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UK ranked second-most miserable country in the world

UK society news
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The average Briton is less happy than someone from Yemen or Ukraine, a new survey has found.

The UK has been named the second-most unhappy country in the world in a survey conducted by Sapien Labs, a neuroscience foundation. According to the survey, Britons’ mental health has plunged since the coronavirus pandemic, with “no sign of recovery.”

Published last week, Sapien Labs’ fourth annual ‘Mental State of the World’ report assessed the mental wellbeing of 419,175 Internet-enabled participants across 71 countries. The results painted a grim picture of the English-speaking world. Out of 71 countries surveyed, the Anglophone nations of the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand sit in the bottom quartile, with residents of the UK happier only than those of Uzbekistan.

The survey ranks the UK eight places behind Yemen and 12 places behind Ukraine in terms of its population’s overall mental health. Some 35% of Britons told Sapine Labs that they were either “distressed or struggling,” a figure down by only 0.7% since last year, when Britain came in last place in the rankings.

To determine each nation’s overall mental health, the foundation asked individuals 47 questions about their “mood and outlook,” “social self,” “drive and motivation,” and “adaptability and resilience,” among other categories. While Sapien Labs noted that answers to these questions are inherently subjective, other reports have come to similar conclusions.

Amid a historic decline in living standards, the UK’s Office of National Statistics found in November that Britons experienced a drop in happiness and personal satisfaction in the year ending last March. According to a report published in The Lancet medical journal last month, some 1.8 million people in the UK are currently awaiting mental health treatment.

Sapien Labs noted that levels of mental well-being across the English-speaking world plummeted during the coronavirus pandemic, and that this decline “continues to persist with no sign of recovery.”

Furthermore, the report found that mental well-being was lower in countries where processed food was commonly eaten, children were given smartphones at a younger age, and relations between family members were more distant. Wealthy, English-speaking countries scored least favorably across all of these three metrics.

The Dominican Republic topped the list as the world’s happiest country, followed by Sri Lanka in second place and Tanzania in third. All of the top ten countries were African, Asian, or Latin American nations.

“This pattern suggests that greater wealth and economic development do not necessarily lead to greater mental well-being,” Sapien Labs wrote in the report.

Image credit: Steve Mushero

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Source:RT News
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  1. ““This pattern suggests that greater wealth and economic development do not necessarily lead to greater mental well-being,” Sapien Labs wrote in the report.”

    Nope, that’s not what it is, Sapien Labs. Nice try at tap dancing around the issue though. It’s not because we’re so rich and so comfortable that we’re all depressed.

    It’s because our governments are an organised international mafia, taxing us to death, infringing upon our rights, ruining our livelihoods, silencing our voices, poisoning our food and water, crushing our farmers, corrupting our children, erasing our history and flooding our nations with foreigners drugs and crime, AND all the while lecturing us to shut up about it and take our vaccines or be deemed a racist lunatic. They essentially terrorise with impunity us on a daily basis, and refuse to hold themselves accountable even when they pretend to transfer power after each of their scripted fake elections. They lie and manipulate at every conceivable opportunity and take take take from us every chance they get without end.

    The western world is almost in ruins at this point. Of course middle easterners are happier. At least their warlords and dictators are upfront about what they do.

    • Great comment although you will find a lot of poorer nations are doing better by their people than the so called richer ones.

      The question is always, “richer for who?”. The answer, a very small few.

      • There is a big difference between societies socializing around food ( southerns/ asians, catholics/muslims) and societies socializing around drinks for the most protestants ( northern european countries and anglosaxons).
        Sharing food makes you happy. And poorer countries always have been used to share .
        Getting drunk makes you miserable

    • Couldn’t have said it better myself!
      Poorer nations are happier as they have less restrictions put on their lives w/ high tech spying, suffocating social and legal laws, etc. barring some Islamic and Communist Bolshevik Countries…
      One reason this could be is that the ‘Zionist-controlled’ First World Nations have already raped those Lesser Third World Nations of their assets, natural resources, and waged war against the same; hence, they are no longer interested and turn their attentions to other nations that have yet to be…’developed’…!
      A scene from ‘By Dawns Early Light’ comes to mind, with the nukes going off on U.S. soil, and the flagrant use of B-61’s used as an anti-aircraft defence…irrespective of the collateral damage.

    • Well said, Unquacced direct and to the point. I would add a couple of observations. In the so-called poorer countries e.g. the Caribbean and Africa in general, they essentially ignored the lockdowns and mandates. Also the “vaccine” rollout was lower there as well. Seems their IQ is a lot higher than ours, especially in Govt quarters.

      They, no matter how much the marketers would prefer it, are more family oriented and prepare their own food, often communally. They actually care about one another and have a sense of spiritually more so than the ones suffering from depression. Clearly wealth has very little to do
      with money. The best things in life are usually free..

  2. NZ is 20th from the bottom on the list which is hardly sterling, whilst Ireland and Australia which are looking like police states along the lines of the UK, are almost as bad with subterranean ratings. Guess no one wants to willingly live 1984.

    Oddly a nation the US pokes fun at, Venezuela have a high rating for happiness, as does Malaysia and Italy.

  3. NZ is in the lower quartile, which mirrors my experience of NZers day to day. We are not nice people, far from the God’s Own Country I grew up in. While it indicates the premeditated destruction of the once-Christian West, it also shows the consequences of turning our back on God. He gives us up to ourselves.

