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Friday, September 20, 2024

Popular Now

Police acknowledge IPCA’s decision in dishonest cop’s falsified bail checks

Police acknowledge the Independent Police Conduct Authority’s summary report covering an investigation into an officer’s falsifying of bail checks.

In August 2024, the former Police Constable was sentenced to six months home detention on a charge of fabricating evidence and representative charges of obstructing the course of justice.

An investigation, overseen by a Detective Inspector, examined the former officer’s conduct after an individual challenged a charge of breaching bail in January 2019.

Counties Manukau District Commander, Superintendent Shanan Gray says Police established numerous bail checks were falsified in the Counties Manukau West area between July 2018 and March 2019.

“The former officer wrongly recorded bail breaches without conducting physical checks at various addresses,” he says.

A criminal investigation was commenced and established a concerning pattern of offending. As a result charges were laid in early 2022 and he pleaded guilty in April 2024.

The officer resigned from Police after pleading guilty.

“We are disappointed by the former officer’s actions and our investigation established this behaviour was occurring in isolation,” Superintendent Gray says.

“Police and the community expect our people to maintain the highest levels of integrity and these actions do not reflect the good intentions surrounding the work our people do every day.”

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Source:NZ Police

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  1. “Police and the community expect our people to maintain the highest levels of integrity and these actions do not reflect the good intentions surrounding the work our people do every day.”….yeah right.

    • Rotten apple or systemic laziness laced with the nascent inclination toward corruption?
      This appears a singular representative of formerly self-identifying “public servants” who incrementally forgot that obvious fact like much of the Kiwi populace. These are the same individuals presently being groomed and trained to extinguish free speech for all the usual spurious and nefarious reasons like their cousins across the Ditch and in the UK. They will pursue that task with impunity and with swaggering endeavour, behind their expensive mirrored sunglasses and kevlar jackets. Beware.


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