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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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South Korea to ban viral TikTok hit praising Kim Jong Un

South Korea says it plans to ban a North Korean song that has gained popularity on TikTok, describing Kim Jong Un in glowing terms as a “friendly father” and “great leader.”

The Korea Communications Standards Commission, under the guidelines of the National Security Act, which prohibits media that supports the North Korean regime, will block 29 versions of the “Friendly Father” music video. This action comes after the National Intelligence Service highlighted the song’s role in ‘psychological warfare’ aimed at South Korea.

Despite the intended ban, the song has sparked curiosity among South Koreans, many of whom have viewed the video and left comments suggesting the video should remain accessible for its humorous value. The song is part of a long tradition of North Korean pop propaganda, using catchy tunes and nostalgic styles to idolise their leaders, with lyrics that elevate Kim Jong Un to a status once held only by his grandfather, Kim Il Sung.

This ban reflects the ongoing tension between the two Koreas, who have remained technically at war since the 1953 armistice. Violating the National Security Act can lead to severe penalties, but there have been recent calls to reconsider these measures on the basis of free speech.

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  1. Having worked in a govt dept a few years ago this was how my co-workers idolised Jacinta Ardern. She visited our workplace and the staff there were swooning over her lol
    I wasn’t that keen on her so I was ostracised, probably similar to a North Korean not being a fanboy of the Great Leader.


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