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Therapeutic Products Bill petition: ‘Hands Off our Food, Herbs and Natural Remedies’

Therapeutic Products Bill news

The petition calls on the government to remove foods, herbs, Rongoa and other traditional medicines and food supplements from the controversial Therapeutic Products Bill.

The Bill has passed its First Reading and is now in the Select Committee stage. The MP in charge of the proposed legislation is Minister of Health Andrew Little.

The petition has attracted just over 3,500 signatures since going live 3 days ago. It is hoped that number will increase as it receives more publicity.

The closing date for submissions is at 11.59pm Wednesday, 15 February 2023.

According to regular DTNZ columnist Dr. Guy Hatchard, the Bill ‘represents an attempt to impose a modern medical / pharmaceutical straight jacket on the process of medical choice.’ The apparent intention is to ‘drive people towards pharmaceutical-based medicine,’ and away from natural health products, even those which have for centuries been used safely and effectively to cure illness – for example, lemons in the treatment of scurvy.

The petition has been set up on OurSay and reads:

Dear Prime Minister, Ministers & Health spokespersons.

I write to formally notify you that I object to and oppose the inclusion of foods, herbs, Rongoa and other traditional medicines and food supplements in the proposed Therapeutic Products Bill.

The proposal to regulate foods and herbs and traditional medicines is unlawful, irrational, unreasonable and unnecessary and is contrary to the interests of New Zealanders.
I am opposed because:

  • Foods, herbs and traditional medicines belong to the people, not the government.
  • It is contrary to the interests of New Zealanders to restrict affordable access to our foods, herbs and traditional medicines
  • The Bill is too complex and impossible to understand
  • The Bill is a poorly disguised attempt to privatise and block access to natural remedies with layers of costly red tape
  • The Bill fails to recognise the considerable difference in risk between artificial and novel pharmaceutical drugs and natural products and that Pharmaceutical drugs are a significant cause of harm and death, whereas food and herbs are not.

New Zealanders need access to natural health practitioners. It is wrong to threaten them with civil and criminal penalties.

The NZ Government has NO mandate to reduce or remove our access to cheap, effective herbs, spices and nutritional supplements. This bill stinks of excessive influence of foreign corporations, and weak government that puts their profit ahead of our health.

Please take our foods, herbs and other safe, effective, traditional natural health products out of the Therapeutic Products Bill!

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  1. Andrew little , another who has failed upwards wrecking every thing he touches. .Never been any good at anything yet is still there. WTF, come on kiwis we need to toss this piece of trash out ,and ensue his place in the dock in the Nuremberg 2 trials.

    • 👍

      Come on folks we all need to get behind this before they target fruit and veg, and everything else that’s good for us.

      The clock is ticking…

  2. I am using ingredients, some found in in KIng Tuts tomb, others have been all in use for 3000 years. That should be adequate test of safety. One is described by the Prophet Muhammed as :”curing everything but death”. Plants seem to have been provided throughout the world for medicines. The Aus Tea Tree Melaleuca alternifolia was even given to the troops. (It’s great for dealing with bed lice too and staph can’t stand the stuff.)
    I was on 6 tramadol a day about 7 years ago made up a topical balm and the arthritic pain of hips and knees left in about 3 weeks and hasn’t returned. Psoriasis and eczema has been dealt to too. Why shouldn’t the public have access to these simple cheap remedies? I hve to torture the law to pass them on. See me at https://apowerofgood.com/

  3. Understand. There is no ‘government’. They are THUGS. Evil demonic thugs who are under orders to FORCE the entire population onto pharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticals ONLY! CRIMINAL THUGS who seek to severely limit access to natural remedies and supplements, many of which have been upon this planet before humans appeared. They are doing the same ‘work’ Hitler’s bureaucracy did. No one EVER thought things like this would happen in seriously naive NZ. They still don’t. That’s exactly why the THUGS knew they could get away with it ALL! Not only should this CRIMINAL ‘bill’ be thrown out, it should be FORCEFULLY SHOVED right up their stinking evil …(use your imaginations).

    THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR PROPERTY NEXT! Take it to the bank!!!!

  4. What I have read of the bill so far is Incomprehensible. It is a convoluted recipe for the endorsement of a transhumanist genetically engineered populus and guaranteed to shut down all but the most wiley, unscrupulous operators. Whoever wrote this bill needs their head examined.


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