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15 Interpol countries join hunt for Canadian WWII Nazi SS veteran

Yaroslav Hunka news
FILE PHOTO: Yaroslav Hunka. © Social media.

Yaroslav Hunka, who was honoured by Canada’s parliament, is wanted in Russia for hundreds of murders.

Some 15 Interpol member states have joined Russia’s efforts to find and extradite Yaroslav Hunka, the Waffen-SS veteran honored by Canada’s parliament last year, the Russian Interior Ministry announced on Monday.

The 99-year-old Hunka made headlines when he appeared in the Canadian parliament as a guest during a visit by Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky last year. Hunka, whose Waffen-SS unit carried out atrocities against Jews and Poles on the Eastern Front during World War II, received a standing ovation, for which Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was later forced to apologize.

After trying to extradite Hunka, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office announced last week that the Ukrainian-Canadian Nazi had finally been added to Interpol’s database, and that Moscow will seek his extradition if he left Canada.

As of Monday, 15 Interpol member states have agreed to arrest Hunka if he enters their territory, the Russian Interior Ministry said in a statement.

“All war criminals who committed bloody atrocities against civilians will receive the punishment they deserve,” the ministry said. “After all, there is no statute of limitations for such crimes.”

Hunka was a member of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, also known as the Galicia Division. Formed by the Nazi regime in 1943, the Galicia Division was made up primarily of Ukrainian recruits from the eponymous region, in what is now western Ukraine and eastern Poland.

Russia has accused Hunka of involvement in the murder of at least 500 Soviet citizens.

Before receiving a standing ovation last year, Hunka was introduced to Canadian lawmakers by House Speaker Anthony Rota as “a Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero… who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians.”

The Russian Interior Ministry did not list all of the countries that have agreed to pursue Hunka. However, Poland has pushed for his extradition since last year, while the head of Israel’s Anti-Fascist Movement said last week that his organization has called on any “country that harbors this criminal” to turn him over.

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Source:RT News

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  1. And yet, when Russian President Putin removed the ethnic Russian and Ukrainian children in order to protect them from harm in an active war zone where Zionist Ukrainians snipers were killing everyone, Putin ends-up with an INTERPOL arrest warrant for ‘kidnapping children’…
    Compare this to Zelensky and the Zionist Christian-Hating nation of the Ukraine trafficking children for underage sex, organ harvesting, and adrenalchrome. And let’s throw-in the illegal biolabs as well!
    AND YET- we have Nutanyahu who has murdered tens of thousands of Palestinians, continues the Genocide of Gaza and the West Bank, violates the Articles of War, violates International Human Rights and the Geneva Convention, and nothing is done about that, despite the ICJ and ICC issuing only edicts, with nothing enforceable in the ‘J3wi$h State’.
    NOT ONE State or Country has invaded Israel to stop the murder.
    Why? Because the Nation / States have all been compromised, blackmailed, and bribed by Israel’s Mossad.
    The U.S. is a vassal J3wi$h State and is referred to as ‘Israel West’. This can be confirmed by the reactions of the U.S. Congress when Nutanyahu recently visited the U.S. and received unconditional support and standing ovations!!! Sickening and disgusting!!!!
    And, while Americans exercised their First Amendment Right to free speech outside the U.S. Capitol protesting Israel’s actions in Palestine during Nutanyahu’s ‘speech’, he then labeled them as ‘supporters of terrorism’ with the applause of the U.S. Congress.
    Israel leads the world in assassinations…
    This is proof that the U.S. Congress has no interest in the U.S. Constitution and the inclusive Bill of Rights.
    Similar to the U.S. Congress giving away billions of dollars to the Zionist Talmudic Church-destroying Ukraine while Zelensky and Ukrainian assassins and operatives put American reporters on hit lists for assassination for exercising their Right to Free Speech under the First Amendment in reporting the truth on Zelensky and the severely-corrupt J3wi$h-led Ukrainian Government.
    Further proof that the U.S. Congress has no interests in upholding Free Speech while billions of dollars are spent on the little J3wi$h ‘Dick-tator’ in Kiev. American reporters receive NO protection from the U.S. Government from the ilk of Ukrainian assassinations as the Talmudic Ukrainian Government whines and whinges for more money!

  2. Who has heard of ‘Stalin order 428’ ? aka ‘the torch men’ order.


    It was found in the USSR archive in 1990.
    It was Stalin’s order to the NKVA to dress in German SS uniforms and massacre all Russian villages close to the German front line.
    It was done because the Bolsheviks were extremely unpopular due to them murdering 10’s of millions Russians in the years previous and the thought that the Russian people might welcome the Germans as a liberating force and support them.
    At the end of the war the Soviets blamed all these atrocities on the Germans and still do today, it will get you 5 years in jail in Russia and most EU countries to publicly state this due to hate speech legislation in those countries.


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