stated that US military aid to Israel serves American interests in the region, not Jewish safety.

The protest followed the US announcement of additional military deployments to Israel in response to recent tensions involving Iran.

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  1. The heat is on the jew, now they are staging PR exercises for the press to try and convince the Goy that they are not a threat. Every Jew has a part to play and plays the part.

    • Gosh ‘anonymous’ and ‘anonymous’ anyone could think you’re paid stirrers…

      In my experience most people do not want war, nor harbour ill will to other humans regardless of race, religion, etc., especially when they are being systematically slaughtered as are the men, women, and children in Gaza.

      How wonderful to see these people standing and for and demanding peace

      Thanks DT for providing balance, I’m sure I can speak on behalf of real readers who are grateful to you.

      • Lmao, that is the polar opposite to how the majority of people are behaving in relation to the Ukraine, where there is a US controlled jewish psychopath hand puppet that leads a regime that promised peace but delivered what ZOG demanded and is sending every none jew to be slaughtered at the front. And the (((West))) cheers on.
        To what end? who benefits? well it isn’t the non jewish people of Ukraine who are just being used like throw away chess pieces in the ‘Greater Israel project’


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