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Monday, October 14, 2024

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Vaccine whistleblower Andrew Wakefield makes shocking claims against CDC in MMR-Autism study cover-up

In a bombshell revelation during an interview on AskTheCouncil.live, vaccine whistleblower Dr. Andrew Wakefield accused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of committing a massive cover-up related to the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine and its alleged connection to autism.

Wakefield claimed that the CDC had engaged in fraudulent practices spanning over a decade.

During the interview, Dr. Wakefield stated that in 2000, he requested that the CDC investigate whether earlier exposure to the MMR vaccine increased the risk of autism in children. According to Wakefield, the CDC’s study confirmed his hypothesis—finding that the younger the child when exposed to the MMR vaccine, the greater the risk of developing autism.

However, Dr. Wakefield alleged that rather than act on the findings, the CDC spent the next 14 years covering up the results.

The cover-up, he claims, included destroying documents linked to the study.

The alleged deception only came to light when Dr. William Thompson, the head scientist involved in the study, stepped forward as a whistleblower, admitting to keeping the documents and exposing what Wakefield described as “fraud” and “the most appalling violation of medical and scientific ethics.”

“William Thompson came forward and said, ‘I can’t live with this any longer. I kept the documents. Here they are.’ It showed fraud,” Wakefield revealed in the interview.

He went on to emphasise that the CDC’s actions were an egregious breach of trust, stating, “People say now, ‘there’s no evidence vaccines cause autism’—absolutely there is.”

Dr. Wakefield further extended his criticism beyond the MMR vaccine, drawing parallels to alleged misconduct in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine. He suggested that the same level of fraud was committed by Pfizer in relation to its COVID vaccine. “When you have to commit to that level of fraud…you’re on a losing run right from the start. You can only sustain that lie for so long,” he warned.

The explosive claims have reignited debate over the safety of vaccines and the transparency of public health organisations, many of who receive significant amounts of funding from the entities they are supposed to regulate.

Wakefield’s views have long been a source of debate, with his 1998 study on the MMR vaccine and autism being attacked by some members of the scientific community.

The allegations of fraud in this new context are likely to fuel further skepticism among vaccine critics, especially in light of the present controversy over the testing, safety and efficacy of mRNA gene therapies (marketed to the public as ‘vaccines’) during the COVID period.

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  1. In the US, autism has risen from about 1 in 10,000 in 1970 to about 1 in 38 (263 times worse) in 2018. There is a group of people in the US who do not have autism, at all: The Amish. Also, the Amish do not take vaccines.

    Q.E.D. some childhood vaccines cause autism.

    Out of interest, there were no (possibly one, although he had existing issues) victims from COVID in the Amish community. Again, the Amish did not take the COVID vaccine.

    As a pure scientific experiment (because we should “trust the science”), the Amish are an ideal scientific control group because they are a group that does not take part in the experiment. Therefore, scientifically, which group is better off in terms of health? The group that took part in the experiment (most of society) or the control group (Amish). Amish win for overall health.

    Q.E.D. COVID vaccines cause health issues and make people more vulnerable to COVID, using pure deductive reasoning science and not agenda.

    I should write a scientific paper. However, I would posit that the actual uncensored data is difficult to obtain.

    • Agree with you 💯%. No better control group than one that sits outside the established order of society’s rules and regulations. And when we think about it, it’s pretty obvious the difference between both groups. One makes up its own mind, the other follows the pack. One has a holistic view of life, and strong moral value, the other swayed by the latest fad and fashion.

      There’s a lesson to be learnt…


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