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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Police update on machete attack at Hamilton dairy

Frankton dairy news

Hamilton Police are asking for witnesses to come forward after an aggravated robbery on Irvine Street, Frankton yesterday that left a man seriously injured.

Police were called to the scene about 7.30am, and on arrival discovered a man outside the premises with a serious injury to his hand.

WATCH: Video of the shocking attack on Hamilton dairy worker

First aid was immediately administered, and he was transported to hospital, where he remains in a stable condition.

We understand this is a distressing incident that will cause a great deal of concern to the wider community.

Police are committed to finding those responsible and holding them accountable, and we are following several lines of enquiry.

‘We would like to hear from anyone who may have witnessed the incident or events immediately after, or who has information about those involved,’ said Detective Senior Sergeant Kristine Clarke.

‘We would also like to hear from anyone who has private CCTV in the immediate area or surrounding streets, which may have captured footage of use to the investigation.’

‘If you can help, please contact Police on 105 or online using ‘Update My Report’ referencing file number 221217/6333.

‘You can also call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.’

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Source:NZ Police

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  1. This is why the law-abiding public has the fundamental right to self-defence under the UN Charter that NZ signed on to be a part of. (Chap Vll, Article 51), and should be allowed to defend ourselves with firearms after being properly vetted for a Firearms Licence!!!
    I have yet to see any comments from ANY part of the current Government NOR the ‘opposition’…!
    It is a global statistic that where the citizenry is properly vetted, licenced and armed with conceal/carry RIGHTS, that crime in those areas is very low!
    What you will NEVER hear about on the MSM is how many armed citizens have prevented mass shootings, or stopped a serious crime by armed offenders!
    I wonder how many government ministers will visit this young man in the hospital and apologise to him for their lack of insight regarding the enacting of legislative law that allows for self-protection with a firearm, and for these politicians abiding by the ‘Globalist Agenda of Dis-Armament’!
    However, the crims seem to have access to semi-auto firearms…that is, when they’re not swinging machetes or pumping knife blades into innocent victims…!
    The Dairy Owners need to form-up a coalition and challenge the current gun laws here, and why the government illegally does NOT allow for self-defence under International Law!!!!
    We all suspect that Christchurch was the formulated ops to remove semi-auto firearms in order to minimise an armed uprising against the abuses of the citizenry by a WEF / NWO endorsed government, as we have seen over the past 3 years on a local basis.
    This is what has happening in most Western Nations in the last 5 or so years!


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