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Friday, February 14, 2025

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Martin Hanson
Martin Hanson
Martin Hanson is a retired high school science teacher, born and educated in the United Kingdom, but spent most of his teaching career in New Zealand.

Die Führer (the leaders) show their hand

Die Furhrer opinion

By the ‘Mussolini definition’, New Zealand is a fascist state, as are many others.

But while in theory, such a country does not necessarily have to be totalitarian, rule by corporate power does not sit well with people’s idea of representative democracy. To be sustained, corporate power must therefore be concealed, courtesy of compliant media.

This works well with people who can’t fundamentally re-structure their worldview, but for independent minded ‘conspiracy theorists’, not so well.

So how does the state deal with such people when they publicly question the official narrative? The usual thought-stopping ‘conspiracy theorist’ put-down isn’t enough. They have to be intimidated into silence using a corrupt judiciary and compliant police.
And there’s plenty of evidence of this. The pursuit of the campaigning independent journalist Liz Gunn and whistle blower Barry Young are ominous harbingers. Gunn was convicted of ‘assault’ after lightly touching the arm of an official at Auckland Airport.
Such events make it increasingly difficult to maintain the illusion of ‘democracy’. Once a sufficient number of people perceive that the velvet glove conceals a mailed fist, the situation can escalate out of control.

* * *

The mailed fist paid a visit to Barry Young when, on Sunday Dec 3, 2023, his front door was broken down while he was out, and on his return home he was surrounded by eight armed police who tightly handcuffed him. So, what did this mild mannered, 56 year-old man actually do that was so heinous?

As the database administrator at Health New Zealand, his ‘crime’ was to divulge information that threatened the government’s ‘safe and effective’ mantra. In an interview with campaigning journalist Liz Gunn, he said that the data showed that after injection, some mobile ‘vaccination’ centres had very high mortality within a year, which in some centres were as high as 30%.

These charges were serious, and if Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora were actually concerned with New Zealanders’ health, it should have immediately looked into them. But seemingly out of fear of what an investigation might reveal, it issued a blanket denial.
So, how did the authorities and media handle the situation?

We’ll start with the charge of “illegally accessing databases”.

Such an accusation is bizarre and indicative of desperation. He couldn’t do his job without accessing the database he had created. The ‘illegality’ evidently resulted not from ‘accessing’ the data, but from disclosing their nature, which threatened the moral integrity of Health New Zealand.

In other words, blowing the whistle.

Even more disturbing was the role played by the media after his arrest.

Their statements can be described as falsehoods, misleading, irrelevant, self-contradictory, or smears.


According to Stuff and other NZ media, Young used government data to spread vaccine misinformation. Evidently, government information becomes ‘misinformation’ if it is contrary to the ‘safe and effective’ mantra.


Margie Apa, CEO of Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora, was reported in the media as saying that the whistleblower had “no clinical background or experience with vaccine knowledge”.

So what? As a highly qualified statistician, analysing data was his job. Evaluating data doesn’t require any medical experience, any more than an actuary who uses data to find mortality trends needs medical experience. Observing numbers of deaths is a skill completely different from determining the cause of those deaths.


The Otago Daily Times quoted Apa as saying:

“The data, as published on an overseas site, appears to have been anonymised. Analysis of the released data is ongoing, but work so far has not found any National Health Index Numbers or personally identifiable information.”

This didn’t prevent the ODT from quoting a woman who was groundlessly upset by Young’s disclosures:

“I understand that this man … [had] names taken from Health NZ’s Invercargill records which would or could include mum and dad’s, and I suspect he will have matched them against death notices and come to his own – completely wrong – conclusions,” she said.

The ODT knew that this woman’s anger was baseless, but it didn’t stop the newspaper from using it as ammunition.


Dr Guy Hatchard reminded us that during the ‘pandemic’, New Zealanders were required to make their vaccination status public through the ‘vax-pass’ system. So how can the Ministry maintain that vaccination privacy is an important requirement unless, as Hatchard pointedly says, such information “is only private if you’ve died”.


Since the media do not appear to consider accuracy to be part of their job, when all else fails, there’s always the tried and tested thought-stopper, the ‘conspiracy theorist’ put down, as the Otago Daily Times and Stuff repeatedly did.

In passing, it’s worth mentioning that the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ was almost unknown until the CIA introduced it into the public lexicon after people began to question the official ‘lone gunman’ narrative on the assassination of President Kennedy. It’s now universally weaponised by the media to label anyone publicly doubting a government narrative.

* * *

It’s clear from the above that the New Zealand government and its media had nothing in their toolbox to counter Barry Young’s disclosures. All Margie Apa could say to kiwis was:

“We assure people there is no evidence whatsoever that vaccination is responsible for excess mortality in New Zealand.”

If she actually believed this, she was deluded. But if she knew it was untrue, a statement attributed to Josef Goebbels might come to mind:

A lie told once remains a lie. A lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.

