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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Christchurch gang shooting incidents – four arrested

Christchurch shootings news

Four men with gang links have been arrested and a number of items seized in search warrants in Christchurch relating to shooting incidents last weekend.

Firearms were discharged towards properties in Spreydon, Dallington, and Riccarton last Friday and Saturday nights, including one believed to be mistakenly targeted.

Several warrants were carried out across the city yesterday.

As a result, Police have seized several firearms, several rounds of ammunition, a large quantity of cash, drugs and drug supply-related items, restricted medicines, and restricted weapons.

Four men with connections to the Tribesmen have been charged with several offences, and several other arrests are anticipated.

Searches are continuing today at an address in Hoon Hay, and further search warrants are likely.

Detective Senior Sergeant Damon Wells wants to reassure the community that we take this sort of offending extremely seriously.

“We will not tolerate this behaviour, which causes huge distress and has the potential to cause serious harm to members of the public.

“Police are working incredibly hard to hold these people to account.”

Detective Senior Sergeant Wells says Police also want to thank members of the public for their patience and understanding as we investigate this offending, and also for information the provided to Police.

Anyone who is concerned for their immediate safety or that of others is asked to call 111.

Information about unsafe or criminal behavior can be reported to Police via 105, or anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Source:NZ Police

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