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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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UK lockdown and jab extremist gets plum WHO job

Jeremy Farrar news

Sir Jeremy Farrar has been appointed the WHO’s Chief Scientist, and right-hand man to boss Tedros Ghebreyesus.

The hard-line lockdown and jab proponent is also a director of the Wellcome Trust, one of the world’s largest investors in vaccines.

The trust has countless ‘billions in offshore funding and close ties to the Gates Foundation,’ according to attorney and author Michael Senger.

Farrar, described by many as the ‘UK’s Anthony Fauci’ will take up his new position in the second quarter of 2023.

‘As chief scientist, Jeremy will accelerate our efforts to ensure WHO, its member states and our partners benefit from cutting-edge, life-saving science and innovations,’ said Tedros in a statement.

Farrar has been linked to initial cover-ups of the ‘lab leak’ theory. He also praised Xi Jinping’s strickest lockdown in history, in Wuhan, January 2020. ‘China is setting a new standard for outbreak response and deserves all our thanks. This is an unprecedented epidemic, it needs an unprecedented response,’ he tweeted.

Farrar’s infatuation with Chinese lockdowns was evident even before the success and results of them could have been known.

‘Ultimately, the lockdowns that Farrar worked so hard for failed to meaningfully slow the spread of the coronavirus and led to the excess deaths of tens of thousands of young people in the United Kingdom and every other country in which they were tried. Yet few can say they did more to successfully bring totalitarianism to the UK than Jeremy Farrar. Perhaps for this reason, the WHO has gone out of its way to take Farrar under its wing and make sure he gets his due,’ wrote Senger.


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  1. Wow, another western nazi moron. Wait till the next plandemic. With the WHO dictating to countries what their response should be.
    I guess I’ll be on the cattle car heading for the gulag!

  2. So after making himself anathema in his own country, he is rewarded for his dedication to evil by being made Tedros the Terrorist’s right hand man. Two little soulless grifters together. Farrar chief scientist of the WHO and a director at the Wellcome Trust. No conflict of interest?
    One way of identifying the ticket takers is the prefix Sir. A knighthood is the reward they get for following the orders of the WEF.
    Where will they all run when the UN collapses? Not long now.

  3. I am quite certain I decide what is and is going to be put into my body and not Mr Farrar. It is reported by UK’s Neil Oliver the mRMA is causing a 1 in 100 serious reaction. He highlights Any responsible Government would urgently and openly look into the safety. Instead we the public have to search out this information from expert world renowned qualified doctors. Now why is that?



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