But let’s be charitable, and assume she believed her words were true. If that’s the case, government data should confirm it. So why did Cairns News report that NZ health officials had been ‘in panic mode’ by Barry Young’s disclosures?

Evidence from overseas

Anyone who uses the internet rather than depending on mainstream media will know that there is compelling evidence that the mRNA jabs are unsafe. Here are just five examples:

No doubt it will be said that these are only five examples, so in anticipation, consider the following:

and this:

Finally, Pfizer has a long history of fraud, corruption, and using children as human guinea pigs.

Big Pharma as organised crime

With its proven criminality and its power over governments and media, it’s clear that the pharmaceutical industry is nothing less than a global organised crime network.

Indeed, in view of the resistance to effective but unprofitable Covid treatments such as ivermectin and vitamin D, a cynic might think that its business model is essentially “a patient cured is a customer lost”.

And those who think Covid-19 was created in a laboratory might see it as “Create the disease, and sell the treatment”.

Big Pharma as a global protection racket

During Prohibition, business owners were offered ‘protection’ against having their premises bombed or burned down. Most chose to keep their livelihoods by paying up.

A century after Prohibition, governments and their glove puppet media have conducted a sophisticated campaign of fear, based on a virus that posed a near-non-existent threat, except to elderly people with co-morbidities.

It was a case of “no jab, no job.”

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes” as Mark Twain reportedly said.

In New Zealand the racketeers’ chief enforcer was Jacinda Ardern, until, in anticipation of being booted out in the 2023 election, let Hipkins take the drubbing.

But anyone naïve enough to see this as a sign that democracy was alive and well in New Zealand would be advised to bear in mind the fact that Ardern is one of the Klaus Schwab’s ‘young global leaders’.

Schwab was the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and is its Executive Chair until he steps down in 2025. The WEF is an elite group of globalists who, when they fly in to Davos at their annual meeting, present themselves as aiming to rescue the world from climate change and overpopulation. As a patina to their moral escutcheon, these billionaires also express deep concern about “inequality”.

Part of their strategy was to influence governments by ‘penetrating their cabinets‘, as Klaus Schwab proudly stated when interviewed:

“When I mention our names like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they all have been young global leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of is that the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, the president of Argentina and so on. So we penetrate the cabinets. Yesterday I was at a reception for Trudeau and I know that more than half of this cabinet are from our young global leaders of the World Economic Forum”

So, who elected you, Herr Schwab?

Jacinda Ardern may have disappeared into some sunlit upland in the Northern Hemisphere, but that doesn’t mean New Zealand is free of Klaus Schwab, for Chris Hipkins, Ardern’s successor, has been filmed with Schwab at the WEF.

By now you may be asking what has the WEF to do with Big Pharma?

Simply this: Ardern and Hipkins were Pfizer’s enforcers in what I have argued is a criminal protection racket.

So the next question hardly needs to be asked: Why is the New Zealand government so deeply in bed with Big Pharma, and why is it protecting the racketeers from Barry Young?
The answer is that, as Edward Snowden so succinctly put it:


Time to wake up.

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  1. Excellent article Martin.
    Governments are crime syndicates, “corporate crime syndicates”. Never be charitable to the corporate state or it’s statists. They are not here to help.
    Klaus Schwab’s mentor was the United States’ first Jewish Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger.
    And yes, we all need to find the courage and fearlessness as shown by Liz Gunn, Barry Young, Guy Hatchard and others, to speak out and push back against this “evil agenda” being imposed on us. The more that stand up and shine the light, the better our chances against this tyranny being imposed upon “we the people”.

  2. The problem with New Zealand is the influence of the UK. Its essentially a colony with the same inbuilt injustice and contempt for the average man and women. This is why unlike nations such as Italy and Austria, where the police didn’t just do as they were told during COVID, we had a compliant force and judiciary, who did as they are told. That’s because, following the rules is more important than following your conscience. The few cops that did, resigned.

    Australia by contrast, isn’t quite like New Zealand. Yes, there is still much of the same system but there’s also an in-built hatred of the British system that’s at odds, with the establishment. i lived there for a good number of years and there is a noticeable dislike of the UK. I have more recently, seen how their courts have handed down surprising decisions with regards to the COVID period, you simply will not see duplicated here. That’s not to say they are perfect, just ask David McBride but there does seem to be a little less injustice than you see here and a little more push back.

    That said, things wont improve measurably in either nation until people stop voting for the same oppressive, mainstream party’s. Sadly, I see little sign of change.

    • A majority of the populace in OZzzz and NZzzz doze away in social narcosis, having relinquished the political social licence and submitted readily to the surrender of their lives, work, liberty, prosperity and happiness to owned political and institutional thugs like Ardern, Hipkins, Luxon, Collins, Baker, et al.
      The UNsustainable future that is being conspiratorially cultivated is a literal and figurative death warrant.


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