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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Watch: BBC fake news in Ukraine exposed

Like CNN, British state-funded broadcaster the BBC is fast becoming synonymous with ‘fake news’.

A recent example from the NATO-Russian conflict in Ukraine reinforces this view.

A breathless reporter ducking for cover to over-dramatise his report from a frontline village has been exposed by an old lady. The reporter is filmed lying on the ground, speaking into the camera while gunshots ring out in the distance.

Meanwhile, an old lady and her dog walk by as if nothing is happening.

Information on the NATO-Russian conflict in Ukraine

As they did with COVID, the New Zealand state-subsidized legacy media is publishing a great deal of mis/disinformation on the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine, based on demonstrably false US or UK intelligence/propaganda reports and/or ‘anonymous’ Ukrainian military sources, or their overseas legacy media partners. For unbiased, factual accounts on what’s really happening on the frontlines DTNZ recommends the following sources:

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  1. Big Bullshit Corporation as it is called for a reason. BBC is the CNN of UK. Guardian was boughlt over by the deepstate and it is now called Garbage Guardian.

  2. The MSM ‘reporting’ of the Donbass situation and the Russian / Ukrainian ‘War’ reeks of the bullshit that streamed out of Vietnam for YEARS!
    The Civilian Populations of the 60’s & 70’s suspected the lying propaganda, but it was the Vietnam Veterans who joined the Anti-War Protesters that confirmed the massive ‘Lie of Imminent Victory’ after February of ’68 when the Tet Offensive occurred, and proved that the communist in Vietnam were in no way neutralised, let alone defeated!
    This is the same shit as in Vietnam with the MSM spinning propaganda, half truths, outright lies, and false pretenses in their …’reporting’…!
    Zionist henry Kissinger played the ‘Meddling Middleman’ with the limited ‘Call for Peace with Honour’ as Nixon paraphrased the situation. The MIC (Military Industrialised Complex) did not like Nixon with-drawing from Vietnam as they lost hundreds of millions of dollars in forecasted profit gains that were wiped after may of ’75. Result; Watergate and Nixon resigning the Presidency despite getting everyone out of Vietnam!
    Russia is winning; and for that we should be grateful to Russian President Putin and FM Lavrov, as they stand AGAINST the Zio-Communist New World Order that they saw Russia suffer under for 75+ years to the tune of 65 million dead, most of whom were Russian Orthodox Christians.
    Make no mistake- the Zio-Communist once again want Russia AND the entire world dead and the assets & natural resources seized, with the Goyim population of Orthodox Russian Christians once again exploited and then murdered en-masse as per Talmudic and Noahide Law, just as they did in Stalin’s Talmudic-based Purges and his ‘Red Terror’ via the GRU and the CHEKA, all of which was headed-up by Zionist Talmudic Khazarian J3w$!
    NOTE; “J3w$ ran the (GULAG) Camps.” – Aleksander Solzhenytsyn.
    When Ukraine (which is the most corrupt nation in Europe..) manipulated the votes in the last two (2) Presidential El-ections, this saw two (2) J3wi$h Presidents come into ‘appointed’ office beginning in 2014, and then the Zio-Communist once again began attacking the ethnic Russians in the eastern Donbass region.
    Result- 14,000 dead and cunting! And the Zionist-controlled media barely mentioned this in any media format!
    Ukrainian President Poroshenko used the lull presented by the Minsk Agreement to build up arms specifically for attacking first the Donbass, then Moscow.
    Poroshenko was never going to abide by the Minsk Agreement, and violated the same, just as Zelensky is now doing! And yet, in typical ‘victimised J3wi$h fashion, he pleads for the money and equipment from other nations. He will get what he ask for due to the Mossad blackmailing Wstern Politicians, while Hurricane Ian sufferers get a trickle of relief aid, Americans sleep in the streets, and the U.S. Infrastructure continues to crumble with a Covid-jabbed sick population experiencing 39% unemployment!
    Both men are recorded on video and audio tape stating this, and made their plans for war in the East.
    Putin warned them for nine (9) years to stop the attacks and genocide on the Russians in the Donbass, and to abide by the Minsk Agreement, and NOT join the corrupt war-mongering Zio-Communist NATO!
    Putin had his hand forced in protecting Russia, and has every right to do so under International Law!
    The West, especially NATO and the overall UN, do not realise that the Russians will use whatever means necessary to protect Russia, including TNW (Tactical Nuclear Weapons) in the Ukraine, with the possibility that this will expand rapidly to hypersonic Iskander Nuclear Missiles, and the Belgorod-launched Poseidon torpedo aimed at the problem countries in the West that are causing the problems in behalf of…ISRAEL!!!
    Many American Veterans who have been targeted as ‘Terrorist’ and profiled in the U.S., and have seen the J-6ers indefinitely detained under torturous conditions as per the NDAA are now going to Russia and joining the Russian Military Forces in order to fight the NWO, the Globalists, and the Zio-Communists that run the majority of Western Governments which are intent on destroying humanity!
    After one (10 Year of Service to the Russian Federation, they then qualify for Russian Passports and Citizenship.
    And then, there is the corruption of the Biden Family in the Ukraine, but that’s commentary for another article, especially since the FBI has enabled the corruption to continue while persecuting President Trump over the last 7 years as proven in Senate and ongressional Hearings…!
    Perhaps this is why Mar-A-Lago was raided; maybe Trump had the proof of the Biden / FBI Laptop Corruption, the back-door deals, and perhaps even UFO Disclosures and the remainder of the Kennedy Assassination Papers. That could be why Mar-A-Lago was illegally raided and a former President has suffered an attempted frame-up with J3wi$h-led campaign of malicious prosecutions, all of wich have so far failed!
    Time will tell…but in the meantime:

  3. By supporting neonazi ukranian (in short ukronazis) regime, the West is getting into a real danger of facisism. These ukronazis are given free ride in Europe and even in NZ. ChCh shooter has had unrefutable ukaronazi connection. Kiwis should wake up, and remove the globalist pupet, WEF mascot jacinda from power. She is a pathological liar and can turn NZ into a facist country.????????????

    • That’s interesting about the chch shooter. Had he ever travelled to Ukraine I wonder? There is something very ‘off’ about the way things unfolded in chch and the fact 50 plus people lost their lives over something that seems political is appalling.


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