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Saturday, October 5, 2024

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Ukraine faces mounting conscription challenges as US warhawks push for lower draft age

Ukraine’s conscription efforts are becoming increasingly strained as both internal issues and external pressure challenge Kiev’s mobilisation campaign.

According to a report from The Times, Ukraine is struggling to meet its recruitment targets, with “violent and deceitful tactics” being employed to bolster troop numbers.

Corruption, disillusionment, and reluctance among potential soldiers have hindered efforts, with conscription officers in Odessa reporting they are mobilising less than 20% of the required personnel.

Bribery, mismanagement, and an overburdened staff have only worsened the situation, as officials desperately seek ways to strengthen the military in the face of mounting losses.

Compounding these difficulties, US neocon lawmakers are pressuring Ukraine to lower its conscription age from 25 to as young as 18, according to Ukrainian MP Roman Kostenko.

The US, who is supposedly a non-combatant, has expressed “frustration” over the shortage of recruits, especially as it continues to supply weapons to Ukraine. Kostenko, who supports the move, argued that younger citizens should be drafted, dismissing concerns over creating a “lost generation.”

Meanwhile, Ukrainian military commanders are concerned over the declining quality and motivation of new recruits, many of whom are poorly trained and reluctant to serve.

The flow of volunteers has dried up since 2022, and forced conscription has led to clashes and evasion, with some men fleeing the country illegally to avoid being drafted.

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