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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Architect of US anti-Russia sanctions Bob Menendez accused of corruption

Bob Menendez news

US Senator Bob Menendez is accused of receiving bribes to benefit a foreign country.

Prominent US Democratic Senator Robert Menendez has been charged in a federal case for his alleged corrupt relationship with three businessmen. The indictment, unsealed in the Manhattan federal court on Friday, also names his wife, Nadine, as well as three other suspects, allegedly involved in the scheme.

According to the document, the lawmaker and his wife, from at least 2018 until 2022, received “hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes in exchange for using Menendez’s power and influence as Senator” to serve the interests of the three businessmen, as well as a foreign state actor, namely Egypt.

“Those bribes included cash, gold, payments toward a home mortgage, compensation for a low-or-no-show job, a luxury vehicle, and other things of value,” the indictment reads.

A search of Menendez’s home yielded some $100,000-worth of gold bars, as well as nearly $500,000 in hidden cash, according to prosecutors.

The new indictment is the second corruption scandal for Menendez while in office. In 2015, the senator was indicted in New Jersey on bribery charges in a scheme between him and a wealthy eye doctor. The medic allegedly traded various ‘gifts’ worth nearly $1 million for political favors from the senator. The case ended in a mistrial in late 2017, when a jury failed to reach a verdict.

Menendez has been serving as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee since early 2021. He has been an active proponent of sanctions on Russia imposed by the US since the start of the Ukraine conflict, repeatedly arguing the measures were critical to “limit Russia’s ability to participate in the global economy, restrict critical exports, and… impose costs on Russian elites.”

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Source:RT News

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  1. Trust me, tip of the iceberg. Money laundering with paintings, book deals, speaking engagements, influence pedaling. All in days work for the American politician!

    • That goes also for many New Zealand politicians.
      Look where former traitors to the NZ people ‘work’ now.
      Cindy even had to take up employment ‘out-of-town’.

  2. Not to mention the Mossad / Israeli blackmailing, bribery, extortion, and pay-outs that are paid to U.S. politicians!
    New Jersey is a terrible state- (that is where the TV series ‘The Sopranos’ was based, and if you want to see social Zionism in action, just tune in to ‘The Real Housewives of New Jersey’, most all of whom are J3wi$h, and ‘The Real Housewives of New York’, coming from the Zio-enclaves of that city as well!).
    The Bravo Network is Zionist-owned and controlled.
    Lavish lifestyles is what THEY lead, but you as a Goy can sleep rough in a cardboard box on the steam grates of New England cities!!!!!!!!!!
    It’s one-time Governor, Chris Christy broke Covid Rules by going to the beach when the ‘citizens’ of New Jersey were meted-out harsh penalties for breaking NJ’s ‘Covid Mandates’…!
    And now Christy thinks that he is going to win the Presidential Party Nomination?…BAWHAWHAWHAW…
    NJ is a Blue State, infested with organised crime, and the J3w$ run roughshod over the non-J3wi$h populations there!

  3. If he has gold bars, that should tell those who hold US Dollars that such a ‘currency’ is about to become Weimarised’…and worthless!
    I wonder how many other politicians have gold?
    Also, when the money goes south, the violence turns east, and the push for CBDC will be forced upon us.
    THAT will start the Civil War in the U.S., and uprisings in other nations that try and force privacy-invading and criminally-based CBDC’s.!


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