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Drugs and firearms seized in Northland murder investigation

Northland crime news
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A homicide investigation launched in Northland nearly two months ago has sparked further enquiries, resulting in firearms and drug seizures.

Police launched the initial investigation into the death of Bob Kleiman in Onerahi on 27 October. While a person is before the Court on a murder charge, further search warrants have been conducted this week.

Whangārei/Kaipara Area Investigations Manager, Acting Detective Senior Sergeant Shane Pilmer, says four arrests were made following the search warrants across Whangārei.

“As a result we have seized a number of firearms, ammunition, a significant supply of methamphetamine, and related drug paraphernalia.

“While those arrested have assisted us with our enquiries into the homicide investigation, however we do not believe them to be directly linked to the alleged murder.”

The arrests come as part of a continued Police focus on targeting and disrupting unlawful behaviour by gang members and their associates in Northland.

“We are continuing to identify those involved in illegal activities and are holding them to account for their actions.”

A 36-year-old male and a 29-year-old male have been charged with the possession and supply methamphetamine and the unlawful possession of a firearm.

A 28-year-old female is facing charges relating to the supply of methamphetamine.

A 50-year-old male is facing more than forty charges of the supply of methamphetamine, as well as charges relating to possession of firearms and ammunition.

All four are due to appear in the Whangārei District Court today.

“Though there is significant work still to carry out, these warrants helped with corroborating some of the information we have to date around this investigation, and excellent progress has been made with these arrests,” says Acting Detective Senior Sergeant Pilmer.

“I would like to thank all staff involved as we continue to investigate the death of Mr Kleiman, as well as making our communities safer from the influence and harm caused by gangs through their criminal activities.”

While matters are before the Court, Police are still appealing for the public to assist us with our enquiries and we acknowledge those who have already come forward with information.

Anyone who has not yet spoken with Police, and has information that may assist enquiries, can contact us on the 105 phone service, or online using Update My Report, referencing file number 221027/5890.

Information can also be provided anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Source:NZ Police

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