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Friday, September 20, 2024

Popular Now

WHO preparing Mpox jabs for ’emergency use’

In a move that has sparked alarm among those wary of global health agendas, the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a call for manufacturers to submit an Expression of Interest for Emergency Use Listing (EUL) of mpox (Monkeypox) vaccines.

This step comes after the WHO Director-General triggered the process for emergency use authorisation this week, citing the spread of a “new viral strain” of mpox, particularly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Critics argue that the EUL procedure, designed to fast-track unlicensed medical products, prioritises speed over safety, as was seen in the emergency roll-out of mRNA gene therapies for COVID (marketed to the public as ‘vaccines’).

The WHO’s push for global vaccination, especially in lower-income countries, raises questions about the true motives behind this initiative.

With two vaccines already in use, both endorsed by the WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE), the rush to approve more under the guise of an “emergency” seems to echo previous patterns of vaccine rollouts that have left many questioning the transparency and ethics of such decisions. As the WHO continues to collaborate with globalalist organisations like Gavi and UNICEF, concerns grow about the erosion of national sovereignty and the potential risks posed to public health by hastily approved vaccines.

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  1. Wasn’t M pox over two years ago? I don’t believe they’re running with this old lie. Can’t they come up with something new?

  2. Yep here we go again. Do wonder how much more of this people will endure before you see revolutions and civil wars springing up like mushrooms, all over the globe?

    For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction……

  3. Africa wasn’t fully vaccinated during Covid so M-Aids is vector to get the depopulation agent into the population that is growing out of control and get them inline with the rest of the world.

  4. You know, given there is such a smaller and smaller uptake in jab number 2, 3 and 4, how does the NZ Government think this police holding down of people is going to play out?

    Yea, that’s what I thought.


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