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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Luxon calls on Ardern to give Mahuta the boot after 3 Waters entrenchment ‘debacle’

Nanaia Mahuta news

The National Party leader released a statement claiming Mahuta’s actions show the PM has ‘lost control’ of Cabinet.

The full text of Chris Luxon’s press statement reads:

‘Nanaia Mahuta’s open defiance of Cabinet rules shows PM Jacinda Ardern has lost control of her Cabinet.

‘Cabinet agreed on May 30 that the [Water Services Entities] Bill should not entrench the privatisation provisions. Despite ruling out entrenchment of any form or threshold, Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta openly defied the PM and forcefully backed the entrenchment clause in the House two weeks ago.

‘In that speech, Ms. Mahuta led the charge for the government, claiming a ‘moral obligation’ of those opposed to privatisation to support entrenchment of the provision. Labour then unanimously voted for it.

‘But Cabinet opposed any form or threshold of entrenchment, not just one requiring 75% support. Therefore, the Minister’s claim her efforts to entrench aspects of the Bill with a 60% threshold is somehow different, is nonsense.

‘The Cabient Manual is clear: It says ‘once Cabinet makes a decision, Ministers must support it, regardless of their personal views.’ Yet, despite breaching the Cabinet Manual and openly defying her colleagues and the PM, Ms Mahuta remains a Minister.

‘Three Waters is a debacle. Not only is the government confiscating assets from community ownership, but in an effort to rush it through [under] urgency, the responseible Minister tried to sneak in unconstitutional and undemocratic entrenchment provisions against Cabinet guidelines.

‘For a Minister to openly defy a Cabinet decision, shows that the PM has lost control of her Cabinet.

‘It’s time for Jacinda Ardern to show some leadership, hold Ms Mahuta accountable, and sack her.’

The Prime Minister is yet to respond.

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  1. And why should we care what Luxon thinks about anything, he could not even think for himself during this whole covid debacle and stand up for the people of this country even when there was more than enough provable evidence that the Vaccines were harmful.

    • Too right.

      So Luxo was quiet as a scared mouse when the 3 Waters debacle was pushed through. No real opposition on that but making some noise on something minor like entrenchment. Luxo, you should have lined up your troops and should have been pushing back hard on this extortion of rate payers assets from the beginning. Not a couple billboards besides rural roads.

      Luxo has failed the people once (in March) and he has failed the people again. Just doesn’t have a backbone or any integrity IMO.

  2. While I am unsure of where the 3 waters will take us I thought the entrenchment clause was good but I would have like it to be 110% to sell our water assets to the WEF but now we are making it so they can be sold with only 51% of support and every brain dead pleb is shouting MUH FREEDOM like they have just won the lottery, am I crazy or is everyone else crazy?

    • The WEF ALREADY control this country’s leadership (and in turn its water assets).

      The entrenchment tactic was about ensuring the steps toward centralisation that this PM has taken can virtually never be undone.

      Not that it matters anyway, we all know Luxon will flip flop when the time comes and have more excuses than a pastor in a whorehouse. National’s promises of repealing this thing are nothing but hot air.

  3. She should go, not because Luxor says so, but because she is a bloody useless minister and a law unto herself (can I say herself) and the worst foreign affairs minister in living memory. Jabby should take the job as she’s doing it anyway.

    As to 3 Waters… 😠😠

  4. Mahuta is a scheming takeover activist. Her mana has gone to her head and she is working to recover all land and water for Maori. Some believe their ancient gods are the land and water and hence those ties by Maori can
    never be broken.
    Maori practice deceit under the cloak of Maui hence their conduct is proper within their own society. They believe in superior chiefly rights so Mahuta acts properly in her view against the Treaty.


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