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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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UN votes for global court to rule on Israeli occupation

Palestine news

The International Court of Justice will study how Israel’s policies and actions affect the illegal occupation of Palestine.

The United Nations General Assembly has approved a resolution seeking an official legal opinion from the International Court of Justice regarding the consequences of Israel’s ongoing occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Adopted on Friday, the measure was celebrated by Palestinian leaders as a first step toward accountability.

The resolution asks the ICJ to advise on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s ongoing “occupation, settlement and annexation” of the Palestinian territories, “including measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and from its adoption of related discriminatory legislation and measures.” The court should explain how specific Israeli policies and actions “affect the legal status of the occupation” and set out the legal consequences that could result – not just for Israel but for the UN and its members.

The resolution passed with the support of 87 countries. The 26 “no” votes included the US, Israel, UK, Germany, Italy, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Another 53 countries abstained.

While the ICJ’s rulings are supposed to be binding, the absence of an enforcement mechanism means that even if it does rule against Tel Aviv, change is unlikely. In 2004, the ICJ ruled that the ‘security wall’ Israel had constructed through the West Bank and East Jerusalem was illegal and amounted to de facto annexation of Palestinian land, demanding the structure be demolished and Palestinians be paid compensation. The UN General Assembly even passed a resolution demanding Israel comply with the ICJ’s decision. The wall still stands.

The Israeli ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, dismissed Friday’s resolution – and by extension “any decision from a judicial body which receives its mandate from the morally bankrupt and politicized UN” – as “completely illegitimate.” The country swore in a right-wing coalition government headed by its longest-serving prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, earlier this week.

The UN and its subsidiaries have issued dozens of resolutions condemning the illegality of the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian territories over the last several decades. Friday’s resolution had its origins in a UN Human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry report from October, which hinted that Israeli policies may rise to the level of war crimes and require the attention of the ICJ.

Image credit: TIMO

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Source:RT News

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  1. NZ. Abstained
    Aust. No
    Samoa. Yes
    Fiji. Abstained
    Tonga. Abstained
    Surprised Labour Oz voted No but they are Americas RENT BOY, even more surprised that kind and caring Jacinda sat on the fence but she turned out to be a WEF NWO UN shill Fascist.
    Had a quick look at Stuff and NZH and there was no mention of it there, not surprised, we talk a good game while we find a spot to slip the knife in.

  2. It’s only 70+ years overdue…!
    Stealing property, illegal settlements, sniping at people, killing journalists, bombing and shelling the Gaza Strip, restricting freedom of movement…and the Zio-Communists that occupy Palestine wonder why the Palestinians fire minimum-impacting rockets at them!
    Lebanon kicked Israel’s ass twice, if not three times…but the explosion 2 years ago in Beirut via grain silos filled with explosive dust and ammonium nitrate stored nearby was a covert set-up to store those materials there for future use by ‘importers’ who are suspected to be Mossad, thus destroying Beirut and bankrupting the government of a state that was orchestrated to fail!!! What is suspected usually turns out to be true,…!
    The Snordster is absolutely correct about the International Banksters, Israel, and the abuses of power that are spreading out from the Middle East to other nations via migrations north, purposeful hyper-inflation, the loss of personal wealth, freedoms and abuse of the citizenry by the State, and it ALL points back to the Noahide / Talmudic Ops imposed by Tel-Aviv on the West.
    At least Putin understands this, and has been the only one to call it out, stand-up to it, and fight the criminal State of Israel in Zio-Communist Ukraine!
    Remember the USS Liberty, Rachael Corrie, and the thousands assassinated and murdered by the aforementioned criminal state! A state that NEVER repays it’s loans to the Goyim!


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