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Friday, October 25, 2024

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Putin issues warning to West at Stalingrad event

Stalingrad news
Russian President Vladimir Putin. © RT.

The Russian president has condemned Western tank deliveries to Ukraine, promising a response that goes beyond armored vehicles.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has hit out at the looming deliveries of Western-made tanks to Ukraine, warning that Moscow’s response to the threat will span far beyond armored vehicles. The Russian leader made the comments during a ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of victory at the Battle of Stalingrad.

“Unbelievable, but true – we are once again threatened with German Leopard tanks, with crosses on their hull. And once again seeking to battle Russia in Ukraine with the help of Hitler’s followers, the Banderites,” Putin said.

“Those seeking to defeat Russia on the battlefield apparently do not realize that a modern war with Russia would be entirely different for them. We’re not sending our tanks to their borders. Yet we have something to respond with, and it would not be limited to armor use only, everyone must realize that,” he added.

Last week, Berlin changed its stance on supplying modern armor to Kiev, pledging to deliver 14 Leopard 2 tanks as well as allowing European countries to re-export German-made vehicles from their own inventories. The number of Leopards expected to be funneled to Ukraine amounts to some 112 vehicles. Separately, Washington pledged to send 31 Abrams tanks, but doesn’t expect to deliver them until late 2023 at the earliest.

Moscow has repeatedly urged the collective West to stop “pumping” Ukraine with modern weaponry, warning that the ongoing military aid would merely prolong the hostilities and inflict more suffering on everyday Ukrainians, rather than change the ultimate outcome of the conflict.

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Source:RT News

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  1. He is correct, there are many people who support Russia all over the world.

    Just because our Governments support the Ukraine president and the US money laundering operation and bio labs, does not mean the citizens of that country agree. In fact some people have more faith in President Putin, than they do with their own governments.

    Who would have thought huh?

    • 100% agree. Putin is articulate, cultured and can write his own speeches

      Hmmm do we have a western leader who has any one of those three attributes / skills?

      This Ukraine war has opened the lid on the corruption and hypocrisy of the west and how embarrassing our politicians are nothing but dirt bags who say what they’re told to say and jump when they’re told to jump

      Hipkins jump now. Lay down. Sit. Heel

      • Well said. Our politicians are indeed dirtbags, as are their paid off shills spouting anti Russia propaganda.

        My old neighbour was Russian, absolutely beautiful cultured classy lady. Her mum couldn’t speak a word of English and used to come out for a few trips. What a lovely lady. Toiling all day in the garden and offering bowls of produce over the fence. When the rugby World Cup was on we all went together to watch Russia play Ireland and I so happily cheered for Russia.

        I went to Russia in the early 1970s as a toddler and we saw the Moscow Circus. Sadly we have no photos (not allowed) and I have no memory of it. It would be my dream to visit this beautiful country again one day and immerse myself in its history. We should all learn about it, even though much of it is horrific.

        Also I bet many don’t know that Russia was on OUR SIDE in world war 2. If not for the Russians then where would we be????

        I challenge all who read this comment, ask your family which side Russia was on in WW2, I bet they don’t know.

        America is the enemy here, infiltrated by Nazis who now run their Government. They must be stopped if the world is to be saved. F***k Zelensky and his fake wife. What they are doing to the Ukrainian people is disgusting. Fighting their ‘war’ to launder money for themselves and using the blood of Ukrainian mothers sons to do it. Zelensky is a cockroach 🪳.

        • i already wrote it a while ago.

          John steinbeck went with robert capa go the ussr just after world war II.
          And wrote a beautifull little book
          ” A RUSSIAN JOURNAL” has been reprinted recently in penguin. With pictures by robert capa.I bought it on amazon.
          easy read, steinbeck wanted to see for himself how ordinary russians were living. He did not want political lectures from the media, you see as there was already in the usa, after WO II already animosity against russia.
          Steinbeck had a great time there. And he loved it.

  2. Adding to the above, especially the comment on Putin, agree absolutely. Currently the Russian top table, if they can be called that, are head and shoulders above their western counterparts when it comes to speaking and diplomacy. Recently Larov gave a hapless Sky reporter a 15 minute masterclass on how to behave when answering questions, which included a brief history of Ukraine, Russia and the current geopolitical state of the world. No more questions from her…

    Maria Zakharova is superb in her role as foreign affairs spokesperson, direct and to the point in her reports. She has become an icon in Russia, they love her to bits as the west trembles at her candour.

    No wonder so many countries are lining up to meet, talk and do business with them. That they hold as sacred traditional values and respect others’ self-determination is a great example when compared to the decay in Europe and America. They are a faith based people and may God bless them for it..

  3. Myself european and supportive 200% of putine.
    But there are still plenty of idiots around, manipulated by msm who believe putine eats little children

  4. The West is heading full-steam ahead into a totalitarian nightmare,with the likes of Biden,Trudeau and Ardern .Russia emerged from a totalitarian nightmare thirty years ago and is now showing the way

  5. Russia is cleaning up the following in Ukraine:
    (1) Child trafficking and worse things involving children.
    (2) US and EU biolabs that overtly test their “product” on Ukraine military and covertly test their “product” on the Ukraine citizens.

    The Ukrainian citizens will only suffer more because of the US and EU “aid” to Ukraine of weapons. Russia has to finish its clean up in order to eliminate the deep state in Ukraine.

    I have heard that Ukraine is the most corrupt country on Earth and when George Soros and Marina Abromovitch raise their heads and suggest that we should help Ukraine, then we KNOW that Russia is doing something right. Putin is also correct because the US and EU are directly supporting the Nazi Azov Brigade, something I had hoped that US and EU would have learned not to do.

    I suspect that what is going on is a “show and tell” presentation so that the people of the world can openly see the government corruption in decision making in the Western world.

  6. Tchaikovsky, Rimsky Corsakova, Rachmaninov, Stravinsky, such a cultural wealth. The Ballet Russe, Nijinsky, That is just mentioning one small fraction. Just remarkable. Cultured, yes It is still there and they are going to keep it.

    The Russian guests warm and friendly on their way to try their luck at the border north of Mexico for what they think may be freedom. Hope it’s what they’re looking for. It will be hard and I think they’re in for a shock. Shouldn’t listen to msm. Putin is no Ogre. Zelensky is no hero.


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