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Russia ‘not even thinking’ of using nuclear weapons – Putin

Russia nuclear weapons news
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia. © Sputnik / Sergey Bobylev.

Moscow has never said it is ready to “push the red button,” the president has said.

Moscow has never been the first to resort to aggressive nuclear rhetoric, President Vladimir Putin told a question-and-answer panel at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday. The nation’s nuclear doctrine only allows the use of atomic weapons in “exceptional cases” and the current situation is not one, he added.

When asked whether Russia should “climb the nuclear escalation ladder faster,” Putin replied that Moscow has never initiated such escalation. Russia “has never said” it was “ready to push the red button,” the president stated, adding that Moscow has always called on other nations to treat such issues “seriously” but was instead accused of nuclear saber-rattling.

“We are not brandishing [nuclear weapons],” Putin said.

Russia’s nuclear doctrine clearly states that atomic weapons can only be used in the face of a “threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity” of the country, the president stated. “I do not believe that it is the case now.”

He warned, however, that changes to the doctrine “are not ruled out.”

The president expressed hope that “it will never come” to a nuclear exchange between Moscow and the West. He said Russia possesses an effective early-warning system and a vast nuclear arsenal, including tactical nuclear weapons, which are three or four times more powerful than the bombs dropped by the US on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The EU lacks both and only the US has comparable capacity, he added.

Moscow “has no reasons to even think about” using nuclear weapons, according to Putin. Russia vastly outguns its enemy when it comes to tanks and aviation, the president said. Ammunition production in Russia has also increased by a multiple of 20 amid the ongoing conflict, he added. Putin then called on Russian officials to not even “touch upon” the subject of nuclear weapons unless absolutely necessary.

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Source:RT News

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  1. The Puppetmasters need a war to cover the fact that a. everyone who got the jab is suffering health issues, (or is dead) and b. The money’s all gone. ( thus the need for drastic depopulation, in their eyes)

  2. Globally there are only very few political leaders who exhibit real statesmanship.
    Putin is outstanding even in that group.

  3. President Putin is a true Statesman and Leader!
    Compare this to the horrific U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, U.S. Senator ‘Bitch’McConnell, and the rest of the warmongering creatures in the D.C. (District of Criminals) who wanted to nuke both Russia and Gaza…!
    Our absentee ballots are being sent soon to Tahiti, and these have a block where you can do a ‘Write-In Candidate for U.S. President”.
    Several of us are writing in Dr. Vladimir V. Putin as our preferred choice for U.S. President.
    Can’t wait to be audited by the IRS and then harassed by the FBI, ATF, ICE, etc. for doing so…
    Russia is a free country having already survived the J3wi$h / Zionist / Talmudic assault of 75+ years, whereas the International AshkeNAZI Talmudic J3w$ via AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC and the weaponsed J3wdiciary are targeting Americans with great intensity now just as they did to Russia in 1914-1991.
    Technology has accelerated the targeting via ‘Socialist Media’run by (you guessed it…) J3w$ like Harvard University drop-out Suckerberg.
    & didn’t Jabby go to work for Harvard recently??? That should show the parents of Uni students NOT to send you kid to Uni where they would otherwise be índoctrinated’ ‘with the leftist Bolshevik J3wi$h agendas paralleling the WEF & Klaus Schwab, along with his pals George Soros (real J3wi$h name; Georg Schwartz) and Bill Gates, of whom Melinda just GAVE JABBY $20 MILLION DOLLARS.
    That brings Jabby’s net worth to $44 million!

  4. Once again the ““world’s most dangerous man”” comes out with the most logical and reasonable take.

    • You need to distinguish between a nation’s nuclear doctrine in face of “exceptional cases” and the current situation, which is, as Putin stated, not one.
      However, the USA warmongers are so thick, corrupt and soulless, that it might pay to “show them the spoon”.
      Notwithstanding their ignorance and arrogant corruptness, there cannot be any doubt that if THEY (and it’s NOT the puppet zelensky) should use THEIR NATO long-range missiles, that Russia would annihilate vast parts of ukraine, and maybe even strategical objects (and subjects haha) in the West. The thing with modern supersonic, EMP and Ai-controlled weapons is, that no matter how impenetrable your “dome” might be, defense is not much more than misguided hope. You do not need nuclear doctrine intercontinentals to show the pretzel who the baker is.
      And THAT is what the core of all evil, the core of the international jewish bankster cabal have begun to fathom. Since 250+ years THEY profited from supporting all sides of all wars. This script is nowadays outdated, to a large part due to Putin. Let’s hope that THEY are not psychopathic enough to annihilate -with themselves- all humanity.

    • Reuters is a jewish press org.: . ” facts” can differ in meanings and signification depending on how you write an article.
      I would trust Vladimir Putin

  5. I would turn a blind eye if President Putin dropped one each on the WHO, WEF while in session and simultaneously did a hit job on the nasty 13 families who conceived the pandemic and control our politicians. In fact, if that happened, I would put on my wife’s Sunday dress, mow the lawns while singing, ding-dong the witch is dead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPIdRJlzERo


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