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Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Police seeking assistance in locating alleged million-dollar money mule

Ayom Wek news

The Auckland City Financial Crime Unit is seeking the whereabouts of Ayom Wek who has a number of warrants to arrest for significant fraud matters involving New Zealanders’ hard earned money.

Detective Senior Sergeant Craig Bolton, of Auckland City’s CIB, says Police are now appealing for information on the 31-year-old in relation to nearly two million dollars’ worth of alleged money laundering.

“Police investigating the term deposit scam have identified Wek as part of our enquiries.

“At this stage, we have received five reports relating to this man, each with hundreds of thousands of dollars behind them,” Detective Senior Sergeant Bolton says.

The total amount of Wek’s offending to date is at $1.8 million dollars.

“As part of our ongoing enquiries, we are now seeking his whereabouts in regards to these significant reports of fraud and warrants to arrest have been granted.”

Anyone with information on Wek’s movements or current location is asked to contact Police immediately via 111.

“While we do not believe he is still actively committing these offences, we are asking the community to be wary,” Detective Senior Sergeant Bolton says.

“We continue to urge anyone seeking financial advice or those looking to invest in a term deposit to proceed with caution.”

Wek is believed to be based in Auckland Central and we understand he remains in the country.

“A border alert is in place if Wek attempts to leave New Zealand,” Detective Senior Sergeant Bolton says.

If you have any other information which will assist our investigation, please don’t hesitate to contact us via our 105 phone service or online using Update My Report.

Please reference file number 240525/8716.

Information can also be provided anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

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    • How DARE you 👧

      Diversity is our strength.

      Think of much weaker we’d be as a society if it were only kiwis swindling our money, polluting our streets and driving rent prices up.


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