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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Watch: Battle for Bakhmut ‘has turned into a Ukrainian bloodbath’

Military expert and retired US Colonel Douglas MacGregor says US military aid will have no effect on the outcome of NATO-Russian Conflict in Ukraine.

  • The strategically important town of Bakhmut is about to fall to advancing Russian forces.
  • Ukraine has expended an enormous amount of men and material for its defense – a ‘Ukrainian bloodbath’.
  • The fall of Bakhmut will open the entire southern Donbas region up for Russian advance.
  • Supply by US of Patriot missile systems old and ineffective.
  • Patriot systems are complex and require a crew of 100 men to use – training usually takes 4 to 5 months.
  • US military aid approved by Congress is only making private US arms companies richer and won’t reach Ukraine fast enough to prevent its collapse.
  • No US government oversight of when and how much money is given to the Zelensky regime, despite calls from some Republicans to have systems in place to track spending.


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  1. Bakhmut is called the meat grinder as it has consumed a continuous flow of Ukrainian solders into that zone to defend an unwinnable position. Directed there in part by the US overseers who do not have to explain the deaths to the American public.

    The Russians have been fighting long range in the main to preserve their men despite western media reports of frontal attacks by the Russians and large losses. (msm inventions) Even the Russian generals are calling for the Ukrainians to leave the field and preserve their men. Their empathy does not extend to the western mercenaries killed in their hundreds.

    After Bakhmut’s fall the Russians should take control of most everything east of the Dnieper River over the winter months. And that’s when the Russians will stop having achieved peace through war. (but this will not happen for reasons setout below) Its a pity the Minsk agreements were treated by such disdain by the West.

    Unfortunately the Elites and neocons can’t stop. It is they who are pushing the US administration into this loss. They are already gathering the Polish and any other mindless cannon fodder to replace the Ukraine and western mercenaries. But now they are 1 move away from a humiliating loss. For China now has for all intents joined the fray and now the US, the UK and the west are outgunned, out financed and out maneuvered. That will not however faze the insane elites.

    Nuclear war is their only option (in their minds) and so they will push for this but before they do that American soldiers will put boots on the ground. (5 eyes etc etc) And then they will face a foe of the caliber they have not met before. Lets hope the reasoned minds in the Pentagon resist the insanity in their ranks.

  2. it is unbelievable the hatred against putine spread by the media. But also among western populations believing anything.
    There is censure everywhere, and you may not express any critics about what is going on without being called names. There is no common sense any more. As for merkel and hollande, pathetics politicians and despictable human beings . When you sign and participate to an agreement ( minsk), you keep your word. You don t cheat. The western world is going to disappear vast as we are ruled by idiots and criminals. And putine is of course very right in what he says and does

  3. Merkel only admitted that about the Minsk agreement so when Ukraine finally realise all is lost and seek peace with Russia.But the Russians now will not agree to anything but total victory.Prolonging the gravy train for the MIC as long as possible


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