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Friday, September 20, 2024

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Two people deceased, one person missing following boat capsize on Riverton Bar

Riverton csapsize news
Stock photo.

Two people have died and one person remains missing after a boat capsized on the Riverton bar this afternoon.

Emergency services were alerted to the capsize at 2.55pm today.

The boat, a recreational craft, capsized approximately 100 metres off shore with five people on board.

Two people were recovered alive from the water and brought to shore before being transported to Southland Hospital.

A third person was unresponsive when brought to shore and tragically was unable to be revived by emergency services staff.

A fourth person was located deceased in the water, and the search for the fifth person remains ongoing.

“A significant resource has been deployed in response to this incident, including Police, Coastguard Riverton, Coastguard Bluff, Hato Hone St John, Fire and Emergency New Zealand, and SAR volunteers,” said Inspector Mike Bowman.

“This is an absolute tragedy and our hearts go out to all those impacted by this devastating incident.

“Family and next of kin notifications are currently being undertaken. Further information regarding the deceased and missing will not be available until we have confirmed these notifications have all taken place.

“Any updates on the search for the missing person will be provided via media release.”

Image credit: Matt Hardy

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Source:NZ Police

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  1. What are people doing going out in bad weather and life-threatening temperatures ???
    This is why a Boatmaster Certificate should be mandatory, but even IF it was, the same problems would continue.
    The old adage of ‘She’ll be right, Mate’ has no place on board a boat or an aircraft.
    Condolences to the families who lost their loved ones, but unfortunately, the trends seem to be continuing.

  2. Not sure what the boatmaster/captain is referring to, it was a pretty flat day and the bar was calm, temperatures between 6 and 12 degrees would be a normal winters day in Southland.


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