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Friday, September 20, 2024

Popular Now

Green Party facing legal challenge from Darleen Tana over planned meeting on MP’s future

Darleen Tana news

Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick has revealed that Darleen Tana has filed for a judicial review against herself, fellow co-leader Marama Davidson, and the party.

The legal action challenges the leadership’s move to potentially expel Tana from Parliament using the “waka-jumping” legislation.

In addition to the review, Tana has sought an injunction to prevent a special party meeting, scheduled for Sunday, from taking place.

The meeting was convened by the co-leaders to discuss Tana’s future within the party.

The High Court in Auckland has scheduled a hearing for this interim injunction at 10 a.m. on Thursday.

More to follow.

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  1. I’m waiting for any “Green Party” anywhere on the planet to invent a free energy of clean energy device, something that helps humanity. All they seem to do is propose taxes on stuff that we need to live our lives, and their actions make our lives harder.

  2. Whangarei Tim Yew Tube does a good job at exposing these Satanic clowns for what they are on a regular basis consistently
    Appalling these nut jobs are paid exorbitant salaries with perks to sit in Parliament make strange noises with outbursts not having the faintest clue about what day it is

  3. These twits were elected and are paid to do the job of running the country, all they do is whinge, moan, sulk, abuse, slander and demand everyone submits to their racist woke ideology, they’ve done absolutely nothing to earn their salaries and should be duly sacked, like they would be if they failed to honour their employment contracts in the real world.


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