  4. The Zionists are well-pleased with the degeneration and decay brought -on by illegal migration. J*** believe that once the West is destroyed, then their Messiah will come, and the Temple will be re-built (to house the demonic Anti-Christ) with the Vatican HQ perhaps making plans to move to Jerusalem, a city that Christ wept over due to it’s continued hypocrisy, sin, double-standards, and Praetorian Police State at the time!
    In the U.S., the U.K and Germany, Veterans are homeless, while the combat forces of illegal aliens cross their borders and are given homes, money, cars and cell phones!
    People in those countries are being evicted from their homes and hotels to accommodate thecriminal and communist military members from other nations.
    Civil War ll will break out in these nations almost simultaneously (ref; Masonic Grand Sovereign & Confederate Gen. Albert Pike) and will result in the Third World War, bringing in the faux ‘New World Order’ as Pike had planned.
    The U.S. is offering illegal migrants the chance to sign-up for military service with the promise of U.S. Citizenship at the end of their enlistment. These people will have NO problem in turning their weapons against the American People under the Kigali Principles that Obama enacted along with the indefinite detention in camps under the NDAA.
    Look for the same to occur in the U.K., since their military manpower is at the weakest since World War Two, and they have given their weapons over to the Ukraine to fight in the Zionist-led war there.

    Rest Easy Britain; THIS is what’s protecting you!
    World Hal Turner 10 March 2024 Hits: 11762

    Rest Easy Britain; THIS is what’s protecting you!

    The Military sales pitch doesn’t match the reality. That’s a conclusion being drawn by many after seeing what happened to a “Challenger 2” Tank on the Battlefields of Ukraine: Russia eats them for breakfast!

    Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land is a large Defense Contractor. They make various types of equipment and tout the reliability of that equipment. Here’s what they say they do:

    As an integrated technology group, the listed company Rheinmetall AG, headquartered in Düsseldorf, stands for a company that is as strong in substance as it is successful internationally, and that is active in various markets with an innovative range of products and services. Rheinmetall is a leading international systems supplier in the defence industry and at the same time a driver of forward-looking technological and industrial innovations in the civilian markets. The focus on sustainability is an integral part of Rheinmetall’s strategy. The company aims to achieve CO2 neutrality by 2035.

    Through our work in various fields, we at Rheinmetall take on responsibility in a dramatically changing world. With our technologies, products and systems, we create the indispensable basis for peace, freedom and sustainable development: security.

    They manufacture the “Challenger 2” Tank.

    Here’s how they advertise some of it:

    The sales pitch is straight forward:

    But the Sales Pitch doesn’t seem to match the reality.

    Here’s the reality from the battlefields of Ukraine:

    That is a “Challenger 2” Main Battle Tank built by Rheinmetall / BAE Systems Land.

    The sales pitch says it can operate in “high intensity conflict.” In reality . . . . apparently not so much.

    Wow! Turret blasted out of the hole in the center top of the tank, where it used to rest. Wheels blown off and/or melted. Tracks destroyed. Side armor over tracks and wheels blown to smitherines.

    Somehow, this does not look as one might expect a “main battle tank” to look, on a battlefield.

    What did this tank encounter that killed it? The Russian Army.

    If this is the best that NATO has to offer, then as a layman, I can’t help but feel NATO is sadly lacking. Deluding themselves as to the “superiority” of their forces.

    If these are what would be put up against Russia, it seems to me NATO doesn’t have a chance!

    But that’s not __really__ the point, now, is it?

    The actual point is how much these tanks cost taxpayers, and how much the military-industrial-complex (MIC) can pocket. I asked Google “How much does a Challenger 2 tank cost. Here’s the response:

    So presuming Google is correct, for $4.9 MILLION dollars each, taxpayers can rest easy knowing this is “protecting” them.

    Or . . . maybe not rest so easy after seeing what happens in the real world!

    OK, to heck with resting easy, just pay the money and buy more tanks . . . the MIC has to earn profit! They have to donate to political campaigns so the politicians they get elected can . . . buy more tanks!

    You really shouldn’t be paying attention to stories like this; might be bad for Rheinmetall/ BAE Systems Land, sales.

    • It is not only the cost of the tanks that has to be paid by the taxpayers.
      It is also the debt ( loan) incured to buy them and the ” service” of the incured debt going to foreign entities or banks. European governments beeing endebted
      This war is a ” legal” way, through NATO to rob european taxpayers of as much money as possible, not only for now, but for many years to come.
      NATO is a dangerous parasite as are all parasites

  5. I think sometimes about what “quality of life” means. You could have someone in a million-dollar penthouse in London looking across at the grey Thames River, grey sky and lots of buildings and noise, a concrete jungle. Then you could have someone in Africa living in a hut in the beautiful wide-open spaces of the Savanna with only the noises of the trees, grasses and animals. Just stay away from the big animals …

  6. When one looks at those countries heading up this survey, I couldn’t help but notice a pattern outside what would be traditionally observed. The most affected being what is seen by some as the Christian west. Is it possible that the Covid plandemic nonsense was targeting them in particular in line with the ongoing assault on their traditional moral and family values?

    With the the growth of Satanism, and its offshoots like the rainbow agenda, gender realignment and transhumanism, to name a few, it would appear to have some merit. But it is very clear, something serious is afoot to the detriment of all who would follow its path.


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