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Friday, September 20, 2024

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39 cops injured as protest turns violent in Southport

Violent disorder erupted in Southport, UK leading to injuries for nearly 40 police officers, including eight with serious injuries such as fractures and concussions.

The chaos saw rioters setting cars on fire, throwing bricks at a local mosque, damaging a convenience store, and setting wheelie bins ablaze.

The unrest followed a tragic stabbing attack at a Taylor Swift-themed holiday club, where three young girls were fatally stabbed and several others critically injured.

The Muslim Council of Britain linked the riots to Islamophobic backlash “fuelled by false rumours and misinformation.”

The 17-year-old suspect of the stabbing, who remains in custody, is believed to have no terror-related motives. A GB News report confirmed he was born in Cardiff to Rwandan parents.

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  1. What is heading Britain’s way is a repeat of the peasants revolution downplayed to a revolt in 1381
    You can only push people so far
    Then there’s only one way out
    The jew controlled scurrilous and utterly contemptible british government and its westminister system needs to be strenuously opposed and eradicated
    Rule brittania
    Stop the boats and send the illegals who have no place in angleland home
    Britain means ‘covenant’ with whom?

  2. Good.

    The police have been legitimately terrorising the citizenry for years now, obsessing over their speech on social media, religiously protecting and defending their precious “new brits” and generally doing Westminster’s dirty work.

    They have earned the people’s ire 100%

  3. The cops no longer represent the people, if they ever really did. Just look at the hate speech training they are trotting out here……

  4. I want to make it very clear that I fully support this.

    The government won’t listen to the public
    The government won’t act responsible and get rid of the unlawful immigrants
    The government won’t be financially responsible.
    The government won’t punish the people who murdered millions with the injections.
    The government won’t allow the public with a reasonable standard of living.

    Now what the F..k is the publics options. Sit and take it?

    The then NZ government thought it was OK to order the police to assault the peaceful protesters in Wellington. Can someone please explain to me, what is the difference?

    The UK government needed to be taught a lesson. That lesson is the government is they are a few thousand, we are millions. I truly hope it continues until the Government understands their responsibilities to the public and true role of being our servant.

  5. Overjoyed to see British pigs beaten and injured. That’s exactly what should take place here. First the pigs then the politicians.

  6. Israeli and WEF asset Tommy Robinson uses his Israeli handled social media to rark up the locals into a frenzy after a Muhammadan terrorist stabs a dozen young white girls so the WEF Media can call them far right extremists and deny them victim status so our politicians turn their backs on them.
    This is divide and conquer 101, when will people wake up to the fact that its our own people who are the enemy, yet they walk they walk amongst us without fear.


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