Police identified 51 drivers using cellphones while driving, over a two-hour period yesterday near the Arras Tunnel, Wellington.
Infringements were issued to drivers that were stopped, as the use of mobile phones is often a factor in serious crashes.
‘It is disappointing to see such a high number of motorists using their phones and driving distracted,’ said Wellington Acting Road Policing Manager Senior Sergeant Matt Fitzgerald.
Police are urging motorists to make the conscious choice to drive distraction free.
Put the phone away or pull over if you need to use it.
‘Using a cellphone while driving puts yourself and other motorists at risk.
‘During the operation yesterday, Police also identified five drivers and/or passengers who were not wearing their seatbelts.
‘Restraints save lives – it’s that simple. Anyone who chooses not to wear a seatbelt significantly increases their risk of injury or death if they end up in a crash.
‘Police ask motorists to remain focused on the road and wear their seatbelts, to ensure they and others get to their destination safely.’
Image credit: D’Vaughan Bell