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Monday, March 10, 2025

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UK bureaucrats announce change in how excess death estimates are calculated

The UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) announced the change this week.

A video explaining the change circulated online. It featured ONS Health Analysis and Pandemic Insights researcher Julie Stanborough.

Stanborough said different organisations had used different ways to calculate excess deaths, but in conjunction with ‘independent experts’ a new ‘common UK-wide approach’ was to be used from now on.

‘Using our new approach, today’s release estimats 11,000 excess deaths in 2023. While this is lower than our previous estimate, our new method accounts for the growth and aging of the population. These are key factors in understanding how many deaths we’d expect to see and whether the number of deaths is below or above this estimate.

‘Looking closer at the last months of 2023, there were actually negative excess deaths, meaning fewer deaths than average being registered,’ she said.

Health expert Dr. John Campbell said the government and politicians will be happy to see the new method as it will show lower excess deaths. ‘There’s still the same number of people dying, but it looks less [with the new method],’ he said.

In one example Campbell looked at week 21 of 2023. Under the old method 1,066 excess deaths were estimated, while the new method showed 662.

In week 32 of 2023 the number went from 427 more than usual dying to 89 less than usual (ie negative) dying.

In week 50 of 2023 the number went from 407 more, to 450 less (ie negative), than usual dying.

The total for 2023 went down from just over 31,000 excess deaths to 10,994.

But OECD statistics for the same year showed 49,000+ UK excess deaths.

‘If you can control the information, you can control the narrative. I find this concerning. You might find it completely innocent,’ said Campbell.

Looking at particular diseases, the British Heart Foundation recently confirmed that ‘early heart disease’ rates have risen to a 14-year high, with an estimated 100,000 excess deaths due to cardiovascular diseases since 2020.

Campbell cited other heart and liver conditions which showed large increases in excess mortality. He acknowledged a statistical expert would be needed to analyse the changes, referencing Professor Norman Fenton, as well as further clarification from the ONS, but nevertheless said the changes were ‘concerning’.

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  1. Wow, just look at those goalposts move!

    Our governments are morally bankrupt, literally trying to murder us with a straight face.

    Please let this serve as a reminder to tell them exactly where to stick their next MRNA vaccine when “disease X” makes its inevitable appearance two weeks before the US election.

  2. In his wildest dream, Hitler could not have thought of this. I am sure many j**s, a.o. kicked the bucket !! As well as homeless, old people, invalids etc. All those ” unproductive” “unecessary” and “costly -to-the-society” who gave birth to those monsters.
    When is Bojo and his “team” aregoing to be held to account. By whom is he protected

  3. The same way the PR interval (heart health indicator) range which was 120ms to 200ms was increased from 120ms to 300ms for pilots to pass their medicals after vaccination. 300ms is about the point where you need a pacemaker. These people will move mountains in order to hide the truth.

    Pilots with chest pains and lots more dying suddenly and large PR intervals.
    Athletes dying suddenly at ten times normal rate.
    Children dying suddenly which almost always never happens.
    Most countries experiencing 10 percent to 20 percent excess deaths – 3 sigma to 6 sigma variance – standard deviation of 3 percent is a one sigma event – normal. A 10 percent excess is a 3 sigma or for most countries a once in 100 to 200 years event. A 20 percent excess is well, who knows, a lot worse, perhaps once in a few thousand years event.

    Lies, damned lies and statistics. The vaccines have screwed over humanity, and they are trying to hide it.

    Trust the science? No, not me – it’s all paid for!
    Do you trust people that are paid to push a narrative? No, they are controlled assets and become the propaganda arm of whomever pays them.

  4. It’s clear to anyone with half a brain (so that rules out the highly-paid morons at the UK Office of National Statistics) that the figures are being fiddled.
    Not only have they been reporting substantially less excess deaths than the OECD stats, but now they’ve reviewed their method and reached the astounding conclusion that there is now far less excess deaths than they previously thought. In fact in many months there is now less excess deaths than the long-term average. They’ve obviously over-cooked their fiddle but didn’t know how to play with the complicated formula they published to get the perfect result of 0.

    Political ideologues who have driven this change are a scourge on democracies. They’ll do anything to deceive the public into following the narrative they want, regardless if it involves killing people.
    Well done John for exposing yet more corruption at government level.

  5. The key takeaway for me is that the “please provide an authoritative source” tactic they’ll try to use as an argument against you online is now null and void.

  6. Look at the Deagel Forecast for the U.K, for next year!
    Also…why do most delusional psychopaths have high eyebrows????

  7. High eyebrows ? It seems to be the ” new fashion” on ” how to make girls ugly”.
    You pull all the hairs of brows out and draw anew high thick high eyebrows with a back pencil. Also put false eyelashes on. Ms. Obama does it ( false eyelashes) and many ” celebrities” alike kardashians. It is gross, but it is ” fashion”


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